Urban Romance

Chapter 648: The son became a millionaire!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 649 The son becomes a millionaire!

Su Ke originally wanted to pick up Maina himself, but considering that when he went out, I was afraid that my mother and father would think that they were trying to confess with Maina, and then forged some proof to lie to them, and finally Directly let Ma Ina take a taxi.

After telling Ma Ina the exact location of her home, Su Ke looked at her parents and still looked at herself with an unbelieving look.

"Parents, I ’m really rich now, I did n’t tell you before, I wanted to give you a surprise, but your son and I are getting more and more money, and I ’m afraid to tell you more and more. Terrified! "

"Did your kid have a fever!" Su Youfu looked at Su Ke swearing and looked at him frowning, seemingly worried that Su Ke would be stimulated by the changes in his family.

Zhang Xue behaved even more exaggerated, trotting directly to Su Ke: "Su Ke, are you okay? How come you started talking nonsense! Don't worry, our family is not bad for money, let the **** swindle and lie. Do n’t make a fool of it! ”

No wonder Zhang Xue is scared. His son has n’t asked his family for living expenses for a long time. What kind of beauty salon does he use to spend the money that he usually spends? It ’s not bad to say that he has a lot of money now?

What's more, Su Ke's grades have changed dramatically. From the beginning, people were speechless, and now they can directly take the first place in the school. This is not easy! But he couldn't be affected by this incident.

"Mom! I'm not stupid!" Su Ke looked so cried and laughed, and pulled Zhang Xue to the side of his head to pull aside: "Your son is not an ordinary person, you are destined to enjoy blessings!"

To be honest, 150,000 yuan is now worthless in Su Ke's eyes. Even if you do n’t have any money, it ’s not a problem to bring it from a friend. Luo Feiyan, Liu Feihong They are all rich women. Li Linglong and Wan Qihong didn't have to say. Who can drive a sports car will have no money?

There are too many places where I can borrow money, and I can get money at will, so I said that I was deceived by 150,000 in my family. Only Su Ke had no feelings of distress except that he hated Su Zhichao.

But Rao is Su Ke saying so, Su Youfu and Zhang Xue also have an incredible expression, but Su Ke did call someone in front of them just now, anyway, wait and see.

The wall clock on the wall had reached half past seven. Su Ke could feel that his parents' doubts were getting deeper, and he wondered if he could call Maina again, the doorbell finally rang.

"I'm going to open the door!" Su Ke immediately stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, and it turned out to be Maina.

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road!" Maina didn't know why Su Ke called her to the house, but now Su Ke is her boss. The boss has a life, how can she not come.

In addition, Maina guessed that there might be some important occasions. She deliberately put on her work uniform, a small suit, and a white shirt. However, her hair did not come up, she just put it on her head.

"It's okay, it's not too late!" Su Ke invited Ma Ina into the door and said, "There's something going on at home, people cheated more than 100,000 yuan, and my parents were dying. I I have never told my family about it, and now I can only give them a big surprise, rest assured! "

When Ma Ina came, she was a bit puzzled. After all, Su Ke had so much money and should have something to do with his family, but she lived in an ordinary community, which was not quite common sense.

After all, no matter the development time, geographical location, or even the supporting facilities of this community, it cannot match Su Ke's net worth. But listening to him now, it seems that the money was not given by his parents, and his heart was very shocked.

"Uncle and aunt is good!" Ma Ina saw the two middle-aged men and women sitting in the living room. They didn't need to ask and knew that they were Su Ke's parents.

"Come here!" Su Youfu and Zhang Xue did not expect a call from Su Ke. Someone actually came. The woman in front of her was twenty years old. She was wearing formal clothes, like a white-collar lady with a sweet voice. , Looks pretty, and also carries a briefcase in his hand.

"Parents, this is Ma Ina, working as an account manager at Weihai Commercial Bank!" Su Ke saw his parents look puzzled and hurried forward to explain.

"My little horse! Come, sit first!" Zhang Xue and Su Youfu all stood up and entertained Ma Ina on the sofa.

"Is something brought?" Suker followed, and sat aside, before looking at Maina.

"Yeah! I brought everything!" Ma Ina nodded, then put her briefcase on the coffee table, and began to take out a stack of documents from it.

"You help me tell my parents, they probably do n’t believe what I said, and see how rich I am now!" Su Ke said while looking at his parents, and he could see that their eyes The doubts here are increasing but it seems that we must let the facts speak!

"Uncle and aunt, I'm the account manager of Weihai Commercial Bank. Mr. Su Ke is my big client and entrusted me to invest for him. At present, our investment scope is mainly in physical futures. This is the soybean futures contract we are investing in now. This is the previous corn and wheat futures contract! This is the stock income of the expensive wines Maotai and Tianbao Infrastructure invested in the original investment. "

As Maina said, she picked out the documents needed and handed them to Su Youfu and Zhang Xue.

Su Youfu and Zhang Xue are ordinary people with ordinary heads. They usually contact Chaimi Youyan. Where I have seen these things, I know the words written on each piece of paper, but if I say what's in it, then They couldn't understand it at all, but they could see that all of the signatures were Su Ke's name, and some places were stamped with red seals.

"This is the balance on our fund account, because the soybean futures contract needs to pay a ten percent margin for a total of 600,000 yuan, so after deducting the margin, the funds now on hand are-" Having said that, Ma Ina paused for a while and looked up at Su Youfu and Zhang Xue.

Su Ke ’s parents have long been so embarrassed by the dense text on the documents in front of them that they ca n’t read it. They can only listen to the account manager ’s explanation. Who knows that they are stopping at a critical moment, both of them are Subconsciously leaned forward and listened.

Maina smiled charmingly, her lips were slightly tilted, her eyes were soft, she even took a little pride, took a deep breath, and then she continued to say: "The current fund is 387 Six thousand and fifty-four yuan! "

As he said, he handed over the bank passbook to Su Youfu, the head of the family.

"My God!" Su Youfu took a look, and suddenly his eyes were cyanotic, and he turned his head and looked at Zhang Xue: "It's really 3.87 million!"

The bright red Weihai Commercial Bank's passbook cannot be faked, the bank logo is printed on the cover, the numbers inside are real, the account number, account opening date, and account opening name are all typed directly on it, and the account name is written With the words "Suker", Su is Suker's Su, and Sukh is Suker's.

The strong shock made Su Youfu stunned. He didn't expect his son to become a millionaire. His brain was buzzing and he didn't know what to say.

My son has become a millionaire, so have we not become the millionaire's father and the millionaire's mother? The little friends are stunned again!

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