Urban Romance

Chapter 567: Are you still not a man?

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 568 Are you still a man?

Cuckoo's brain was a mess, although he knew he shouldn't do it, but he felt like a devil in his heart, shouting and teaching himself, and even he didn't hesitate to take a shot, so he hit it directly The key to Sukh.

Some people say: to seize a man ’s heart, you must first seize the man ’s stomach; others say: to seize a man ’s body, you must seize his brother first. This is two ways. Two kinds of attack power that people cannot resist.

The cuckoo now has a feeling of power. It can be felt that Su Ke is now tense, and he doesn't dare to move. He stares straight at himself, even losing his ability to speak.

In fact, Su Ke is indeed like this. If you say that you are moving your whole body with one shot, then you can only use this to describe the current state.

His body was stiff, and his hand was mechanically walking on the peaks of Yunv under the leadership of the cuckoo. The strong stimulus felt like a tide of waves, flooding himself directly.

It was like a flame, and the sound of beating leaped into a blazing flame, turning the burning world upside down, and you could feel your breathing more and more, like a bellows wheezing and wheezing.

The whole body was hot and hot, and the blood soldiers of the whole body divided into two paths, one up and one down, attacking the two ends, the big head was blank, and the small head was restless.

The world seemed to become an empty field all at once. A man and a woman were engaged in a fierce confrontation. The soft power of the "Taoist Twelve Duanjin" in Su Ke's body swung gently, and there was a hint of light in his brain. Sober, suddenly retracted the hand pressed on the cuckoo's breast.

"You let go!"

There was trembling in the voice.

"Don't let go!"

The cuckoo ’s response is still resolute. At this point, the cuckoo also understands that there is no retreat for a big girl to do such a thing. It is impossible to say that there is no shame, but the more that kind is not available, The more mad the urge to lose her sober understanding, there was only one thought in her mind, that is to fight, either you die or I live.

"If you don't let go, I will shout!" Su Ke was like a fragile girl who was blocked by a gangster in the corner.

"Just don't let it go, you shout! You all said I could make a request, why? Now you dare not? You are still not a man?" Du Cong was a cannon ballerer, and she directly questioned Su Ke, and while she was talking, she entered Su Suddenly, the hand in the jeans was slightly firm.

Like an electric shock, Su Ke's body trembled violently, and the subconscious was backing away, but the back door was hard and thick, and there was no room to move at all.

"Cuckoo, listen to me!" Su Ke had no way. In the face of such a situation, he was really at a loss. If he was a man in front of him, he could stun him directly, but in fact, the cuckoo was a woman or a yesterday. A woman who has a relationship with herself at night.

"You're Du Wan's sister, I'm Du Wan's boyfriend, you do this-what do you do to make us do this?" Su Ke can only use roundabout tactics, not hard, soft.

"I don't care, Du Wan said that you are the friend she came to help, you are not men and women at all!" Du Juan's voice was also very low, raising her head, staring at Su Ke's eyes.

"Do you think I would come if we were not male and female friends?" Su Ke began to make sense of the facts.

But how can a woman who has gone into a state of madness listen to this: "Even if you are her boyfriend, it doesn't matter. Don't you guys like sister flowers? Both of us sisters follow you, are you unhappy?"

Su Ke felt that his body was getting hotter, not just himself. Even Su Xiaoke could not bear such torture, and was ready to start a counterattack, angrily rushing to the crown.

"Will you let go first?"

"Don't let go!"


"Don't let go!"

Su Ke repeatedly said these two words, his face became increasingly red, the flames of his heart kept beating, the body's heat, and the madness of his consciousness, all of which caused him a kind of irritability: "If you don't let go, you will be at your own risk!"

There seemed to be a kind of sternness in the voice. In the face of such a crazy woman, Su Ke even had scary thoughts in his mind. Don't you want me to come again? What can we do again? The wicked have their own grind.

"What? What are the consequences? Come here! If you are a man, go to bed with me!" Azalea's face did not change his heart and his heart did not beat. Su Ke's threat of threat had no effect on her. A woman like her is usually Adventure seeks excitement, and it is a temperament that is strong when it is strong. This is the situation that is inherently not afraid of.

"Okay! Don't regret it!" Su Ke's brain was hot, and the anger in his heart was stirred up by the cuckoo's success. Where did he even worry about where he was now? The only idea is to let Cuckoo know if he is a man or not!

Su Ke took a deep breath, stretched his hands forward, and took the cuckoo in his arms. He walked freely on her back. The gap between the two suddenly disappeared. The collision between the chest and the chest made people involuntary. Feeling out of breath.

The cuckoo subconsciously relaxed the restraint on Su Xiaoke, but Su Ke did not stop because of this, but became more rude, punishing the general hard hoop of the cuckoo's shoulder, one hand down the spine, It slides directly on the upright buttocks.

Women seem to be like this. Don't look at the cheerfulness, a menacing look, but when Su Ke finally broke out, he was scared and scared, and he was afraid to move.

However, it was the east wind that suppressed the westerly wind, or the westerly wind that suppressed the east wind. In short, Su Ke has now reversed the situation and gained the upper hand. His head is dizzy and it is completely a subconscious action. Buttocks, as if you could grab a piece of meat at any time.

A heavy breath rang in their ears, and their bodies were like gunpowder barrels that were about to explode. They were anxious to pour out the rushing current in their bodies, and the faucet was already in place.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that the door behind me was ringing, as if someone had twisted the door handle, and it was about to be pushed away. Su Ke's back was leaning against the door, with his strong resistance, Makes the door panel lines not moving.

However, this movement instantly shocked Su Ke, as if someone had pierced with a needle, the whole person's consciousness suddenly cleared, and a moment of cold, the whole body of cold sweat quickly rushed out of the pores.

"Su Ke! Sister Cuckoo! Open the door!" Du Wan's voice came from outside, and it sounded like a ring across the door. The cuckoo didn't notice the strangeness of Su Ke's body at first, but she was still immersed. In the fiery enthusiasm, and Su Ke's powerful encounter, but after hearing this voice, he reacted in seconds and suddenly looked up at Su Ke.

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