Urban Romance

Chapter 1136: A slick air thief!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 1137 Chapter 136

"No?" Yang Peier reconfirmed again. Seeing Su Keyan's chiseled look, he felt a little relieved, and raised his hand to look at the time. Now it's time to get off work: "Let's go eat!"

"Okay!" Su Ke now goes home to eat very few times. He eats a lot outside, but today's situation makes him a little confused, so I don't know who to talk to.

Now that Yang Peier sends out an invitation, she naturally will not refuse, after all, Li Feifei's father's case, she also helped a lot.

"What to eat?" Yang Peier first dispatched Su Ke out of the office, but she quickly changed her uniform. After all, wearing a police uniform was always a bit inconvenient.

"You said, I invite you today!" Su Ke followed Yang Peier down the stairs and politely opened the door of the copilot for her.

"Let's go to Haidilao!" Yang Pei'er won't take Su Ke to high-consumption places. This is her usual habit. It doesn't mean that she can't go. When she was in Yanjing, she was also a lady. One of the shiny ones.

"OK, go!" Su Ke snapped his fingers, and he knew where Yang Peier was talking about Haidilao. Weihai had only one Haidilao hot pot. In fact, it all depended on luck. Sometimes the customers are really It's so much. It takes more than half an hour to line up.

Fortunately, Su Ke and Yang Pei'er had good luck today. When they got there, they had a seat directly, and to Su Ke's surprise, the waiter here was able to call Yang Peer's name in one go.

"It seems you are a frequent visitor here!" Su Ke said as he selected the menu.

"What! This is the way of doing business here. You must immediately feel that the customer is the truth of God here. I tell you that you may not feel deeply in Weihai. When you return to Yanjing, basically Every branch will be full! "

"Yanjing alone, do you know how many stores there are? There are more than thirty!" Yang Peier asked herself and answered, compared to Su Ke, she was more familiar: "Last time I went home to eat once, you were in While waiting in line, someone will come over and polish your shoes! "

While saying this, the waiter on the side had let Su Ke see, and the customers around them were all familiar with the hair ring, glasses cloth, mobile phone bag and so on.

"Great!" Su Ke felt that the service in this shop was really amazing. Although he often passed by here, it was the first time he came in for dinner.

"How is it?" When the two started, Yang Peier, the introducer, asked Su Ke about his taste.

"It's a bit spicy! But it's refreshing!" It's not the first time Su Ke has eaten hot pot. Since he knows a lot of people, he has money on his hands, and can eat out. I didn't expect that this place is really different. .

Especially in the winter, the feeling of sweating makes people feel more comfortable. The two talked while eating: "Yes, did it come out yesterday? Didn't a girl get taken away?"

"Oh! Fortunately! These scum, the girl's family has already remitted the money. These people still want to sell the silly girl, but they contacted the railway police and they were rescued on the train!"

When Yang Peier talked about this, he was filled with indignation: "It's almost the end of the year. Now these people are thinking about getting some money. There are too many cases!"

"What did these people do?"

"What can I do? After catching people, those young people who have been deceived still don't believe they are in a pyramid scheme. It is so naive. I really thought that they could drop the pie in the sky and let them pick up at home!"

"This MLM gang has been put on file for investigation, and see if there are any other gains to say, yes, you know not, now there are robbers in Weihai!" Yang Peier broke out another fierce news.

"Flying thief?" Su Ke said for a moment. Now that I can hear the term from Yang Peier, I am afraid this thief is not an ordinary person.

"Yeah, but most of the targets of this flying thief didn't report the alarm, I told you!" Yang Peier subconsciously lowered his voice: "This flying thief is a bit of robbing the rich and helping the poor, and steals those who are rich and benevolent. Defiler! "

"And during this time, many nursing homes and orphanages received donations, but they were all anonymous. According to my judgment, it should be the flying thief!"

"Don't you want to catch him?" Speaking of these things from a police officer made Su Ke a bit of a jerk. The police and the thief shouldn't be inherently hostile. How do you feel Yang Peier is a little admired.

"There is no clue! And most people do not report the case. The only ones really have no clues. The technical staff who appeared on the scene couldn't find any useful clues. Otherwise, how to say this flying thief **** Then! "

Yang Peier really has a tendency to become a fan of the thief: "In our judgment, this person should have kung fu foundation, like the wonderful hand that flies around in the movie!"

Indeed, as Yang Peier said, there are so many scientific and technological means now, most of the wealthy people have installed monitoring. The places where the money is hidden are also very secret, and even the safes are very high-end, but they are unstoppable, and the flying thieves are like ghosts. Come and go without a trace.

The two people were eating hot, and Yang Peier was sweating despite her image. At this time, she found that she suddenly stopped and picked up the mobile phone at the table.


"it is good!"

"I'll hurry back!"

Su Ke saw Yang Pei'er, seeing that she had just been full of joy, but now she became very serious. She picked up and stood up, smiling a little embarrassedly: "No, I have to hurry back, there are not enough people, I got the scene! "

"You're not on duty today!" Su Ke said subconsciously, but if Yang Peier left, it wouldn't make much sense to eat alone, and he also stood up.

"Now there is no duty on duty, it is on standby 24 hours! You eat now!"

"I'm full too, let's go, I'll send you!" Su Ke stood up to check out, Yang Peier did not grab this glorious task. In her opinion, she occasionally ate Su Ke, but it was actually good. .

Passat started, Su Ke turned around and headed for Weihai Municipal Bureau, turned his head and looked at Yang Peier: "What's the big case! You have to do it yourself!"

Hearing Su Ke asking this, Yang Peier's face was very meaningful: "I didn't tell you just now! Flying thief! The owner of a construction company was stolen at his house, as if all the cash in the safe was gone!"

After that, he added: "That boss is not a good thing! Steal well!"

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