Bangira's response was not slow, and a large number of sharp rocks were quickly condensed and launched upwards. Although these sharp rocks had been bounced off by the selected rumbling rocks, the power contained in them prevented its body from falling down.

"True gas bomb!!"

Seeing that the power of the sharp rock blade was not enough to keep the rock rising, Bai Mo immediately changed his order.

Bangira put her hands together and quickly gathered a huge energy ball filled with this blue light, which was thrown directly at the rumbling rock above.


The blue energy ball turned into a basket of light and quickly approached.

"Long Longyan, use True Qi fist!"

Dara put away his shock and quickly issued an order.

However, his voice had just fallen, and the infuriating bomb launched by Bangira in mid-air had exploded directly, dispersing a large amount of smoke and dust.

"Longlongyan, just make an earthquake!"

Looking at the scene in the air, Dara gave a slight smile and ordered.

Immediately, everyone saw Long Longyan's body falling from the smoke and smashing directly at Bangira!

"Block the way!"

Bai Mo responded calmly. At the current speed of Longlongyan, Bangira couldn't avoid it. For a few people like this, they could only choose a hard block!


No accident, Rumble Rock hit the hands of Bangira who had blocked the attack, and at the same time made an earthquake.

One after another earthquake waves came, and Bangira suddenly showed a painful look.


Pressed by the enormous pressure brought about by the heavy weight of Long Longyan, Bangira knelt down halfway, and the whole venue made a loud 'bang'.

"Long Longyan, use the last infuriating fist!"

Dara saw that Bangira suffered such a blow and did not lose her combat effectiveness, and was inexplicably horrified by its defensive power, but he did not respond slowly, and quickly commanded Bangira to make additional attacks.

"Sharp Stone Attack!"

Bai Mo immediately issued an order to counterattack. In the arena, Bangira opened his eyes, and after condensing around his body, he launched a large number of stones, which directly smashed into the nearby Rumble Rock.

Long Longyan has no defense, gathering the power of True Qi Fist.

Not enough, the force of the sharp stone's attack caused it to leave Bangira's body.

It was not until this time that Long Longyan's true qi fist power was gathered, and he immediately punched Bangira.

"The power of the earth!"

Bai Mo ordered again. At this time, Bangira was still kneeling, so she instantly hit her knees on the ground, causing a khaki fluctuation.


The power of the earth lifted a large piece of soil, blocking Zhao's advance.

But in just an instant, the rocky ground was smashed by the rumbling rock.

"It happened!"

Dara screamed badly at this time.

Inside the arena, after Rumbling Rock shattered the field, it was completely exposed in front of Bangira.

At this time, I remembered Bai Mo's voice again:

"Let him know what is real, Zhenqiquan!"


Bangira roared, and a white light emanated from her hand and smashed it down at Rumble Rock.


With a loud noise, Long Longyan's heavy body was knocked out and fell to the side and fainted.

Chapter 0925 The third victory, the game is over! ?

"Longlongyan lost his fighting power, Bangira wins!" Oo immediately announced the structure when he saw this!

"It's hard work, Bangira, you performed very well in the first battle, and then rest well." Bai Mo stepped forward and patted Bangira on the shoulder, then took out the Poke Ball and put it back.

After doing all this, Bai Mo looked at Dara and asked, "The rock and ground system is over, which battle is next?"

"The water system is below!"

Dara retracted Rumble Rock and threw a Poké Ball:

"Gotha Duck!"

"Stay hippo, come on!" Bai Mo also released his water elf.

"Gotha Duck, use the water cannon!"

After losing two games in a row, Dara took the lead in issuing the order again, and as soon as his voice fell, Goda Duck quickly took a deep breath, quickly launched a huge water column, and went straight to the dumb hippo.

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