Harrow forensic doctor pretended not to hear Long Yichen's ridicule, put on a posture of a successful forensic senior, and said condescendingly: "Long Yichen, I heard your teacher talk about you, and they don't hesitate to say anything praise to you." But as a senior brother, do you mind listening to me tell you about your experience? "

Long Yichen waved his hand, a gesture of invitation: "Come and come, the podium is for you!" "

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to hehe.

It was clear that Harrow had a bad comer.

On the territory of the Americans, it is really impossible to let a Celestial Empire forensic doctor have the final say, especially this kind of big case that involves countless interests of the two countries.

Without blushing, Dr. Harrow walked straight to the dissection table and pointed out: "We can see that although the body is torn apart, the wounds are all caused by the teeth of crocodiles." The fracture marks of the bones are also highly consistent with the teeth of the saltwater crocodile! "

He took out a few saltwater crocodile teeth: "These are all pulled out of the crocodile mouth in the pool." You see..."

He took his teeth and compared them to the broken bone wounds of Professor Liu's body.

Sure enough, it basically matched.

"In fact..."

Harrow was full of superiority and said to Long Yichen condescendingly: "I was on the morgue dissection transporter, and I preliminarily examined all the wounds on the corpse, and found that none of them were man-made. On all his corpses, there were no gunshot wounds, knife wounds, and no obvious traces of human injury. "


Long Yichen stared at him, smiling and silent.

Please continue your performance.

Harrow came to the spirit and said in high spirits: "In addition, we can find a lot of evidence of drowning death before death on the corpse!" Like here! "

He opened Professor Liu's chest cavity.

Although Professor Liu was divided by hundreds of crocodiles, fortunately, among these saltwater crocodiles, the largest saltwater crocodile is obviously the hegemon, and it swallowed Professor Liu's upper body and an arm in one bite, and no other crocodile dared to compete with it for these corpses. Therefore, Professor Liu's upper body is unexpectedly intact, and the chest cavity can be clearly seen.

A blessing in misfortune.

The chest cavity has been opened by Long Yichen, so Harrow can see it directly.

"We found significant congestion in the mouth, nose and trachea of the deceased. During drowning, because cold water stimulates the respiratory tract, the respiratory mucosa secretes hypersecretion, and the trachea is usually obviously congested, and even we can see that there is obvious sediment in the water into the trachea and bronchi. At the same time, because drowning and mucus and air are stirred with vigorous breathing movements or choking, foam can form in the respiratory tract. When the body is salvaged, it will spill out of the nose, called mushroom foam. "

As if in class, Harrow showed Professor Liu's chest cavity to the doctor.

Xiao Bones keenly saw that Professor Liu's chest cavity was indeed congested, and there were traces of sediment entering.

Lungs, with foam. Because it is mixed, it turns into pink lung foam.

Even Professor Liu's head that was bitten off by a crocodile has a little mushroom-like foam on the side of his mouth.

Xiao Bones couldn't help but nod.

Harrow is right.

These are textbook evidence of drowning.

"In addition," Harrow saw that everyone agreed with his analysis, nodded repeatedly, and became even more proud: "Let's look at the signs of drowning: drowning will also have signs of suffocation in other ways, such as eyelid bleeding points, visceral bruises, purple lips, cyanosis of nails, bleeding from the rock part of the temporal bone, etc. We can find almost all the characteristics that match the body of the corpse, such as here! "

He rolled Professor Liu's eyes and found three obvious eyelid bleeding spots.

Long Yichen also nodded approvingly.

Dr. Harrow was even more proud: "We can also find more evidence that Professor Liu died of drowning!" Look here! "

He opened the corpse's lungs so that the medical examiners and officers could see clearly how the lungs were swollen and engorged.

"Aqueous emphysema is one of the important pieces of evidence of drowning. To put it simply, a drowning person, the lungs are full of water, the volume and weight are increased, there are rib indentations on the surface, and the alveolar wall ruptures to form a red spot on the surface of the lung lobe, called drowning spot. Such a lung feels like a twisted hair to the touch. Bodies thrown after death do not have these signs. The corpse fits this characteristic! "


Harrow looks like he's going to kick up the case and put a lid on the case: "Look here! "

With an excellent face, he picked up Professor Liu's two upper limbs.

Between the nails, it was full of mud, water plants, and unknown residue, which seemed to be some kind of dander...

"I have asked my assistant to check the gaps between Professor Liu's nails. And guess what I found? "

"I found that between his fingernails, there was a common mud water weed of drowning people, which perfectly matched the type of water weed in this crocodile pond. And I found it between my fingernails..."

He smiled and said coldly: "It's the scales of a saltwater crocodile!" "

"We know that if you throw the corpse after death and throw the corpse into the crocodile pool, there will be no saltwater crocodile scales between the fingernails of the corpse! Because the dead do not struggle, do not fight crocodiles! "

"The characteristic of saltwater crocodile hunting is that the prey must be dragged into the water, and after drowning, it will be slowly enjoyed."

"Professor Liu begged for benevolence, was bitten by a saltwater crocodile, and dragged into the water, but he struggled, and there would be small scale crumbs of crocodiles between his nails!"

"Only living people in the drowning consciousness reaction will fight with the saltwater crocodile that pounced!"

Forensic Harrow flew confidently and brightly, and said with a bang: "Everyone, to sum up, Professor Liu jumped into the crocodile pool alive. At least we should rule out the possibility that he was murdered and thrown away after his death! "

"And jumping into the crocodile pool and letting the crocodile split his own suicide, although it seems crazy, it is completely possible!"

Harrow took out another psychiatrist's certificate: "I can prove that Professor Liu has been receiving treatment and help from a psychologist for the past three months. His attending physician's testimony was that Professor Liu suffered from severe depression, was frustrated and frustrated by the outside world, and had suicidal tendencies! "

After speaking, Harrow forensics threw the evidence to Long Yichen, and said with an excellent face: "Understand?" My dear little junior brother? I suggest you close the case now. The conclusion of the deceased on the forensic report was that the deceased jumped out of the crocodile pool alive, was bitten by the crocodiles, drowned alive in the water, and finally dismembered the body. "

"Unless someone is on the shore and pushes him down, the suspicion of homicide can basically be ruled out."

"Of course, if someone deliberately pushes him into the water, that situation is the job of the police and the FBI." We forensics can't do anything! "

Harrow finished speaking, and spread his hands.

The surrounding American medical examiners and FBI agents applauded him together! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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