Urban Romance

Chapter 956: Breakwater caused by resonance!

Although Sun Ruigang already knew the situation from Yang Peier's mouth, Su Ke repeated it again, including the conflict with yesterday and Yuan Fang, and he was very sure that the ambassador of the incident was him.

"Yuan Fang! This person really heard it a little bit, it seemed to have been arrested at a hotel in the last time, and more than once!" Sun Ruigang thought about it, as if he really knew the person.

"Have you caught him?" Su Ke really didn't expect Yuan Fang to do anything illegal and disorderly, and he said casually, and soon Sun Ruigang revealed the mystery to him: "This kid is a little bit interesting, likes big horses, but also I often play double er, often drag two! "

Sun Ruigang originally wanted to say Shuangfei, but considering that there was still a little girl who was not married, she replaced Shuangfei with a word with similar meaning.

Sure enough, don't look at Yang Pei'er who hasn't gotten married and doesn't have a boyfriend, but immediately react to what Sun Ruigang said, a little embarrassed, and quickly turned his head, pretending not to hear.

"Uh, that's it!" Su Ke started doing what Yuan Fang did to hurt people. Who knows that he was arrested in the anti-vice campaign in the end? What's the crime? chant!

"Rest assured, if this task is successfully completed, I will help you clean up and clean him up!" Sun Ruigang patted Su Ke's shoulder very boldly.

"He seems to have fled to Wencheng County now. It's okay. I can't run him!" Su Ke said here and thought of Ma Meng at that time. Liu Feihong had already sent someone to Wencheng. Can catch him.

Moreover, listening to the meaning in Yang Peier's words, maybe they knew Liu Feihong's relationship long ago. After thinking about it, they organized the language and finally revealed it to Sun Ruigang simply because they didn't know how much they knew about themselves. When it comes to talking, it's the end.

"Yeah! Your three-street small site is well managed. In fact, you do n’t have to think too complicated. There is no fish when the water is clear. This gang of gangs will inevitably appear in any city, but as long as it is still Within the controllable range, do not engage in public grievances, basically the police will not fight hard! "

Sun Ruigang once again popularized Su Ke's knowledge.

"After all, we have cleaned up some people, and soon another will be added, so if we go back and forth, we will fall into a vicious circle, which is not good for social stability."

"Huh!" Su Ke suddenly remembered that Sun Ruigang's point of view was actually surprisingly consistent with Director Chen Dong of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau. It seems that this is the state's attitude towards the underground society. It is not a big deal.

When several people spoke, someone had already come down and merged together. Except for a Landwind SUV, the remaining four cars were all magic cars such as Jetta and Santana, and these cars had a common feature and were not too eye-catching. All are civilian plates.

There were also several large boxes on the Landwind SUV, which were tightly sealed. Sucker guessed that it should be equipped with guns and other equipment.

It was ten minutes before the previous scheduled time. Sun Ruigang looked around and saw that everyone was here, all were ready to go, all were waiting for their orders, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted, "Go ! "

The full voice echoed downstairs, everyone got into the car, and Su Ke also ran to his own hatchback, Fukang, and started firing. Suddenly, the first officer ’s door was pulled open, and Yang Peier bowed his head Come in.

"Hey, why are you here?" Su Ke said for a moment, according to the previous division, this girl obviously should be in an SUV, and to say that it is comfortable, and naturally it is the first car, why did you suddenly run to yourself? The tight hatchback came.

"Why? Not welcome?" Yang Pei'er was obviously a bit cold for this old model, behind the central control of the era, the old front desk, and even the seats were not so comfortable. Sitting inside seemed like a short floor. Like.

"How dare you! I want you to come. As soon as you come in, I immediately feel that my car is full of fragrance and flourishes!" Su Ke had slowly driven away from the Public Security Bureau during the conversation and followed the team closely. Behind.

"You are really getting poorer. After all, you were invited by me personally, and I have to take responsibility for you!" Yang Peier was also adjusting her sitting posture and twisting her body. Su Ke glanced subconsciously, and suddenly she was horizontal. Seen as a ridge on the side of the mountain, from the city to that Ninglong, the distance is not close, almost 200 kilometers.

And this is a team, so Su Ke can't leave the team naturally, he ran first himself, as the so-called long road, with a beautiful woman on the side, is indeed a joyous thing, men and women match, driving is not tired.

"Don't, when I hear that you are responsible for me, I feel like I'm not right! If you are responsible, it should be that I am responsible for you!" Su Ke said as she drove her car, and there seemed to be something to her. Zhou Xingchi was QB in the bed.

And after Su Ke said this sentence, Yang Peier had a lot of snippets in his head, especially at that time, because he was adjusted to become an office clerk, and drunk was carried by Su Ke into the hotel. It ’s a lot cheaper. If it was in ancient times, Sukna would have to get married back and get himself back.

The magic car Fukang is not controlled by ordinary people. Sun Ruigang does n’t know where to buy it. Now fans of change cars have rarely used French cars, most of them have been transferred to Japanese, what kind of fit, Suzuki and the like The main reason is that the price of the car itself is not high, the cost is low, and more kits can be used.

Therefore, this Fukang can be said to be an old antique. The horsepower CAO has strong control, but one thing is that it sacrifices comfort, the engine is vibrating, and even the entire body is resonating with frequency. This is what is on the car. Two people have a feeling of doing a massage.

Su Ke hasn't done much yet. He is strong enough, even if the steering wheel in his hand becomes a hot wheel, the seat vibration can be used as a coup to relieve muscle fatigue, but Yang Peier is totally guilty. I can bear it in the beginning, but it doesn't matter how much I move, but what happens later?

Fukang's vibrations passed to her in all directions from the chassis and seat. This low-frequency resonance caused her to feel a bit numb in her body accidentally, first with her two feet, and slowly passing upwards. Quickly, she realized what was wrong.

Feeling the top of the twin peaks bound by the bra, the two buds turned out to be overpowered, numb and crisp, and even produced a turbulent thrill. One wave has not subsided yet, another wave has invaded. .

Su Ke soon noticed Yang Pei'er's strangeness, and he didn't speak. He kept looking out the window, and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. Two little hands clenched his fists tightly, and his legs were close together without a gap .

"What's wrong? Motion sickness?" Su Ke looked at it for a long time, and the more he saw it, the more he felt wrong, he asked.

"I" Yang Peier just opened her mouth, and her face suddenly changed: "Su Ke, stop now, I want to pee!" Yang Peier felt that she had some unconscious blankness in her mind, and for a long time, such an opening seemed to take all All strength has been released, and if the floodgates are not opened again, the Jinshan will surely be flooded.

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