Urban Romance

Chapter 661: How can I apologize?

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 662 Chapter 661 How do I apologize?

Macao, a manor-style villa, looks unusually quiet at night and covers a large area. At least it should look like dozens of acres of land. It is surrounded by walls and high gates. The layout is very styled, with grass and fountains. , Swimming pool, and even at regular intervals there will be guards dressed in black, patrolling back and forth with big dogs.

Bai Xue was in her bedroom, with a mask on her face, and a roar burst into her mobile phone. The playful and cute pajamas were far from her thunderous image.

I was lying in bed, ready to put on a mask and go to bed. After all, lack of sleep is the biggest killer of female beauty care, but who knows that his cell phone suddenly rang.

I took it handily, and those ladies at that time wanted to talk about their own minds and study some men's problems. Who knows if I picked it up, it turned out that I successfully sent a text message a few days ago, and the recipients all It's my original phone.

This is worth it. When I was in Tianjin, my beloved mobile phone was stolen, especially when the person even ran into his room and stole the phone while he was taking a bath with Lulu. Anger is overwhelming.

What is particularly hateful is that I managed to steal the snuff bottle that was given to Lulu, and even told the boy to steal it back. This is simply a shame of my own. If He Fenglu stopped himself, he would have to take a plane. Weihai, arrested the boy and brought it to justice.

However, He Fenglu, with a gentle personality, persuaded herself to say that she had to make up for losses first, and there were still some things in her family, so she decided to write down the account first.

These days I managed to leave this behind, who knew that the kid had stolen his cell phone, dared to turn it on, and made himself discover, and immediately dialed the phone.

"It's me, you hooligan, villain, thief, you wait for me to pump your muscles, peel your skin, make you unable to survive, die ------!"

Listening to the beeping sound from the mobile phone, Bai Xueqi's teeth were itchy, wheezing and panting, new and old hatred sandwiched together, how to make her feel happy.

"I'll take your lungs!" Bai Xue scolded inwardly, then dialed the phone again, was hung up, then called, hung up, and then called.

"Hey! I said, Miss Bai Xue, don't you hit me?" Su Ke lay on the bed, sticking his mobile phone to his ear, thinking of the woman's anger, there was a bit of fun in my heart, after all, It was she who first stole the snuff bottle from herself, and was the victim herself.

"My cell phone, I can call as long as I want!" Bai Xue said a bit of truth, Su Ke was an honest and good boy, and he did not deny this.

"Yes! Your phone is yours, but you keep calling like this and it affects me to see photos!" Su Ke's voice reached Bai Xue's ear, and she suddenly let her snap, then asked subconsciously: "What picture?"

"It's the selfie on your phone! I want to find out if there are any larger ones, or heavy ones, and I appreciate them!" Su Keyue said more and more: "I wonder if there is a suitable, You can go to "Men's Wear", "Playboy", and so on, and submit it to the Internet, okay, right, do you have an account on Facebook? "

Bai Xue's face turned white instantly, and his brain was spinning rapidly. When it was certain that there was absolutely no photo of that type, he was relieved, but when he thought of his photo and let this rogue look through it, he was still angry.

"You mean!"

"Don't be dared! Don't be dared to be!" Su Ke humbled his disapproval of the adjective.

"You are shameless!"

"Where! Where!" Su Ke continued to answer, with a very soft tone and a slow pace, a polite look.

"You are indecent!"

"Rewarded! Rewarded!" Su Ke also prepared to continue listening to Bai Xue's derogatory words. Suddenly there was no movement there, and his ears were immediately raised.

"Hey! Are you still okay? If it's okay, I'll hang up first!" Su Ke waited for a minute, except that he could hear the growing sound of breathing there, there was no movement, finally There is a pleasant feeling of revenge.

"Do you have the courage to tell me your address?" Bai Xue struggled to restrain her anger, gritted her teeth, licked her teeth, a cute little face, and a hot iron for a while, which really made this man crazy.

"Oh? Didn't I tell you? I'm in Weihai!" Su Ke, listening to Bai Xue's voice, could clearly feel the indignation that came from his face.

"I'm talking about the specific address!" Bai Xue was finally able to keep herself calm, but clenched her fists tightly, but she clearly showed her inner emotions.

"Specific address? This is not necessary! Everyone is not very familiar!" Su Ke's words almost made Bai Xue vomit blood directly, suddenly his eyes brightened, and quickly opened his notebook.

"How do you say you can return the phone to me?" Bai Xue's tone softened obviously, seemingly helpless to Su Ke, a gesture of a tiger falling flat and confessing his fate.

But while she was talking, she quickly opened a software called ICloud on her notebook with her other hand, entered her registered account, and the interface popped up soon. Click on an option called 'Find My iPhone' .

The notebook screen quickly entered a large map, the range was continuously reduced, and finally fell on the positioning coordinates of Weihai Sunshine District.

"Just apologize to me!" Su Ke felt that Bai Xue's attitude had begun to soften a bit, but it was a stun, but to be honest, when I took her phone, I just wanted to punish her. After all, I don't need such a mobile phone, I want to buy it, I can buy a car at any time.

"Apologizing is all right?" Bai Xue stared at the laptop screen, her mouth slightly tilted, a sneer came up, and found the specific location of the mobile phone, which made her whole body relaxed at once, her mind was peaceful, and the winning ticket was in her hands.

"Yes! Just apologize, I will mail the phone to you!" Su Ke nodded surely, the purpose of punishing her had been achieved, but she did not care about the postage, after all, the girl who was just angry was jumping.

"Then you tell me, what should I say to be an apology!" Bai Xue's voice softened, and from a sturdy female thief, she suddenly became a lovely lady.

"It's not that much of a hassle, just say you're wrong!" Su Ke was even touched by his so open-mindedness, his ambition was complete, and he was naturally forgiving and forgiving.

"Okay!" Shirayuki seemed to adjust her emotions. Su Ke could hear that she took a deep breath, raised her ears, and began to greet the woman's confession. Who knew that the volume was suddenly there? Again, Shirayuki's roar came clearly.

"You gangster, pervert, villain, despicable, shameless, indecent, you wait, I must draw your muscles, peel your skin, so that you can't survive, you can't die!"

Su Ke was completely frightened. Why did she just show a sincere attitude of confession, she became a shrew and scolded in the blink of an eye. This person will not be schizophrenic and have a second personality!

It was just that Su Ke hadn't responded, Bai Xue had already hung up the phone first, listening to the blind tone coming from his ear, Su Ke threw the phone aside silently.

"Miss --- Miss --- What's wrong?" Bai Xue breathed a sigh of relief. This was regarded as a bad breath in her chest. At this time, there was a knock on the door and a greeting of concern.

"Zhang Bo, go and book me a ticket to Weihai tomorrow morning!" Bai Xue suddenly opened the door of the room, watching the housekeeper standing outside, and instructed directly.

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