Urban Romance

Chapter 696: Ye Wei after waking up!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 697 Ye Wei after waking up!

The doctor in the white coat looked cold and serious: "Sorry, we have done our best!"

After Su Ke heard this sentence, he felt a whirlwind. Why is this so? Suddenly it hurts in my heart. Is n’t a living life just like that?

Su Ke stood in place, feeling whether Ye Wei, who was covered with white cloth, was about to launch the next moment, and suddenly realized that it was just his own illusion.

He shook his head fiercely, struggling to shake out the ominous scenes that came out of his mind. It may be that the TV series has watched too much. In this situation, it is easy to think of the bridge.

Only then was the door of the operating room pushed open. A doctor took off his mask while walking out: "Who is Ye Wei's family?"

"Hello doctor, how is Ye Wei? I am her friend!" Su Ke was really afraid that the ominous premonition in his mind had become a reality, and he grasped the doctor's arm with both hands.

"Don't be excited. The patient has passed the dangerous period, just stay in the hospital for two days to observe and observe!" The doctor unconsciously pulled out his arm and a bitter smile appeared on his face. It seems that Su Ke did not start lightly.

"Thank you, thank you!" Su Ke finally heard the good news, and the boulder hanging in his heart was also put down. At this moment, the door of the operating room was opened again, Ye Wei was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. She still had some pain in her face. It seemed that the stomach lavage operation was uncomfortable. Even in a coma, she still felt it clearly.

From the operating room to the ward, Huang Mao specially asked for a VIP ward. The conditions were naturally better. There was a TV, a separate bathroom, and even a pot of flowers.

But Ye Wei still didn't move a bit. She lay flat on the bed, and her tall **** fell together. Only in this way did she show that she was still a living person.

"Doctor!" Su Ke turned to look at the attending doctor who came with him: "What do we need to do?"

"Well!" Ye Wei's treating doctor is a woman in her forties with short hair, a round face, and a pair of round glasses on the bridge of her nose. She looked at her watch before she said, "It is estimated that the patient will be in two hours Regain consciousness from left to right. Pay attention. Maybe her mood will be repeated. Such suicidal patients are likely to regain consciousness after ----- "

Having said that, the doctor paused, looked at Ye Wei who was sleeping in the hospital bed, and shook his head: "You will find short-sightedness soon, you have to look at her, enlighten and enlighten, there is nothing to think about at a young age!"

Perhaps the age gap between Su Ke and Ye Wei seems to be so large that the doctor doesn't think about the relationship between men and women at all, otherwise this attitude would not be the same for Su Ke.

"Doctor, can she eat something after she wakes up?" Su Ke knows the so-called gastric lavage, which is to fill a certain amount of liquid into the stomach, and then mix this liquid with the contents of the stomach, and then draw it out. It takes many repetitions to count as a true cleansing poison. It is conceivable that there is nothing in Ye Wei's stomach now. It must be hungry!

"I'm afraid this is not possible!" The doctor shrugged his shoulders: "Because gastric lavage is the insertion of a gastric tube, it may cause a certain degree of damage to the mucosa of the digestive tract, sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness, so she cannot yet It ’s not enough to eat or eat liquids. We will give her an infusion to keep her body nutritious! "

No one is really iron-hearted, even though Su Wei was tired of what Ye Wei did at first, but when she was lying on the bed and motionless, Su Ke still put all her bad things away.

Ye Wei's hands had delicate skin, but now she was sickly pale. Su Ke sat next to the bed, holding her hand completely naturally, feeling that her hand was cold and gently pressed against her side face. It seems to use her body temperature to warm her.

"You say why are you so stupid? What sleeping pills to take?"

"Can sleeping pills be eaten as a meal? What do you eat so much?"

"Look at you. You are not afraid of death. Are you afraid of living?"

Su Ke looked at Ye Wei. It seemed that her body's toxicity had subsided during this time, and her expression on her face was no longer so painful, and she even really fell asleep.

"No matter why you do it, it's not worth it!"

It seems that he has never talked with Ye Wei so calmly. The two people met with ridiculous effects from the first time they met. That time, it seemed to be in the bar. Ye Wei dressed up was seductive and sexy. At that time, she even wanted to pull her innocent little boy into the basement to bow to the king.

The second time on the plane, the coincidence couldn't be more coincidental, and the two of them sat together, but her dress was much more normal at that time, although Su Ke's character was still wild, and Su Ke couldn't look straight.

I can't forget the scenes, but I can't keep the old temperature.

The unforgettable enthusiasm is true, false, sweet or bitter.

Perhaps this is love, and it is not clear.

This is love, Huli is confused again.

Su Ke thought back to the bits and pieces of contact between the two people, scene by scene, maybe Ye Wei really had such a little confused love for himself! But she has always played a cold image in it, always hiding her subconsciously.

Although there is a big reason for this is because of her ex-boyfriend, Feng Yao who has already been in heaven for a long time, but this is not her fault!

Even if she has been wrong all the time, but the so-called death debt, she was lucky to rescue it this time, then all the mistakes will be written off!

To be honest, the doctors at the time had said that if it was not for Su Ke's timely discovery, medical treatment and timely rescue, then he would definitely face a cold body.

Su Ke didn't know how long he was sitting by the bed, anyway, the more he thought about it, the more he became confused. Things about school had long been set aside, and suddenly he felt Ye Wei's finger move.

Suddenly looking up, Su Ke saw Ye Wei's little white face, which was still a little pale, and there was a sign of waking. Long eyelashes trembled slightly, then slowly, slowly opened his eyes.

When Ye Wei saw Su Ke, who was always by his side, he immediately released a sweet smile, his eyes became shiny, and he had to sit up subconsciously, but only after performing gastric lavage surgery. Strength, just moved, and then lay down.

"Husband! What's wrong with me? How did I get to the hospital?" Ye Wei discovered his discomfort at this time and looked blankly around, looking inconceivable.

"Ye Wei! It's okay!" Su Ke remembered what the doctor had said before, for she was afraid that she would have any radical behavior, so she quickly persuaded that as to how she called herself, it was not important now.

"Husband, you look so weird now! It's okay, look at your nervous look. Am I sick? How did you run to the hospital?" Ye Wei's expression of tone seemed to be very different from before The big difference is the kind of natural playful and cute, like naughty and spoiled.

"Ye Wei, do you know --- what's my name?" Su Ke suddenly had a bad hunch in her heart, and asked subconsciously and tentatively.

"You? Aren't you my boyfriend Su Ke? Your eyes are weird! Are you stupid?" Ye Wei looked at Su Ke and thought he was very weird, but Su Ke had a big head, did Ye Wei eat? Did sleeping pills become dementia? How it looks like a person.

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