“WTF! How did you become such a powerful means of killing? "

The small bone small mouth grew, and his face was full of shock.

"Hehe" Long Yichen of course will not tell her that Lao Tzu has a death scalpel, which can not only save people, but also kill, ridicule: "Celestial Empire GONGFU (Kung Fu)!" Understand? "

Long Yichen originally meant to tease this little bone, but I didn't expect that Lao Mei had a tendon, and the little bone heard that it was because GONGFU.

She nodded: "Oh, I see, that makes sense." "

“???" Long Yichen was confused in his heart.

"You people of the Celestial Empire have no knowledge of Gongfu! Magical Celestial Empire people! "

Small bone admiration.


Long Yichen covered his face, he couldn't talk about it this day.


Xiao Bones took out the man's brain, made several slices, and put it in the formalin solution.

"I went for a lab to check for brain damage."

The small bone took the brain and walked away.

Long Yichen looked left and right at no one, and said lightly: "Come out." "

The middle-aged man's ghost floated up, looking confused. He has just died, the unjust soul is still on him, and Long Yichen can interrogate.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why go crazy on airplanes? And bite so many people to death? "

Long Yichen asked.

"I, I don't know."

The middle-aged man looked terrified: "I just remember that there is a voice in my heart, it seems to be the voice of the devil, I seem to have a crazy addiction to human flesh and blood, I can't help myself, I just want to bite open the throat of those people and devour their blood..." I, I don't want to do that myself. I am cursed! I am possessed by the devil! "

"I could only watch myself become another cold-blooded killer, I saw myself with my strong arms, holding down the driver's hands, and biting off his neck with a mouthful of God, I swear I didn't mean to! I am against my will! That's not me! "

The unjust soul burst into tears and swore to the heavens.


Long Yichen rolled his eyes after interviewing the murderer.

Is it really a horror story in the United States?

Is it a curse from a supernatural evil force?

Naturally, as a forensic doctor who believes in science, Long Yichen will not easily push the case to the supernatural field,

However, the opinion of the murderer is very valuable, at least Long Yichen knows that he committed such a terrible crime not at his own will. His crime was against his will.

"You've had any abnormal experiences lately.

Long Yichen asked the man.

"What is an abnormal experience?"

"Anything noteworthy"

Long Yichen shrugged.

"Well, speaking of which, I've been loving fitness and losing weight lately."

Long Yichen glanced at his corpse.

This man's body is really healthy.

Long Yichen recalled that on the plane, when this person committed a crime, he also had infinite strength, the guards, security guards, and pilots on the plane, several big men joined forces to deal with him, and as a result, they were all turned over by him and killed so many people.

"It seems necessary to do a physical examination."

Long Yichen began to examine the muscles and nerves of the deceased, and the results were shocking.

This man's muscle state is even better than that of a young man at his peak!

From his muscle condition, density, strength analysis, he is able to rank among the world's top athletes!

No wonder others can't beat him.

"What's the secret to your health?"

Long Yichen asked.

"Haha, this is my biggest and most proud secret, do you think I will tell you easily?"

The middle-aged male god mysteriously secreted.


Long Yichen scolded: "You are already a ghost, and you are about to go to hell." Still a secret fart? Go to hell with this secret! "

The middle-aged man looked dejected, and said speechlessly: "Okay, I'll tell you." The secret of my health is that I go to the gym twice a week, exercise for more than 3 hours each time, and I go jogging to exercise cardiopulmonary function in the evening... I still have a habit of having sex regularly..."

Bar, bar, all kinds of show superiority, and the operation of spreading dog food.

Long Yichen really wants to slash this unjust soul with a knife, paralyzing people are dead, and still love Xiu so much?

The unjust soul smiled and said: "In addition, I also have the habit of eating nutritious meal replacements, and only one meal of fruit shakes at noon can maintain the calories of the day, and I will not gain weight..."

At this time, Xiao Bone pushed the door in, looked solemn, and said to Long Yichen: "His brain, there is no damage." We used top-of-the-line instruments to perform various scans and found that there was no problem with the epidermis and structure of his brain. "

Long Yichen shrugged.

This man has no brain problems at all, but he said that he did not mean to kill people.

How so?

Is it true that, as he said, he fell under some strange evil curse to kill one victim after another?

What is going on in this case?

Long Yichen felt more and more that the case was confusing.

"Those spores that form white hairs also need to be carefully analyzed."

"I'm rushing to work." Xiao Bones said seriously.

"Good! The other corpses, I'm going to dissect them too."

Long Yichen walked to the other corpses, one after another, pulled them out, and began to dissect.

The results of the dissection are even more strange.

On these corpses, except for some white hair, all other functions are normal, and there is nothing suspicious.

The only strange thing about them is that they are all very...


That's right.

Although people have been dead for a long time, their health status before death is visible to forensic doctors.

Without exception, they are all very healthy.

Long Yichen even saw that these men and women, everyone has a mermaid line and a vest line!

"The recent deceased is so powerful! The fitness storm in the United States is already so powerful and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? "

Long Yichen complained, subconsciously looked at his mermaid line, and eight-pack abs, fortunately still there, suppressing shock! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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