Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 143 It Doesn't Matter, I Will Make A Move!

The Tree of the World Earl Dervish—

"That'll be fine?"

Luo Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, held a pot in his hand, and panted.

He looked at the almost filled pool water and the soil in the pool Underwater in front of him, and felt that this was really not something humans did.

If I had known that I was going to plant trees, I would have brought a shovel and a large bucket. Why use pots as props to bring the soil and water back to the world tree little by little, that is really tiring.

Because according to Mew, all of this needs Luo Yuan to do it himself to be effective, and other Pokémon can only watch and cannot help.

So Luo Yuan's Pokémon were eating snacks and watching Luo Yuan busy, and they almost put up a banner to cheer him up.

Master, that's it!

Mew flew over, it circled and danced in the sky for a while, and in the next moment Luo Yuan felt an extremely strong vitality flowing from the tree of Earl Dervish in the world.

This Mew hut, which looks like a tree house, grows more beautiful flowers from those green moss.

At the same time, Luo Yuan felt that his waveguide power had grown to a certain extent, becoming thicker and stronger.

But what's the use of the power of the waveguide? No matter how strong the power of the waveguide is, I can't send out the Aura Sphere, okay!


In the future, as long as the owner has time to fertilize and plant more trees, the world Earl Dervish tree will soon restore its original appearance!

Mew giggled and said happily.

"I'll come again later, forget it, let me know in advance next time I come, I will bring a big shovel and bucket, so I won't be so tired."

Seeing the world The tree of Earl Dervish seemed to be all right, Luo Yuan sat down on the ground.

People are passionate about saving the world, why should I just plant trees to save the world?

But this is also very good, really let me fight and kill, my little arms and legs can't bear it.

I've said it long ago, I really can't be a trainer, but I still have a future as a cook!

"World Earl Dervish tree is all right, those Pokémon will be restored too?"

Luo Yuan asked Mew.

Mew shook his head: "...those Pokémon have been affected by the Rift."

"To bring them back to sanity, they need to be driven back into the confines of the World Earl Dervish Tree.

Hearing what Mew said, Luo Yuan's expression changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly.

The group of Earl Dervish tree armies he had seen before were too terrifying, definitely not something the poppies could handle.

I thought that as long as the tree of the beginning of the world is fine, the problem can be solved, but in the end I still need to fight!

"Mew you have some strength back now?"


Mew knew what Luo Yuan was asking, she covered her mouth and grinned, Wan Mai.

Mew flew to Luo Yuan's side, kissed Luo Yuan on the face, and said in a little loli voice: "...giggle~~ I like the master the most!"

Luo Yuan gave it a blank look, why do I think you like the food I cook for you!

"Come on, Mew! Let's go get this sorted out!"

Luo Yuan stood up and said boldly to Mew.

"you are?"

Poppies and the trainers who were fighting on the scene looked exhausted, but they all looked excitedly at the old man with rough and dark skin, wearing an ordinary white shirt, straw hat, and holding a fishing rod and a fishing basket.

With such strength, several champion-level Sanshenzhu were eliminated with just one blow. This level is definitely not something that young Elites and champions can touch.

You must know that these three pillars are not pure wild Pokémon, absolutely no different from the real Trainer's champion Pokémon.

Even if there is no Trainer for these three pillars, the combat methods are less flexible, but the strength is still there, at least most of the Trainers present, Pokémon can't beat even one Pokémon!

But the old man in front of him was able to break through the formation of the three divine pillars by himself, and kill several of them in one go. This strength far exceeds that of ordinary Trainers!

Especially that Golduck, it just stands there, and its momentum is completely different from ordinary Pokémon.

Even the weak Trainer has already guessed that this is a master-level Pokémon!

Although it doesn't have a priesthood, nor does it have the exaggerated physical strength of a Legendary Pokémon, but its combat power in a short period of time is already comparable to any second-level god!

At this time, the Yin family had already guessed who God was.

"Haha, my name in the Alliance is 'Yu Hengxing', but I prefer you to call me Yu Hengxing, the president of Xiaguo Fishing Association. It sounds like a bitch, but I don't like it." "

"Well, I'm not saying women can't do it, it's just that the name doesn't match me.

Yu Hengxing, one of the seven stars, explained one more thing, even if he is a seven star, he is afraid of being rushed!

Yu Meiren and the others showed such expressions.

Yu Meiren even glanced at the fish basket of the president of the Xia Guo Fishing Association.

The fish basket is empty, and it seems that he is also a master of the air force.

Yu Hengxing seemed to have noticed Poppy's gaze, he glared at Poppy, and moved his fish basket to the side.

What kind of little Stephanie is this, she has no eyesight, why don’t you look at what my fish basket is doing, and look at my handsome Golduck!

After finishing speaking, Yu Hengxing looked solemnly at the Sanshenzhu Legion, which had already organized its formation again, and the huge ice cube of Jinji Lake that was frozen into a whole by Regice.

"When will the support arrive? We alone can't stop so many Three God Pillars!"

Yu Hengxing asked Yu Mei humanely.

Old man, I am just a champion trainer, not a real master at all, let alone the two monsters Tianshuxing and Tianxuanxing, how did I beat so many three gods!

That's right, this Yuheng star ranks fifth, and there is only one master-level Pokémon, which is the Golduck.

According to the division of strength that everyone privately recognized, he still can't be called a master-level trainer.

There are not many real master trainers in the world.

"Calculating the time, the first batch of support should have arrived."

As soon as Poppy finished speaking, the sounds of many Pokémon Fly and Mercedes-Benz came from Soaring in the sky in the distance.

Everyone looked at it with surprised expressions.

"It's the owner of Modu and Qiantang who brought Trainer to support!"

Poppy also looked overjoyed, with one of the Seven Stars present and this group of fresh troops joining, they must be able to be stable for a while!

You must know that this group of Three Divine Pillars is too powerful, the poppy and the local Trainer didn't fight for a long time, but there were casualties.

If the support does not come again, I am afraid that the casualties will soon increase, and the Sanshenzhu Legion will also invade Gusu City.

Now the owners of the two cities closest to Gusu have finally arrived with a large number of fresh troops, and everyone is finally relieved.

After all, no one really wants to die here.

Yu Hengxing still shook his head and said: ".....It is still not enough to stabilize the front line, we need to push the battle to the east as much as possible, and don't let these Pokémon invade the city.

"Even if it invades the urban area, it is best to let the residents of Gusu evacuate as much as possible.

Yu Hengxing also had a headache when he said this, this is Gusu, how can it be so easy to evacuate all the residents.

Poppy just wanted to ask why, but she just saw more Pokémon rushing out from the secret realm.

Well, the arrival of these reinforcements seems to have become useless, and this is still a tragic battle.

And there will inevitably be casualties in the city. They Trainers cannot stop all Pokémon, and there will definitely be fish that slip through the net!

At this time, Gusu was also in complete chaos. After all, with modern technology, it is impossible to hide such a big matter from everyone.

There are always some residents who noticed the situation here and posted the video on the Internet.

A fight is inevitable!

In Jinji Lake Region, thousands of Trainers and their Pokémon are fighting in Soaring in the sky, the land and lake water, and those Pokémon rushing out of the secret realm.

This war seems to be returning to the ancient battlefield. The Trainers between the two countries each commanded the Pokémon army to fight.

In this kind of large-scale battle, the individual's command ability will be infinitely reduced, and many skills will have little effect at this time.

The best way is to get together with Attribute's Pokémon, and then use the same Attribute's moves.

In this way, even the Pokémon of the weak Trainer can contribute to the whole.

In a war of this level, the most taboo thing is to fight independently.

Even a close-to-champion Trainer like Poppy can only act together with other Trainers to prevent being Beat Up by many Pokémon.

Only a trainer like Yu Hengxing who is close to the master, and a veteran champion trainer like the owner of the Metropolitan Pavilion, can be able to handle this level of battlefield with ease.

Ordinary Pokémon are not their all-in-one enemy at all, and the two strongest Trainers on the field have only one goal, to stop the actions of the Three God Pillars as much as possible.

One of them is good at water and the other is good at ghost. Although they have not fought together in the past, their experience as senior trainers makes them cooperate tacitly.

The two exchanged in turn, trying to prevent the movement of the three divine pillars as much as possible, in order to save their own Pokémon energy.

If it is a normal wild champion Pokémon, it will be fine.

But with the one hundred and fifty Three Divine Pillars, even Yuheng Xing, one of the Seven Stars, and the owner of the Demon City, said that they couldn't beat them at all.

They can stop them from moving quickly, and they are doing their best.

Even if there is a slight negligence, the Pokémon's physical strength will be exhausted, and they will inevitably die under the army of the three gods.

What they can do now is to delay for a while before more support arrives.

There is indeed support, but the trainers who come here are all ordinary trainers, and it takes a lot of trouble to mobilize those real master alliances.

It's not that the Alliance can't mobilize these people, but that it can't send all the powerful trainers from all over the country because of the Gusu incident.

Indeed, with the overall strength of the Xia Kingdom Alliance, it is not difficult to solve this crisis. After all, there are many masters in the Xia Kingdom Alliance.

But such a position as the owner of the imperial capital must not be easily changed.

If similar incidents occur in other places in the Xia Kingdom when all the masters gather in Gusu, there will be great danger.

Therefore, the masters of gymnasiums in many big cities and border cities cannot be moved, and the other seven stars cannot be fully moved.

In addition, some Trainers themselves are in the secret realm and cannot be mobilized for the time being.

It will take time for the Alliance to transfer all the forces it can call to Gusu, but what is lacking right now is time.

Most importantly, Alliance did not expect that the group of Pokémon from the World Earl Dervish Tree would attack so quickly, and no one thought that the gate of the secret realm was too close to the World Earl Dervish Tree!

At this time, Poppy's hair was disheveled, and there were many wounds criss-crossing her body.

As one of the current Elite Four, she is very desperate, and even gritted her teeth to help Yuhengxing and the owner of the Demon City, trying to stop the advance of the Three Divine Pillars.

Even if her strength is a drop in the bucket, even if she can stop it for one more second, that is still a victory.

There are already Pokémon that have crossed the line and started rampaging around the city

Fortunately, there will be support from time to time.

The newly arrived Trainers spontaneously divided into two groups, the strong ones went directly to the front line, and the weak ones went to the city to stop those Pokémon who crossed the defense line.

The entire Jinji Lake Region in Gusu fell into chaos.

Clenched teeth braced.

This kind of thing happens every year, not only in the Xia Kingdom, but all over the world, and preventing the destruction of these Pokémon is one of the responsibilities of a Trainer.

Those students of Imperial Capital University, although they are the favored ones in Imperial Capital University, they are still too young, and their strength is the weakest group among these fighting trainers.

All they can do is mix behind many Trainers, let their Pokémon integrate into the group battle, and try not to let themselves be exposed alone as much as possible.

Seeing this group of young students, many older Trainers would let them hide behind, but there are too many Pokémon here, no one can protect anyone, and injuries are inevitable.

Fortunately, in human civilization, wars run through history, and many war experiences have been summed up.

When all Pokémon are seriously injured and only one is left, these Trainers will spontaneously withdraw from the battlefield and quickly move away from the front line. This fighting method will greatly reduce casualties.


A Regirock Fling unleashes a huge boulder, and that boulder is aimed at the poppies.

Panting and exhausted, Poppy had no time to react when she saw the sudden boulder.

Several of her Pokémon lost their combat power during the battle, and there are no more Pokémon available on her body, and other Pokémon are also caught in the battle and cannot be rescued in time.

Poppy gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, and decided to rely on the Pokémon force field to take this blow forcefully. (Wang is good)

Although even with the Pokémon force field, she would have to go to the hospital for a month to recover after being hit by Regirock, but now she has nothing to do

However, the imagined pain did not come.

A voice she was familiar with, like rain and dew, entered her ears,... Lucario, stop it!"

The poppies only saw a blue figure turn into lightning, splashing high and rushing towards the boulder.

The figure suddenly stopped in the air, Lucario faced the oncoming boulder, clenched his fists with both hands, and punched a hundred punches in an instant!


The fist shadow turned into a phantom and bombarded on the giant rock.

Time seemed to stop for a second.

"Stupid --"

The boulder that hit the poppy was broken into countless pieces!

"Sister Beauty, how about my hero saving the beauty?"

Seeing Luo Yuan appear beside her, returning safely [Poppy looks pleasantly surprised.

But she immediately said eagerly: "...Be careful, those three gods are not the same as ordinary wild Pokémon, they are more like Trainer's Pokémon!"

"These three pillars are very powerful, don't get close to them!"

Luo Yuan stood in front of the poppies with one hand in his pocket, ignoring the battlefield in front of him. A gust of wind blew and brushed his hair. He raised his head and said, "...it doesn't matter, I

Will make a move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a violent north wind blowing ice and snow towards the tent from the north.

In the south, Soaring in the sky is covered by dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and cumulonimbus clouds envelop the land.

The red light from the west shines on the Soaring in the sky, and the Volcano clouds, like the sunset glow, dye the Soaring in the sky orange.

In the end, a rainbow rose from the east, crossed time and space, penetrated Soaring in the sky and the earth, and suppressed all the legendary visions in the south, west and north, and the rain came and the sky cleared.

With the rainbow light appearing from the east, even the legion of the Three Divine Pillars stopped at this moment, as if they saw their boss, they shivered and became completely flustered!

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