Urban Romance

Chapter 1107: The magical souk!

Su Ke ’s phone is very clean. There is no WeChat, no Momo, and even QQ is not installed. Of course, Luo Feiyan is not stupid enough to go through her message box. If you open it, I ’m afraid I will see a bunch of messages from Based on the information of each girl, Su Ke would be embarrassed and helpless. Visit the latest free chapter of this book.

"You just said how much money does Xiaobai need?" He said and laughed, and Luo Feiyan started to talk about business.

"It should be at least 100,000!" Su Ke made a preliminary estimate. Now that Lin Orange's economic conditions do not allow him to buy those houses with convenient transportation and bustling locations, of course, the cheaper the better. Inability to repay debt.

"One hundred thousand!" Luo Feiyan repeated it, and began to calculate the funds that he can currently use. To be honest, one hundred thousand yuan is not too much, but most of the funds are now invested in the production of Pingshang Square. And, in order to alleviate the financial pressure, packaging is temporarily handled by other people.

The remaining activity funds have actually been used for a long time. On the one hand, advertising and promotion, on the other hand, they have to establish their own franchise stores. One hundred thousand yuan can already set up a store.

Especially the 100,000 yuan, it is simply impossible to recover it in the short term!

However, Lin Xiaobai's difficulties can not stand idly by. Luo Feiyan soon made a decision: "Okay, I will help!"

Luo Feiyan's look just changed, Su Ke knew at a glance, after all, the two are so close now, and frankly, let alone, she could even hear her heartbeat.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. I will think of a way to deal with money!" Su Ke heard Lin Xiaobai's distress before. The first reaction was to pay for himself, but before he decided, he soon realized that it was not right. Not to mention whether Lin Xiaobai will accept a loan from a student of his own.

What if she lent her money? Lin Xiaobai is also a young and beautiful lady anyway, otherwise Luo Feiyan would not put her post at the front desk, but that is the facade.

The last time he lent his money to Ma Yina, he was in trouble. He couldn't repeat the mistake, so he thought of Luo Feiyan coming forward. In this case, killing two birds with one stone would not only solve Lin Xiaobai's problems, but also for Luo. For Feiyan, it also strengthened the cohesion of her company.

To be more realistic, this is called emotional investment!

"You?" Luo Feiyan glanced at Su Ke, knowing that Su Ke now has money, but isn't it already useful to take money!

"Yes! Rest assured, you will not use the funds of the foundation. Did you forget that I told you about the futures of investment? It is now in December, and the delivery deadline will soon be reached, and the money will soon be available! "

Su Ke does not know the current market of soybean futures, but he must be making money. There is no doubt about this. If there is an accident, Ma Ina has already reported to herself, and there are even many Yanjing locals joining in to make money. , Proper!

"That's good! I've been thinking about how to get the most out of advertising in the end!" Luo Feiyan didn't divide his money so clearly with Su Ke's money, and the business itself There is Su Ke's capital injection, of course, technology shares also play a significant role.

It can even be said that Luo Feiyan himself is only helping Su Ke to work, and the boss's additional investment is normal in itself.

"What plans do you have?" Su Ke has not paid much attention to these things, and all of them were given to Luo Feiyan, and he was very relieved about Luo Feiyan's ability. This sentence was originally asked casually.

"What plans can I take? I won't be able to support word-of-mouth. Our current case is not enough to support the entire sales. CCTV can't go up. We can only start with Yanjing Satellite TV!"

Luo Feiyan does have several sets of publicity programs, but these programs are uncertain, and will continue to adjust with the conditions at the time, but only one point will not change, that is, the more money, the stronger the advertising, the better the effect , Do not beat Hengyuanxiang Melatonin, but if people eat meat, they must be able to drink soup!

Good times are easy to pass. When two people have bathed and their clothes are neat, it is four o'clock in the afternoon. Su Ke is going to go to school early in the morning, so the time is still plenty.

"Sister Yan, have the cuckoo come here in the past two days?" Su Ke actually came here for another reason. She wanted to know the status of the cuckoo. Last time, her acupuncture had controlled the further spread of cancer cells, at least for one month. No further deterioration within.

But as long as Su Ke is alone with the cuckoo, she can feel her hot impulse, and even this impulse feels blind in Su Ke's eyes, which is why he has a little stagnation for the cuckoo.

"Oh! Okay, good looks!" Luo Feiyan had learned about the cuckoo's condition from Du Wan. This kind of thing sounded absolutely terrifying. Even Luo Feiyan felt very disturbed at the time, but thought of Su G's magic, knowing that he had already said with certainty that the cuckoo could be cured, this relieved him.

Her trust in Su Ke comes from many aspects, including the surprising ancient recipe of Pingshang Fang. It turns out that this ancient recipe has an excellent effect. Now, some of the subjects who follow the curative effect have emerged. For the better, if all the treatments are completed, I am afraid that it may be caused by a rough sea of ​​aesthetic medicine.

This is the gospel of the majority of scar patients. It can even be said that this product is more attractive than diet pills. Moreover, the Pingshen formula not only flattens the scars, but also plays a role in whitening the skin and enhancing skin vitality.

Su Ke, who can come up with this ancient recipe, has magical Chinese acupuncture, which seems to be perfectly logical. The Chinese civilization of 5,000 years will always have hidden magical treatments, which happens to be in Su Ke's hands.

When Su Ke and Luo Feiyan came downstairs together, Lin Xiaobai was still confused and distressed. He was sitting helplessly, suddenly heard the sound of downstairs, and looked up subconsciously.

Luo Feiyan smiled. After being nourished by the spring rain and rain, the whole person looked radiant and said that the man's beauty is the best beauty product. This sentence really deserves its reputation.

Looking at Lin Xiaobai's gaze with some expectation and guilty conscience, he lowered his head nervously and looked helpless.

"Little white sister, the matter is resolved, don't worry anymore!" Su Ke spit out the good news directly, Lin Xiaobai's surprised expression overflowed with words, his excited little face flushed, his breathing became hastily, and his chest was hidden. The two peaks under the uniform undulated.

"Sister Yan!" Opened her mouth, but it seemed that thank you couldn't express her gratitude at all.

"Stupid girl, how good is it to tell me something directly, my sister can help you, how could she sit and ignore!" Luo Feiyan is a qualified good boss and a qualified good sister.

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