Urban Romance

Chapter 651: Hey in the compartment!

[The text of Chapter 1]

652th chapter 551 旖旎 in the carriage!

Strong and vigorous, crossing the Yalu River, maintaining peace for the motherland, is protecting the hometown ------

The mighty "Volunteer March" is like a bard who can release blessings on himself or the target person through his chanting, such as healing, repairing, crit, agility, red or blue, etc.

And Su Xiaoke's chanting is to bring strength and blood to his own body. Under the inspiration of his boss Su Ke, under the tireless touch of Ma Inu, Su Xiaoke grew from a small grass to a big tree. , From a low-eyebrow Xiaomei to a red-headed Luo Han, angry King Kong.

After muscle tangle and a lot of congestion, Su Xiaoke launched a wave after wave of attacks against the barriers that prevented him from advancing, but after all, he is a flesh and blood body, facing the cloth and metal zipper, although he is fighting like a trapped beast, the more More frustration and defeat, repeated defeats.

What kind of spirit is this? This is a spirit of bravery and courage. In order to move forward, the spirit of throwing heads and blood is a spirit that is worth learning for everyone. While Su Xiaoke continues to work hard, Ma Ina is After a fierce ideological struggle, I don't know if it is seductive or provocative.

There was a fever on his face, and his body was hot, and his body seemed to be trembling. The top Suker had been choked, his eyes were staring at himself.

Even Maina could see the beating flames from Su Ke's eyes.

Su Ke swallowed, swallowed subconsciously, and grunted. His right hand, which had been flipping in the storage box in front of the co-pilot, seemed to have touched the key, but now he is under the control of his brain and will not make a dig. It's such a bad thing to give the key.

I even enjoyed this soft, bullet-like impact force, one by one, my elbows were like a boat swaying in the waves, and my body had unknowingly moved closer to Maina, The right hand slowly began to withdraw, abutting on a wonderful peak, lingering.

The two eyes were opposite each other, and the sound of heavy breathing sounded in the ear, making the blood in the body more and more surging.

Che Zhen, what a beautiful adjective, in such a small space, the physical contact of the two people, the communication of the soul, the fun, why not?

Maina felt that she was ready, watching Su Ke's cheek getting closer and closer, took a deep breath, gave up all precautions, and closed her eyes slowly.

And Su Ke saw Ma Ina closed her eyes, it seemed to sound the charge, lit the fuse, and could not help but kiss Ma Ina's delicate red lips.

Speaking of time and time, at the moment when two people were about to kiss together, they heard a muffled sound, and a gurgling sound, suddenly, very quickly, as if it were ringing in their ears.

Su Ke was startled, looked at the sound quickly, looked at the street lights, a few children ran over a ball, and laughed in a series, the ball bouncing, very happy.

It is the so-called one-year-old hate, and looking back is a hundred years old.

By the time Su Ke went back to see Ma Ina, Ma Ina was already blushing, and she shrank aside like a bunny. She saw Su Ke's eyes cast and quickly lowered her head.

"Uh! That-let's get off the bus!"

Su Ke retracted his hand embarrassingly and held the door key in his hand. He felt that his brother Su Xiao Ke was still aggressive and fighting relentlessly, which caused a small tent to be set up under him. It is detrimental to the image, and the subconscious breasted hump, try to make the tent appear smaller, and then immediately wait for Maina to speak and open the door and go straight.

Ma Ina looked at Su Ke's helplessness, her mouth slightly tilted, thinking that Su Ke was still so innocent, but why did he dare to bring himself to rent a house?

She had thought about committing herself to Su Ke, not begging for anything else, just because he had paid for his father, but now she didn't know why, and was looking forward to the feeling of love.

Maybe really only go to bed before falling in love!

"Come on! Come on!" Maina raised her little fist, pumped herself up, shouted a few times, raised her hand to comb the drooping hair behind her ear, took a few deep breaths, and then followed. car.

In front of it is a small high-rise building. Visual inspection should be around the tenth floor. Su Ke is holding a bunch of keys, including the security door on the bottom floor. However, it can be seen that the security protection measures of the community are still in place.

Opening the door of the anti-theft building, Su Ke turned his head and waited for Ma Ina, because while taking the opportunity to get off the car, he severely twisted the thigh twice, and this pain finally suppressed the flame of his heart, at least temporarily Suppressed the flames, Su Xiaoke also began to die.

There is an elevator in the small high-rise. Although Su Ke has not been here, his memory is very strong now. He only remembered the specific address after hearing Sun Song mentioned it once.

Entering the elevator again became a space for the two to be alone, because the previous episode did not allow the two to speak, and it seemed to be digesting the embarrassment before.

But after entering the elevator, Maina's heartbeat speed went wild again. The elevator rose up one layer at a time and finally stopped on the seventh floor. When Su Ke took the key to open the door, Maina was whole. It was as if they had gone through a war, hesitated, but finally went in firmly.

Turning on the door lights, the dark room suddenly lit up.

Sure enough, like Sun Song's description, the interior can be regarded as medium decoration, with all electrical appliances, and even the furniture is not lacking. As long as you move in, you can live immediately.

"It's not bad here!" Su Ke nodded as he said, walked inward, and walked straight into the living room, while Maina followed him and looked inside and looked: "Well, it's really good ! "

Su Ke reached out and put the dust cover on the sofa, sat up, and watched Ma Ina still looking around, and then began to explain: "This house was originally rented for my friend, but now he's afraid It's no longer Weihai, so it's always empty! "

"Hmm!" Maina could tell, the house seemed empty for a while, and nodded subconsciously.

"You move with your father!"

"Well?" Maina said for a moment, but didn't respond.

"Hehe, I brought you here to see the house. If you think the house is fine, move here with your father. Anyway, I have already paid the rent. I ca n’t be so empty. The environment in your house is not so good. OK, it ’s often power outages, and there are no street lights at night. How unsafe! ”

Su Ke looked at Ma Ina after seeing it, and saw her look changed, wondering what she was thinking: "How?"

"Oh!" After listening to Su Ke's words, Maina realized that she was really wrong. So Su Ke brought herself here not to do that kind of thing, but to think about her own home. Should I be lost or grateful?

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