Urban Romance

Chapter 611: Sss-class suker

[The text of Chapter 1]

612 Chapter 611

In fact, there are many children of some leading cadres in your own school, because the school often has some activities that need to fill in the form, students need to write down the family members clearly, and even need to directly indicate the work unit and position.

Therefore, in Liu Peihua's hands, he has such a screened roster, which lists all the students' social relations. Some of the important points have been marked with red stars.

Of course, from high school to high school, Su Ke has never entered such a list. After all, parents are ordinary people. After all, they have no right to have no money. Their academic performance has always been bottom. Such students are inconspicuous and no one pays attention. If nothing else, I am afraid that many people have never known that after he graduated from high school, Su Ke was in the seventeenth.

But the situation is different now. With the flower picking system, Su Ke's life trajectory can be said to be beyond recognition. From an obscure role, he has shown his own light a little bit.

The thief was caught in the middle of the city, and he did not retreat to the dagger in the hands of the gangster, so that it was not only reported by the Weihai Metropolis Daily, but also a wave in other local media, and Su Ke also got the top ten in the city. Title of the Communist Youth League.

The anti-robbers in the gold shop were actually fired. This time, Interpol dispatched not only the hostages but they were all very vicious. Suke and Interpol Yang Peier cooperated with each other. Finally, they killed the robbers. They were bold and bold, but they showed their true character. They all sent pennants to the school.

Save Ren Tian from the rooftop. There are always a few joys and sorrows in the exam. Some people choose to kill themselves because of the failure in the exam. Sitting on the fence of the rooftop, they will jump down at any time, and a young life may disappear in an instant. At this time, Su Ke stepped forward again.

Both civil and military, not only have the eloquence of negotiating experts, but also take the flying tiger team to rescue Ren Tian, ​​but also restore the reputation of the school, after all, if someone jumps from a school, it will not only directly affect a class The learning atmosphere of a grade or even the entire school will be destroyed.

It also directly affects the school's enrollment rate. I am afraid that no parent is willing to send their children to a school that often jumps to commit suicide.

These are trivial matters. If a student jumps off the building, not only her class teacher, grade director, and the principal will punish them. This is a big deal. If a one-vote veto warning is put on, then they will be awarded first prizes, promoted to titles, and even transferred. Promotions will be affected.

And Su Ke's deeds are not just the above. Wei Hai ’s own Spider-Man, saving people from the fire, has made Liu Peihua no surprise. It seems that whenever he encounters anything, he will come forward and help out.

What surprised Liu Peihua most is that he actually rescued the daughter of Wan Guosong, the secretary of the municipal party committee. This was a big deal. If Wan Guosong was the leader of Weihai City, and he could get in touch with him, I am afraid no one would not give Su Ke. Face, the last time Wang Guosong came over suddenly, he scared Liu Peihua, but when he knew that Su Ke had saved people, he was so excited.

So, the roster in Liu Peihua's hand, Su Ke quickly grew from a nameless **** to a shining star, and his own grade has basically risen from F to SS.

However, Su Ke's monthly exam was almost completely scored, sweeping the entire third year of high school. Those former champions were all shocked by him. If nothing unexpected happened, Su Ke was in the college entrance examination. I am afraid it will also shine. If you come to the city first, or even the first in the province, then you, the principal, will definitely benefit a lot.

Therefore, Liu Peihua decided that Su Ke was promoted to the next level, directly to the SSS level, which is a super-focused object, so that his smile is mild and gentle at the moment, unlike the principal and students, but like a kind elder Generally looked at Suker.

Su Ke was also not restrained and nervous, and nodded toward Liu Peihua: "Um! Remember!"

"Director Liu specifically called over and asked for your test results yesterday, and let me tell you that you will learn to send someone to pick you up tonight!" Liu Peihua had to lament Su Ke's luck. Director Liu in his mouth was Liu Hongyue, that is, Wan Guosong's wife, who served as the Deputy Division Inspector at the Municipal Civilization Office. Although she has no real power, as the lover of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, she naturally attracted much attention.

"Tonight?" Su Ke didn't expect to receive the invitation so soon. She was still thinking about how to help Han Mei and solve her family's plight yesterday. Who knew that she had received such a message early in the morning and could not help but be surprised.

"Well! Is there anything wrong?" Liu Peihua and Yan Yuesai said. Then they remembered, pointing to the sofa on one side: "Su Ke, sit down and talk!"

"It's okay!" Su Ke shook his head, and now he couldn't ask for it, how could he feel that there was a problem.

"Su Ke, your results are really amazing! You can pass the exam a little bit worse, but I have also read your Chinese composition. The two points are completely deductible, completely. The judges of the graders at that time were just the judges. If you continue to exert such strength in the college entrance examination, I am sure that you will definitely be able to advance to Yanjing University! "

Liu Peihua does not hesitate to admire Su Ke. Indeed, as he said, the students who are admitted to Yanjing University every year in the seventeenth school are basically three or five. In the city's high school rankings, they are downstream. Moreover, these students who have entered Yanjing University are obedient to professional transfers, not that they can get what they want if they want to enter that major.

This also shows from the side that the student's academic performance is still not up to the standard. Although he can pass the score line, he is at the bottom of everyone's ranking.

But Su Ke may be able to change this situation. It can even be said that if he can continue to maintain this state, not only all professional disciplines of Yanjing University, he can choose whatever he wants, and studying abroad is not a problem, and scholarships are available. Kind of.

Although Su Ke's words about Liu Peihua were calm on the surface, he had already blossomed in his heart. A student, a senior in high school, there is nothing more exciting than hearing such news. The title of the gold list is that all students The dream.

"By the way, there is one more thing!" Liu Peihua seemed to suddenly remember: "The college entrance examination champion has a bonus!"

"I'll work hard!" Su Ke knew that he needed to make his own statement at this time, and couldn't let the principal sing a one-man show alone, and nodded heavily.

"And ---!" Liu Peihua paused, looking at Su Ke's eyes with a bit of playfulness, seems to be thinking about how to speak, making Su Ke curious about his next words.

"That --- there are posts about you on the post. Although I don't object to early love, you still have to pay attention to some, the three girls are easy to distract you!"

"Eh!" Su Ke had a black line, and the post on which he pedaled three boats had not yet sank, and the headmaster had such a gossip, the smile at the corner of his mouth, hehe, you know!

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