Urban Romance

Chapter 995: Yuan Guangwei's little trick!

The latest chapter of "Peach Blossom Festival" ...

Yuan Guang stood on Su Ke's side. After learning about Su Ke's details, he no longer regarded Su Ke as an 18-year-old boy. According to popular adjectives, Su Ke can be said to be black and white. Pingbang, planted it in his own hands, and really not wronged. Visit the latest free chapter of this book.

Looking at Su Ke's look, his heart was a bit bitter. He was also the richest man in Wencheng County with a net worth of tens of millions, but people just looked at it with a kind of mockery.

"Say, what is it anyway?" Su Ke was indeed disdainful of what Yuan Guangwei said, giving himself away in vain? If you are a little hard-hearted and don't spend money to grab the Pearl Tower, this is not impossible. Where is the trouble?

"Hehe!" Yuan Guang laughed without saying a word: "There is a little girl in the family who is the same age as you this year and is studying high school in Wencheng No.1 Middle School. I mean see if you want to make a kiss!"

Su Ke had already decided to take a good shot at this old boy, but after he said this, the whole head was stunned, whether he had a hallucination himself, or whether this Yuan Guangwei was already mentally deranged!

"You're sick!" Su Ke blurted out this time. He had diagnosed Yuan Guangwei's condition without going through his brain at all, and he looked very serious.

Otherwise, in the morning, it ’s still violent, and I ca n’t wait for a big fight. How can I become this virtue in a flash? This is too speechless!

"No, old man. I am still awake. My girl is studying well. Although Wencheng No. 1 Middle School is not the focus of the city, my girl must be at the top of every exam. She looks so pretty!"

Yuan Guang for this old guy seems to be an incarnation and became a salesman. He flooded the golden lotus with his girlfriend, but Su Ke had no doubt. The old guy and Yuan Fang were handsome. Then what he said Naturally, the daughter will not be worse off.

But if it's not the old man who got frustrated, or is he calculating himself, bitterness? Beauty count? Also Nima is a serial meter! The more I think about it, the more I feel wrong, but here Yuan Guangwei is still selling his own girl.

"If you can become a partner with Yuezhang, I will not only give you the pearl in Weihai, I will give you three other shopping malls, how about it?"

This time Yuan Guangwei increased the bargaining chip again. This temptation seems to remind Su Ke, I am afraid that the girl named Yuezhen is not the face of his father and the mutation of the gene is not impossible.

But in general, the old guy's performance is very weird at present, and he has nothing to do with diligence or stealing, and in the final analysis, although his relationship with their Yuan family is not incompatible, they also have grudges, which is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

Su Ke glanced. It seemed that Yuan Guangwei was still waiting for his reply, and his mind suddenly became irritable: "Three million to buy your pearl, you do not lose! I suddenly feel that I should not give you so long to consider , You have one more afternoon to consider! "

At noon, I also talked with Liu Feihong about whether there is any problem in the price of the Pearl Commercial Building. Liu Feihong told him that according to the current market price, Su Ke did take a big advantage. The land is now more than six million, but the Yuan family bought it. When it was cheap, he made a lot of money over the years, and in general, he did not suffer too much.

Of course, Su Ke also knows that this is robber logic. Even if he spends three million, it is also the way of empty gloves and white wolves. It is no different from pitting and deceiving. The only thing is that he has no psychological burden, kills people and pays debts. Since you don't have eyes, don't blame me.

Su Ke's irritability made the whole person feel Yuan Yuanwei dangerous, as if it had become a volcano, waiting for an eruption.

"Three million, no problem, you can sign the transfer procedure tomorrow! You don't have to consider my suggestion, or you can order a baby doll!" Yuan Guang is dead and doesn't change, it seems that he doesn't give up the girl .

"Lao Yuan, it's okay to call you Lao Yuan!" Su Ke listened to this Yuan Guang's sudden and clear consent, slightly surprised, turned his head and found that Yuan Guangwei had no opinion of his own title: "You want I know, but I tell you, don't make these useless, you and your son, can't set foot in Weihai city, I will not change this idea! "

"Of course, you can take what I said as a joke!" Su Ke shrugged as he said, in fact, he can almost guess the ugly and ugly man who came to his own house for the unusual changes today. Although he did not say that he would plead guilty directly, the attitude has been lowered.

Suddenly a beauty was thrown up, nothing more than coaxing Su Ke, except for Su Ke, I am afraid that when boys of this age burst into pride, some people rushed to send their daughters, even if they do n’t want it, the psychology Will be greatly satisfied.

This can give Yuan Guang a manipulable space. What he is asking for is not to stop Su Ke from accepting the Pearl Commercial Building, but to leave some face for himself. The industry is gone and you can make money again, but the face is gone. But life-long affairs, living at such an old age, are extremely important to the face.

With the idea of ​​sugar-coated cannonballs, he knew that Su Ke could not agree to such a funny proposal, but he still said that he wanted to soften Su Ke, but he did not expect that Su Ke had seen through his intentions at a glance. It should never appear on an eighteen-year-old.

Yuan Guang laughed awkwardly: "Su Ke, why do you have to drive us out of Weihai?"

"No, I just feel annoying!" Su Ke shrugged, picked up the cell phone in his pocket, a text message from Yang Peier, opened it, and turned to see her quickly.

"Okay, I'll send someone to sign your contract tomorrow, rest assured, three million will not lose you a penny!" After Su Ke said, he went straight into the car and went away.

Su Ke is unwilling to talk to this old guy, because according to his age, he always feels like bullying the old man. This is not suitable for a Su Ke who will take the initiative to give the old man a seat in a public car. This may also be Yuan Guangwei The reason for being alone.

There aren't a few fools in this world, let alone Yuan Guang is such an old self-made fox, but the beginning of this incident has already been destined, and Su Ke has made a decision and will definitely practice it. Can blame his son without kicking his eyes, really hit the iron plate.

Watching Su Ke drive away, Yuan Guangwei's face finally showed a very different expression from the previous one. A Su Ke b's own desperation, but the gentleman revenge was not too late for ten years, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, Fortunately, his unwieldy son seemed to have opened up and vowed to tell himself that this revenge would be reported.

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