Urban Romance

Chapter 682: Gossip!

[The text of Chapter 1]

683 Chapter 682 Gossip!

This meal didn't last long. Originally, Li Linglong proposed to go to KTV to sing, but was rejected by Wan Qihong, because the two will set off for home tomorrow morning and need to rest early.

As Wan Qihong asked Su Ke to go to Yanjing to meet his parents, making him the first two, he always had an ominous premonition from time to time. It was less than nine o'clock when he returned to the community, and he wanted to go. Help yourself in your own small supermarket and see what you can do!

There are things that are easy to ignore. Su Ke didn't feel that someone was closely behind him, and it seemed that his intentions were bad.

"Parents!" Su Ke pushed in and watched as Mom and Dad were starting to take stock, and there was an elderly lady leading the grandson to pick snacks.

This old lady Su Ke often sees that Su Ke, whose personality has gradually changed, will naturally not pretend to be blind, but instead greets him, "Grandma Wu is good!"

"Su Ke is here!" Grandma Wu picked up her grandson and went to the counter to check out: "Su Ke did a good job this time!"

Su Ke's grades have been passed on in the Sunshine Community. Although Seventeen Middle School is not the Weihai Key High School, it is also the only high school in which all students in the neighborhood can enter. If there is money, it is possible to borrow key high schools. However, the residents in this community are basically ordinary people, and almost all the students are studying in Seventeen Middle School.

A first-year grade in the year is indeed something to show off. Although Su Youfu and Zhang Xue are not the kind of characters who have a three-point color to open a dyeing workshop, it is also a beautiful thing to talk about.

Su Ke scratched his hair, but was a little embarrassed: "It's okay!"

"Which is okay, the first in the city is still so humble!"

"Ah?" Su Ke said for a moment, this time is even more embarrassed: "Grandma Wu, either the city's first, or our seventeenth grade first!"

Do not know where the rumor came from, Su Ke quickly explained.

"The first is also the first in the seventeenth, really amazing! Mavericks, you have to learn from your brother Su Ke in the future, don't you?" Grandma Wu teased her grandson, and hoped that the grandson would become the same.

Su Youfu and Zhang Xue pouted at the counter behind the counter. As long as someone boasted about their son, these two people were the expressions, and their laughing faces were paralyzed during this time.

"You say that your son is really struggling. You can worry about being a parent. You have to say that this is all life. Su Ke, a young boy, I feel good when I am young. Look at Wang Jianming again. It looks very pleasing to the eye, but now divorce is happening, everyone feels like something wrong! "

Grandma Wu shook her head and regretted her expression while talking, but Su Ke immediately opened her ears when she heard it, for nothing else, because of Liu Mengmeng.

Su Ke himself wanted to ask how the matter is now, but before he spoke, Zhang Xue took over: "Oh! Also, I think this girl Liu Mengmeng is very good, why is this happening now? ! "

"You don't know about it!" To say that this middle-aged and elderly woman has reached the golden age of spreading her parents. Every day, if you are okay, you can listen to the parents, and then you can ask the Westerners for short. Even the director of the neighborhood committee has to consult them first.

Right now it's time for them to play their heat! Su Ke looked at this grandma Wu and took a breath first. She subconsciously glanced at Su Ke, as if she didn't want him to hear it. She leaned over to Zhang Xue and lowered her voice: "Then Wang Jianming I'm sick! I heard I can't have a child! "

"Can't have a child?" Zhang Xue said for a while, this news seems to be the first time I heard: "Can't have a child, this can be cured! Now that there are so many hospitals, I don't think many hospitals treat this on TV. ! "

"Well! If it was that easy, the child would not be as neurotic as if he were serious!" Grandma Wu was afraid that what she said would affect Su Ke's pure quality, and she lowered her voice a few degrees. "He Not at all, I heard that there is no way to make a hole! "

Zhang Xue and Su Youfu suddenly looked shocked and took a breath: "Oh! No wonder!"

Don't look at Grandma Wu's voice control is relatively small, but still be heard clearly by Su Ke, whose ears are like antennas, but anxious that I didn't get the information I wanted after listening for a long time.

However, Su Ke was so anxious about mother and child that Zhang Xue raised the key: "No wonder I haven't seen Liu Mengmeng for a few days! Have they all moved out?"

"No, I heard that Liu Mengmeng went to court to sue for divorce. Wang Jianming disagreed. They could n’t decide. They seemed to be able to leave after two years of separation. Then Liu Mengmeng did n’t know where he was going. Wang Jianming It ’s been a long time since I found him.

"Yeah! It seems like I haven't seen Meng Meng sister for quite a long time!" Su Ke couldn't help it, cheekily pretending to look ignorant, as if talking to himself.

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Zhang Xue answered the question for Grandma Wu. "It seems that she left her wallet at our house last time, and it seems that she did not see it the next day!"

Sure enough, Su Ke knew why she could n’t find Liu Mengmeng. I ’m afraid she had hid elsewhere. Not only did she not want to see that Wang Jianming, she should have her own reason, or else the two already had that relationship. , Will not say goodbye.

The more I think about it, the more I get upset. There is no business in the store, so naturally I don't need to help myself. Su Ke thinks that it is better to go home and be quiet. He says hello to his parents, and he will go home.

As soon as I left the house, maybe because of my mind, I hadn't waited for my stroller and accidentally knocked down with a girl. Su Ke even felt that his arm touched his chest, which was soft and elastic. The smell of the perfume on the girl got into her nose and it smelled pretty good.

"I'm sorry!" Su Ke quickly apologized to others. After all, he was careless, his brain was coaxed, and he didn't avoid it in time. However, the girl was hit by herself. There was no special reaction. She even turned around and left. Sucker was inexplicable for a while.

"Huh?" Su Ke subconsciously looked at the girl's hurried back, and shook her head, but didn't think about it, and rushed to her home by bike, but she didn't know why, she always felt that girl The taste is familiar, but I can't figure out whether it is a neighborhood neighbor.

The neighborhood is old, and the staircase lighting night lights are not very useful. Su Ke wanted to use his mobile phone to illuminate it, and suddenly he was stuck in place.

"I'm going!" Su Ke immediately reacted in his head, his pockets were empty, and where was the shadow of the mobile phone, followed by turning his head and chasing out like a cell door.

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