Qiao Ying was also wondering: "Huh? What about the corpse of Dr. Lin just now? "

Long Yichen shrugged: "I don't know, as soon as I turned around, he disappeared." It depends on the situation, this product played a golden cicada shell, or some trick, pretended to be dead, and fled, right? "


Qiao Ying was very angry at Dr. Lin for causing such a huge crime and tragic casualties: "He can't run!" I will apply for a wanted warrant, he is wanted nationwide! "


Long Yichen knew that Qiao Ying would definitely exhaust his means and use the police system to track down Dr. Lin.

But Long Yichen also knew that with Dr. Lin's ability to live for 2,000 years as an immortal, it would be difficult to catch him.

"A person can live for 2,000 years, what level of ability does that have to reach?"


Long Yichen searched in Dr. Lin's secret room and found a delicate dark compartment.

On this dark grid, there is an evil pattern of six stars, which in Western legends represent the power of demons.

Long Yichen tried it and couldn't open the dark compartment of this six-pointed star.

But he just smiled faintly, turned his hand, and the Grim Reaper scalpel appeared!

Rip and pull!

Forcibly breach!

The dark compartment opens.

A large medieval-style dark gold book with a two-horned demon head on the cover, and the devil's eyes are huge rubies of great value, lying quietly in the dark grid.

"By the way, Dr. Na Lin said that he accidentally got a Western necromancy spell to make such a big storm. Could it be that this was the necromancy book he regarded as a treasure? "

Long Yichen's heart moved, and he quietly pocketed the book.

Qiao Yingalei only cared about the rest of his life after the disaster, and did not find it.

After waiting for half an hour, the reinforcements called by Qiao Ying finally roared.

Dozens of police cars surrounded the villa.

Hundreds of police officers rushed in.

And then...

A bunch of policemen vomited and rushed out.

The tragic hell on earth in this villa is too terrifying.

Even the police couldn't stand it.

Don't think that the police are useless to perform like this, in addition to the criminal police of the serious crime team, ordinary police, at most solve some public security cases, and even film police and auxiliary police, who do not have much experience in solving cases, see this kind of novel TV series to have a scene of corpses and blood, how can you not spit out a mess?

If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will vomit even more, or even scare something wrong on the spot.

Finally, Qiao Yingcai stabilized the situation and began to command the police to clean up the mess.

"The cases that happen here are kept secret and reported directly to the state. Until then, it is forbidden to let out a little wind for fear of causing social unrest. "

Qiao Ying said sharply: "In addition, immediately issue a national red notice!" A reward of 1 million is offered, and Lin Wangling (Dr. Lin's real name) is wanted, Lin Wangling is the number one suspect in this bloody case! There are many kidnapping and murder cases that occurred here, and there are major suspects! "


Ah Lei ran and arranged to hunt down this Lin Wang Ling.

Lin Wangling's portrait quickly appeared on the streets, and the notice of a reward of 1 million yuan was indeed exciting, and many people were watching.

"Catch this guy and get rich!"

"A million reward, red notice!"

"What the hell did this guy do? So worthy? "

"Huh? I think this guy is like me a psychiatrist. "

After dealing with these things, Qiao Ying, Ah Lei, and Long Yichen all collapsed on the sofa tiredly.

Qiao Ying suddenly said: "Long Yichen! "


"I want to thank you for saving my life."

“··· Hehe. Please eat. "

Long Yichen took the opportunity to blackmail.

"It's not that Ah Zhong wanted to kill me just now, but... I have been under a lot of pressure recently, and I once wanted to come to Dr. Lin's house to do psychological counseling. "

Qiao Ying looked palpitating: "I'm really just a little close, I'll come here." It's terrible, thanks to your quick action and taking action against Dr. Lin on the same day, otherwise I am very likely to become the inventory in the freezer of that perverted ogre Azhong..."

She said this, shuddering.

Aredu had palpitations: "Huh? Qiao Bureau, you actually want to see this psychologist? You don't know, when I cleaned his underground secret room, I found that his corpses were almost all his patients! Many female patients who still came to admire him on the Internet to see him were killed by him and A Zhong to do all kinds of perverted experiments, and the death was miserable. "

Qiao Ying shivered abruptly: "Don't say it, I'm going to vomit again, I want to see a psychologist!" "

"Go out for a drink." Arrey proposed enthusiastically.

Long Yichen stood up lazily and walked straight to the dissection room.

"Where are you going?" Arey asked.

"Go dissect Azhong" Long Yichen smiled back and pouted: "I am more interested in dead people than living people." Now that Ah Zhong is dead, I can have a good talk with him. "

Looking at Long Yichen's smile, Qiao Ying and Ah Lei shuddered and shivered.

"MMP, I'm wondering, who is more terrifying between this Long Yichen and the perverted psychiatrist, and that ogre?"

Arey complained frantically.


Qiao Ying was also speechless.

That ogre A Zhong with a mouth full of yellow teeth and a smelly mouth open, Qiao Ying was disgusted when he thought about it, but this Long Yichen had a soft spot for his corpse?

Well, you win.

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