"Report, searched!"

The FBI-led agent ran and said: "Only a large number of corpses were found, but no members of the American Doomsday Organization were found, and the Thanos man also ran." "

"There must be a secret passage! Look for! "

Long Yichen didn't seem surprised by this result, and nodded.

"So, your reasoning is correct"

Xiao Bones blushed and said, "That Dr. William, is Iron Man?" And this driver, is Thanos? "


Long Yichen said lightly: "[Meiyin Gene], it is the end of the United States!" "

"Then how did these zombies come about?"

"These fungi, after the human body matures, in order to reproduce the next generation, will drive the victim to a certain forest with suitable temperature and humidity. And the American Doomsday Organization is waiting for them there, loading them into cars, transporting them here, waiting for the next day, after the customer comes to the door, three minutes! Bang! The human brain shake you ordered is ready! It's steaming, please use slowly! "

Long Yichen is very skinny.

After a thorough search by the FBI, there is still a secret passage leading to the sewer and subway underneath, and people have just escaped from there, including Dr. William and Thanos.

This main "gene technology", the so-called "fitness club" was closed on the spot.

However, surprisingly, a large number of customers who came to pick up the "Youth Milkshake" early the next morning saw that the clubhouse was closed and exploded on the spot!

They gathered outside the clubhouse, holding signs and shouting, "Why close the clubhouse? "

"Our youth, who pays?"

"I paid millions of dollars upfront! What about refunds? "

"I don't want money, I just want rejuvenation!"

Small bones searched in the clubhouse: "...

Angela shrugged: "Don't these people know the truth?" "

"Even if they know," Long Yichen said coldly, "they only believe what they see, and they won't believe the government's words." The FBI punctured their illusions, and before them was a harsh reality. They cannot accept the reality that the dream of rejuvenation is shattered. "

"If it weren't for you, the hero, they would all be like these people, conscious, go to the slaughterhouse, and be eaten as monkey heads and pig brains!"

Angela secretly sent autumn waves to Long Yichen, and the electric buttocks rubbed in front intentionally or unintentionally.

Long Yichen's heart moved, I will give you a lung.

So playing with fire, not afraid that I will clean you up?


Xiao Bones walked over with a cold face: "You two!" Angela, you go help the FBI and persuade those who drink the shake to go to the hospital for treatment. Long Yichen, the FBI inspector said something about them. "

Long Yichen and Xiao Bones walked to William's, which had been turned over.

The inspector of the FBI, seeing Long Yichen, showed a smile and greeted him enthusiastically.

"This time, thanks to the dragon forensic doctor, we found a large number of evidence documents in William's office and computer that were not destroyed in time, proving that this group of people is the [Armage] terrorist organization that attacked Brooklyn!" We found the identity of all the people of their organization, photos, wanted warrants have been issued throughout the country, and they are finished! "

The FBI inspector said as if William was about to be caught.

"What are they doing this for?"

Small bones and a mouth.

"We don't know yet, but..."

Long Yichen walked to William's computer, glanced at the desktop, and smiled: "Oh? This game is actually installed in this computer? "

"What game?"

The small bone leaned over to look.

"The end of the United States! My favorite game! "

Long Yichen winked at the FBI inspector.

The FBI inspector is angry.

Are you a Celestial Empire person who likes to play the end of the United States the most? How many meanings?

Hey? Wait a minute!

"Are you saying that this leader of the American Doomsday Terrorist Organization, playing this game of the same name, may give us some hints?"

The FBI inspector ran over and said. They mainly search for documents and really don't pay attention to the games on the computer.

"Of course"

As a game expert, Long Yichen sat comfortably in William's seat, comfortably clicked on the super performance computer of this horror tycoon, and entered the interface of [The End of the United States].

On the left, there is the doctor of anthropology Xiao Bone, and on the right, is the inspector of the FBI, all watching Long Yichen play games to see what he can find.

"The background of this game is a mysterious spores that invade the earth, causing the entire human race to be on the verge of destruction. Humans who inhale this strange spore will gradually lose consciousness and turn into various monsters... It is very similar to zombie fungus. "

Long Yichen said lightly: "Oh? This Dr. William seems to be a fan of this game, have you already cleared the hell difficulty? Also brushed for at least 5 weeks? OK! "

FBI Inspector and Xiao Bone, Qi brush brush color changed!

"Are you saying that this Dr. William wants to use the zombie fungus to spread and destroy the world?"

"For him, it's a new life!"

Long Yichen shrugged and said, "Although he said that the money was useless to him, the $500 million of Citibank, as well as the huge profits of this club, were all plundered by him." In addition, I noticed that in this genetic research institute, there are indeed research institutions! And if it's just spreading zombie fungi and killing people for money, there's no need to study anything..."

He clicked through the latest document on William's computer.

Because Long Yichen, the "leading party", killed William in the middle of the night by surprise, and there was no trace in William's computer that could be removed, and all of them were found by Long Yichen.

The latest document list is full of papers, which are the research results of Meiyin Genomics Laboratory.

"It seems that this Dr. William is not all a lie!"

Xiao Bones exclaimed, "He is actually doing serious human brain and genetic research? "

"Of course, he has regular human research institutes, living samples that cannot be obtained, and he can do experiments as he wants! Progress is very fast. "

Long Yichen pointed to one of the papers: "This one is about how to use the symbiotic relationship between fungi and hosts to achieve true fusion!" Therefore, those Hulk warriors, the killers who really belong to terrorist organizations, can use their brains to control their bodies without pain! "

"There is also this article, which talks about human stem cell purification technology, using a large number of human brain stem cells, to really keep a person alive!"

Long Yichen opened another document: "It seems that our Dr. William is indeed working hard for the great cause of human rejuvenation or maintaining youth and vitality. It is a pity that the quality of his conscience is left only for himself and the terrorist organization, and all other customers get are routines! "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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