Urban Romance

Chapter 667: A chance at the school gate!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 668 Chapter 671's encounter at the school gate!

Su Ke scratched his head and looked at the Great Wall SUV who had left the dust. He didn't know how to provoke this girl, and he reasonably said that he would write off a write-up. That's right. Not only is it extinct, but he also shows his bravery. How could it be coveted for her beauty.

But where did he know, now Yang Peier was driving and scolding herself: "Well! Miss Ben has decided to sell sex, and dare to draw a line with me? I am so angry! I am so angry!"

However, this time out, Yang Peier also achieved his purpose. The first two arrests were all because the drug dealers were too good at driving. The first time they were chased in the alley, they were almost surrounded by him at that time. The whole county was blocked, let him run away!

The second time was on the provincial road, but the traffic was turbulent, and the drug dealers were just seeing stitches. As long as there was an empty space, they could pass the car in front. Xiao Wang was driving a motorcycle specifically for maximum mobility. Knowing that the drug dealer hadn't caught it, he had a car accident first. He had been unconscious in the hospital, and even the doctor had issued a critical notice.

After receiving clues this time, drug dealers are now hiding in Ninglong County. Ninglong is one of the eighteen counties in Weihai and can be regarded as a county with a high economic level. It is famous for making furniture. Furniture City even advertised on CCTV.

After learning the lessons from the previous two mission failures, the team met to specifically study this matter. The final conclusion was that it is best to find a driver with good driving skills. This is just in case, because the drug dealer is very cunning and may be at any time. Escape.

However, if the arrest plan is successful, the driver will not be used at all, and he will be directly pressed to the ground with a copy of his back, which is better than anything, provided that he is directly caught in the hotel where he is hiding.

In other words, if Su Ke really participated in this operation, he would only play a well-prepared role. Prior to this, Yang Peier also knew that if he was really very dangerous, he would not come to Su Ke himself.

But then! She wouldn't tell Su Ke that he was just a back-hander in case he just wanted to test him so that he was scared and anxious to see if he would agree or not, of course, he didn't read the kid wrong.

"Hoo!" Su Ke exhaled a long breath, in fact, he didn't know what the decision just made meant, but no matter what, if he agreed, he would try his best.

After this problem was solved, I immediately faced the second problem, that is, after returning to school, should I look for Li Feifei, or return to the classroom to look for Wei Lan, this meal was really embarrassing, and I knew what it was all about. So now it's a bit embarrassing.

What he didn't know was that when he talked to Yang Peier about drug dealers, Li Feifei and Wei Lan also had a brief exchange. Although the result was not too harmonious, and even smelled of gunpowder, the fire did not burn to Su Ke. Body.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I couldn't do anything, and I was so full of paste. I simply found a place with a shade and sat down. I regretted why I did n’t talk to Yang Peier for more days. If I was late for class, then It's perfect!

Sitting on the road, the sun above her head was blocked by the shade of the tree. It was relatively cool. She pulled out her cell phone and watched the news completely unconsciously, ready to pass the time.

Thinking of Wang Xiaogang's recommendation to myself of a website called 糗 百, which is full of hilarious and embarrassing things, it is definitely suitable for those who are restless and depressed, and sure enough, there are strange things in it.

And there is a hot post called Air-Conditioner, which looks really speechless. It looks like a chat record of a couple of men and women. I did not expect that the reason why the female college student derailed and opened a room with others is so strong, it is because the weather is too hot. , Want to go to the hotel to blow air conditioning.

And the most strange thing is that this woman has always insisted that she was blowing air conditioners. All the reasons are due to the weather is too hot, her bedroom is not air-conditioned, and she accidentally stopped the water, so she ca n’t wipe her body.

Derailing a house is just a matter of no one, who makes the weather so hot!

The final result was to open a room with someone, and the boyfriend's classmates saw it the next day. It was really a speechless result. Su Ke shook his head for a while and thought, how could there be such a woman in this world,


Just then, when I suddenly heard someone calling his name and it was very close, he looked up subconsciously.

Sure enough, there was a person standing behind him, exactly a woman.

The woman's soft long hair, with a tan-colored luster, was scattered around her shoulders, and a large sun visor was placed on the bridge of her nose. Lace hollow tulle was pressed against the skin, alternating between black and white. Behind him, the figure is uneven, full of grace.

In particular, the twin peaks are very upright and very attractive. The black lace skirt is also low-cut. Not only does the chest reveal a deep career line, but even the two rounded spheres are ready.

The corners of this woman's mouth are slightly upturned, with a mild smile. The mature and **** temperament is easy to be tempted. Although the large sun visor occupies a large area, it can still be seen from the outline that the woman is long It's pretty pretty.

"Are you ---?" Su Ke frowned slightly, listening to the sound was somewhat plausible, but still sunglasses blocked her true face of Lushan, and could not recognize her accurately.

"Yeah!" The woman seemed to think of the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and she lifted her hands and took them off, finally revealing her true content.

"Nima!" Su Ke's face suddenly changed, and she almost burst out swearing. The subconscious wanted to stand up and run away. This woman was not someone else, it was the one who had misbehaved toward her and offered her at home. Ye Wei, a crazy woman with a portrait of her ex-boyfriend.

"It's been a long time, have you been okay recently?" Ye Wei didn't seem to react at all to Su Ke's panic. She still had a smile on her face. She took off the sunglasses, still exuding the hooky atmosphere of a mature woman.

Of course, this feeling only exists in the eyes of onlookers who don't know the truth, but Su Ke is a real means of seeing her, and she will never be confused by her appearance.

Su Ke stood up, turned around and looked at the school gate of the Seventeenth Middle School. He regretted why he didn't go in just now, but now blocked by Ye Wei, he couldn't escape directly.

"It's okay!" Su Ke smiled bitterly, facing Ye Wei. The last time she was irritated by her medicine was not much, but more of a fear of her strange behavior.

"I'm sorry about the last time. I made a special trip this time to apologize to you! Do you have time now? How about chatting with me?" Ye Wei even invited Su Ke again.

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