Urban Romance

Chapter 621: Little girl hurry up!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 622 Chapter 621 The little girl hurry up!

Su Ke grabbed Wan Qihong's wrist with both hands, pressed her calf with her legs close together, and paid her meticulous attention, but was directly hit by Wan Qihong in the fury, and it was too late to escape, even if she let go of her hand. To no avail.

I just feel that my center of gravity is awkward. Wan Qihong ’s powerful impact makes her fall straight backwards. This woman is simply crazy, but this is on the street, and all of them are hard floor tiles. If you land on your back, you still have to Direct concussion?

At the moment of falling, Su Ke quickly adjusted his posture, closed his abdomen, lifted his hips, released his hands, and leaned back. The first focus was well controlled. The rough buttocks fell and cushioned the fallen The intensity, followed by the forearms, finally passed a false alarm.

Wait --- Wan Qihong's weight was pressed over again, and her freed hands also made ground support movements in the void, but her body still hit it uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the two bust peaks suddenly collapsed again, but the next moment was real meat and meat, almost like a stacked man, lying on Su Ke.

Su Ke shouted subconsciously before this time. At this time, the person was lying on the ground, his head was very well protected, and then his lips touched two pieces of softness, like a dog blood plot often appear in TV movies. .

Wan Qihong coincidentally couldn't be more coincidental, and directly kissed Su Ke's mouth.

Su Ke was stunned, Wan Qihong in the violent state was also very surprised, but her flames were beating suddenly, her face was crimson, her two hands pushed Su Ke's chest, and their close lips touched each other. , The body rebounded directly riding on Su Ke's waist.


This is not the first time Wan Qihong has been riding on Su Ke. In the original courtyard of Grand Yanjing, he once wanted to fulfill his gambling agreement and forcibly dedicate his flesh, but after thinking about it for a long time, he found himself It's stupid. It's all about betrayal. What can we do if we cheat?

He was n’t familiar with Suker, and he did n’t like him. Except when he saved himself on the track at that time, there was a kind of gratitude to him, or a little worship of life-saving heroes. Less than love.

"You gangster!"

After Wan Qihong roared for the second time, she sat across Su Ke with both hands and her fists, and the storm showers generally poured down, but she was also a bit of a sense. She did not greet Su Ke's face directly, so that Su Ke was handsome. The appearance was preserved.

Su Ke was annoyed, depressed, and helpless. He didn't trick anyone and didn't bother him. You went to the door to find trouble, and then you hit and kicked like a lunatic. You almost fell into a half body, and was called a strong kiss. Rogue, when did this world become like this?

His chest was crackling and he was beaten by Wan Qihong for a while. Although the intensity was not great, a big man could not stand under the public. He was so stingy that his body was just able to bear it, but he couldn't hold his soul hurt.

"You're endless!" Su Ke frowned, sighting the time and grabbed Wan Qihong's arm again, this time lying on the ground, staring angrily, her tone of expression changed.

Although Wan Qihong can feel the change of Su Ke's emotions, she is also a heroine in Yanjing City. Besides, she is still a strong man who came out of the military area compound. Although she usually does not cause trouble, she has a good temper.

"What's wrong? I'm not over? You apologize for me?"

Although Su Ke was restrained by both hands again, Wan Qihong still repulsed Su Ke with a strong anger. This expression once again made Su Ke's restrained anger nowhere to vent, and his brain was a little hot.

"Okay! I don't speak very well. If there is something offensive, you should bite me!" The first half of the sentence sounded like something in Wan Qihong's ears, a little sincerity, but the last half of the sentence After that, I was surprised for a while, and followed the reaction. This TM is not an apology, it is a provocation!

Su Ke also fainted, and then blurted out the slang that was only on the Internet. It did not take into account the situation of the two sides. If it was on the Internet, it would be nothing to talk about. Bite, this is unrealistic, but now ----

People are riding on themselves!

Sure enough, the development of the incident was unexpected, but it was reasonable. Wan Qihong was a little stunned, followed by a trek on the ocean, and the surroundings were dark, and suddenly she saw a bright lighthouse. Under the guidance of Ke, Mao Sai suddenly opened, opened the blood basin-opened the small cherry mouth, a mouthful toward Su Ke's cheek.

"Ah! You're a dog!" Su Ke didn't expect this woman to be so violent. She didn't say anything, she didn't choose the meat. She didn't hold her wrist in anxiety to protect herself. Xiao's face is more important, with both hands loose, the subconscious will stop Wan Qihong.

Two hands made a cross in front of himself to defend, but who knows that this is another faint move, how could Wan Qihong be able to stay close and far away, according to Su Ke's forearm is a mouthful.

"Oh -----!" Su Ke's body tightened subconsciously. Although the pain was still tolerable, whoever let out a bite bitterly couldn't bear it: "OK! OK! ! "

If Su Ke is cruel, he can get away in a matter of minutes without taking fear, but in the final analysis, the opponent is always a woman. When I think of what he said before, it seems like something really wrong.

Su Ke is this good. She understands the criticism and self-criticism. Although she does not maliciously mock her for having a small breast, she did say that, maybe the woman's inverse scale is here.

"Take a bite to calm down, so many people look at it, do you pay attention to your image? You represent the solemn People's Liberation Army!" Su Ke grinned and finally began to speak well, and this sentence did work, I don't know if it was the last three words of the People's Liberation Army that struck Wan Qihong's life.

I just felt the pain from my arm disappeared without a trace, dropped my arm, and looked at Wan Qihong's anger, with a look of frost and gasping breath, and the increased quality of the bra It's really good. After three or two collisions, the fullness still recovers.

"Hahaha!" A burst of coquettish sounded suddenly, and some people whistled. Su Ke and Wan Qihong all turned their heads subconsciously to look aside, three or four men, lined up, with wine in their bodies. His face was flushed, and he was coming from one side, looking at the excitement with interest.

"Get off!" Wan Qihong was already angry, and the four drunkards suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, causing her to burst into flames, staring at him and yelling directly.

"Hey! I have a bad temper! The position of Guanyin sitting lotus is a bit off-standard. I said you hurry up and go on! My brother's pants are off, let me see this?"

One of them, a man in his thirties, took a step forward staggeringly, his face was flat, and his eyes were blurred with a tinge of light. After finishing the sentence, he immediately caused a laugh among the people who came with him.

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