Urban Romance

Chapter 2185: Help me!

He Fenglu, already in a mood like a fifteen buckets of water, was turned into a statue when he heard Bai Xue's sudden talk, and it seemed that his heartbeat had stopped.

Horrified, staring blankly at Bai Xue, but Bai Xue's eyes had no hostility and anger. These exposed emotions should be the most obvious, but there was not even a point on her face.

Once upon a time, when Bai Xue watched the TV series of the triangle relationship, she also yelled, especially the scene of the heroine's best friend's girlfriend making love, and eager to rush to kill her, but now, after saying this sentence, it was unexpected Calm down.

"I'm sorry!" He Fenglu had realized that she had just had a secret encounter with Su Ke, she must have been spotted by Bai Xue, tears burst out of her eyes, and choked a word.

Bai Xue slowly got out of his bed and went directly to He Fenglu's bed. She said nothing, but hugged her, slowly sliding her fingers over He Fenglu's cheek, and wiped away the tears.

Women are full of exclusivity and exclusivity for love. I believe that there is no woman in this world who does not dream of her own white horse prince. She loves herself deeply, and is the only one who cherishes herself. So is Bai Xue and He Fenglu.

This is loyalty and responsibility to each other, which has long been a long-established concept in popular cognition. However, Bai Xue was holding He Fenglu, and during this period of silence, the brain had a strange idea that made him unacceptable.

That is, as it was said in a joke before, can two people love each other together and then grow old.

When Su Ke didn't realize it and was still talking about the shock wave, the pair of girlfriends seemed to have reached a certain consensus, but these were not what he could understand, even the two girls have decided to send Su Ke's The right to information is directly deprived.

He Fenglu thinks Su Ke likes himself. From the various performances when he met at the beginning, he suddenly told herself to go out for a date until noon, and even the snuff bottle she gave herself, this girl did not give it to He Shusheng at the end. Instead, I treasured it myself, a bit of meaning as a token of love.

So when Bai Xue said she was willing to share love, and the three of them were to be together forever, she felt that this was very unfair to Bai Xue, and even when she was very cruel, she felt a little moved.

If you think about it carefully, you don't seem to really have the idea of ​​taking Su Ke away from Bai Xue. The three people are together. In this case, no matter Bai Xue or He Fenglu, it feels a bit natural.

The so-called consensus is that two people slowly digest this relationship and let time to test it. If in the end, it is still the case, then everyone is together!

So what He Fenglu said to Su Ke today is a starting signal, and she will slowly open up in the future. Although she will not be so bold, she will always change a little.

However, where does Su Ke know about these things? I wanted to ask He Fenglu what happened and untie his troubles. Who knows that this mess is even more tangled, and some don't know what to do.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, with five hearts in the sky, since I'm upset, I might as well use the kind of moderate and peaceful strength in the Taoist Twelve Duanjin to slowly wash away and stabilize my mind.

Shirayuki in the next room stared blankly at the screen. I didn't know how many teammates were scolding herself, and even the built-in speaker was turned off. I pitted my teammates and the team was gone. It was too sad, but this was already Can't be the focus of Bai Xue's heart, in fact, she has been pitting seven or eight teams continuously.

I raised my hand and closed the laptop, sitting on the side, feeling groggy, and now she was a little scared to face Su Ke, not knowing what the two people were going to say together, for fear of excitement, she said the true heart come out.

Time passed slowly, but it passed quickly. It was ten o'clock before he knew it. Bai Xue didn't even feel a little hungry. He forced himself to calm down and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Su Ke's "Taoist Twelve Duan Jin" is constantly running, and his mind is finally settled. After completing the daily task amount, he still maintains this posture.

The brain's thoughts are slowly peeling off the cocoon, and now the biggest possibility is that He Fenglu has confessed with Bai Xue, otherwise, Bai Xue's personality like a wolf will never have such a performance.

To be honest, I have a good opinion of He Fenglu, this is not denied, but this kind of goodwill has not really reached an unstoppable level, I am still willing to be friends with her, or a true confidant, it is not bad.

But Su Ke knew that He Fenglu's matter could be resolved by himself. The two did not agree at all. The ambiguous contacts that occurred were actually based on accidental misunderstandings. But except for her, there were Luo Feiyan and her around. This It is not blank anyway.

Bai Xue has to face her sooner or later. Instead, let her be prepared earlier. When it ’s time to go, stay. It's all in her heart!

Just when Su Ke had basically decided in his heart, he heard the sound of the door opening and opened his eyes. Sure enough, Bai Xue had come in.

"Heroes, what kind of kung fu are you practicing?" Bai Xue saw Su Ke sitting cross-legged on the bed, like a martial art master in the movie, and an ancient and weird smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the smile on Bai Xue's face, Su Ke suddenly appeared an illusion, as if this was the real Bai Xue, the woman in the afternoon did not appear.

"Sister, brother is practicing yin and yang supplementation **, you are right here. Come and help the brother!" Su Ke lay back on the bed and said, patting the vacated position on the bed.

People actually have an escape mentality, even if Su Ke has thought too much before, but when she saw that Bai Xue was completely okay, she had just thought about her mind for a long time, and she was thrown directly out of the clouds, and she even loosened the tension in her heart. opened.

"Hey! Brother, Mingri, you still have to fight against many masters and fight for the leader of the martial arts. Do you want to rest early, and you must keep up your energy!" Bai Xue really didn't happen at all, and he walked briskly , Three steps and two steps came to Su Ke's eyes.

"Sister-in-law rest assured that my brother has just been cultivating for a long time, and I feel that some should be released, otherwise it may hurt others by mistake!" Su Ke supported his body with his elbow, and then hooked his fingers towards Bai Xue.

"Hurt others by accident? Are you talking about Lulu?" Bai Xue suddenly said these words coldly, completely subconsciously blurting out, the two of them had a few big eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere was cold.

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