Urban Romance

Chapter 677: No matter bury it!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 678 Chapter 677 Regardless of burial!

Su Ke's movements are very fast, and his fingers are moving at high speed. With his movements, the sound of dangling sounds comes from the ground, sleeves, levers, lever springs, shell throws, hammers, hammer springs, body springs, triggers, a Then one of the parts fell to the ground. In a blink of an eye, the Type 64 pistol had become a simple main frame.

Su Ke held the main frame in his right hand, and the first clip that popped out was between the little finger and ring finger of his left hand. The clip was indeed filled with bullets. The left thumb popped the bullets one by one. Yellow orange The orange bullet fell on the floor, and a loud noise came out immediately, then rolled to the side.

As soon as the connoisseurs took the shot, they knew that Su Ke's set of actions was not only horrified by Ma Feng, but also Wan Qihong's eyes widened.

"Sorry, you can't bury it! You assemble it yourself!" Su Ke shrugged his shoulders and threw the empty magazine with the pistol main frame at Ma Feng.

Sixty-four type pistols can be quickly dismantled by themselves, and this is also a very common way of playing in military camps. It can be done for about fifteen seconds, which can only be achieved after years of experience and experience.

But just now, Su Ke didn't even take ten seconds. It was a blink of an eye. With a pistol, only the bare main frame was left, and it could not be dismantled.

If this speed is placed in the hands of the military champions in the military region, it will still be acceptable, but Su Ke, he is only a student, and he will never even have the chance to touch the firearms. How did he do it?

There was a question in Ma Feng's mind, and Wan Qihong's mind was a big question mark.

Of course, the layman watched the doorway, the layman watched the bustle, Luo Feiyan and Li Linglong stood behind, always paying close attention to the movement here, from Ma Feng, until he pulled out his gun and pointed at Su Ke, and then Su Ke suddenly Taking the gun in hand, it seems that the two have not yet reacted, and Su Ke has already added a bunch of parts.

"My second Olympics is so **** handsome!" Li Linglong felt as if he was watching a movie, this is a thrilling blockbuster, especially the action of Su Ke's thumb bullet, the bullets are jumping, in A beautiful arc was drawn in the middle of the air, and finally fell to the ground, full of Wu Yusen's violent beauty.

His little heart was fluttering with joy, his eyes seemed to have little stars, and he turned his head subconsciously to look at Luo Feiyan: "Sister Yan, this boy is so awesome, why is he so awesome?"

"Yeah!" Luo Feiyan looked at this issue differently than Li Linglong. She used to think that Su Ke was a mysterious person. An ordinary student always exposed something different from time to time. People can't believe it at all.

I'm not going to mention the level of piano playing. I'm definitely a professional-level expert. I know the eldest sister on the underworld of Weihai. His skill is even more extraordinary. His drag racing technology is first-rate and can be compared with professional racing drivers. The number one ranking is that no one can dream of it.

The ancient prescriptions taken out last time, after preliminary clinical trials, are currently responding well and are definitely promising. Now he is shocked to see that he is so proficient with even firearms.

How did this big boy do it? The heights that many people couldn't reach in his lifetime gathered on him alone. He was like a mystery, which would surprise everyone at any time.

Wan Qihong's understanding of Su Ke is relatively poor compared to Luo Feiyan, but this did not affect the shock in her heart. For a long time in the military camp, she naturally understood the difficulty of Su Ke just disassembling the pistol. One year and a half can do it proficiently, even in three or five years.

And in this country where gun control is extremely strict, how can he practice it? His family is usually not strange. He will never touch the gun easily like himself or Ma Feng, even she can be sure that Su If he wanted to hit the target, the result would be even more invisible.

Ma Feng held the magazine and gun holder thrown by Su Ke in his hand, his face suddenly turned blue and white. Originally, after Su Ke seized the gun from his own hand, he had greatly improved his positioning, but followed him to dismantle it. After the action of the firearm appeared, he knew that he still underestimated him.

Looking at Su Ke coldly, his breathing was a little short. At this moment, he could be said to be defeated, but he was unwilling to admit it.

"You won this game!" Ma Feng took a deep breath and shoved the magazine and the gun holder into his pants pockets, but followed his fingers and crossed his fingers, his neck slightly crooked, and his bones crackled. It came out: "Let's make a comparison!"

Su Ke can feel the burning flame of revenge in Ma Feng's eyes, especially the sudden shameful momentum suddenly burst out. After a brief warm-up of the body, it looks like a full bow that can be deadly at any time. A blow.

"I'm willing to accompany you!" Sukh, who had been holding a fire for a long time, wanted to have a big fight, shrugged his shoulders, and couldn't see any pressure, but he was eager to try.

"Ma Feng, you're enough! Take away your gun and leave here now!" Wan Qihong's anger was rushing upwards. She thought Su Ke's performance had made her stupid for a while, but waited until she responded. In the end, it was even more disgusting to Ma Feng.

There are bullets in the gun, real bullets, holding a pistol with bullets, and pointing at someone else's head. This is not only impolite, even heartbroken. Of course, Su Ke's behavior after grabbing the gun is also inappropriate, but After all, it was caused by Ma Feng.

"Qi Hong, I'm sorry, I can't follow your suggestion. I have to fight Su Ke, otherwise I won't leave here!" Ma Feng said very firmly, because he knew that if he didn't If you do, this shame will follow you all the time, and even if no one knows about it, you will have trouble sleeping.

"You ----" When Wan Qihong said these words, Ma Qing clearly felt the coldness of his tone, like a beast, full of murderousness. His appearance made Wan Qihong have to He turned to look at Su Ke.

Ma Feng won the sixth place in the Jinling Military Region in the first half of the competition. Although he is not a champion, he still ranks among the more than 300,000 people in the entire military region. Su Ke can be Is his opponent?

Wan Qihong turned her head subconsciously and looked at Su Ke. She looked at Su Ke with a relaxed look. She seemed to feel her eyes, turned her head to smile at her, and raised her eyebrows, but she did not wait for her to speak. Watching Su Ke suddenly reach out and hook his fingers towards Ma Feng.

"Areyouready?" The pure English accent, how to listen to the provocation, Su Ke smiled slightly at Ma Feng, showing his white teeth.

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