Urban Romance

Chapter 998: The grieving Xing Jikang!

With a look of concern, Xing Jikang even appeared in his mind when Yang Peier was handling the case, fighting fiercely, and then unfortunately wounded. These were all made up after seeing it in the TV series, especially when Su Ke talked. His expressions were twisted and twisted, and his curiosity was high.

But who knows that the peaks and turns, Su Ke did not say anything about the shootout, but what women are fragile, and what caves, this has nothing to do with leg injuries, and quickly said whether Yang Peier was injured by a knife or something.

But after a reaction time of about two or three seconds, Xing Jikang's face changed greatly. If it had not been the habit of fighting with people in daily life, I am afraid that he has already been fighting with Su Ke in the same place now: "You!"

Looking at Xing Jikang's teeth gritting, the blue tendons on his forehead became very obvious. It seemed that he was not hit lightly by this sentence. Su Ke ignored him. After all, although this man was tall, his attack power was not obvious. Fifth, even if a small universe erupts, there is no threat to itself.

"Oh! Blame me!" Su Ke still guilty of guilt, then glanced at Yang Peier without a trace. The girl was still frowning with herself, giving orders, and now she was stunned and changed at all. I didn't expect Su Ke to say such a word.

Su Ke is also a contingency. As the so-called high strokes are born naturally, they are obtained by a wonderful hand. When they are connected with the duck-like shape of Yang Peier, they subconsciously think of a few women who have relationships with them. Several of the next day's walking postures were a bit unnatural.

This is also a reasonable reason, but after speaking, it obviously hurt Xing Jikang's small heart that does not seem to be very strong.

Yang Peier's face was flushed, and she was obviously surprised by some surprises. Su Ke's sentence was too lethal. When she calmed down, she almost got so angry that her nose was crooked. Blame him? What cave night? Isn't this a banquet of a yellow flower girl among young women?

Grunting and snoring, the tall twin peaks undulating up and down, both fists clenched tightly, can't wait to run now to straighten Su Ke on the spot, yes, he has to let him survive or die .

Now Xing Jikang's mind has become blank and very confused. He was hit by the news. He leaned on the back of the sofa, his face was cloudy, and he even had the idea of ​​fleeing.

However, as the maker of the incident, Su Ke snickered in his heart. This was the price of Yang Peier's cold dragging himself out as a shield. He always has to pay a fee to carry his own bag, and just now this girl is sitting on Mount Tai, just waiting to see her confronting Xing Jikang, her intention is also bad.

Xing Jikang took a deep breath, and then took another breath. When his stomach was filled with air, he spit it out for a long time. Although his face was still very hot, he seemed to have started to try to control his emotions. .

"Huh!" Xing Jikang reached out and raised the tea cup in front of him, but his arm was still shaking slightly, but imagine that his mood must be magnificent now.

When he put down the tea cup, he turned to look at Yang Peier, and there was a kind of persistent struggle in his eyes, still full of affection.

The small flame in Yang Peier's heart jumped up abruptly. Su Ke was really too wicked. The thunder and thunder broke the grievances of his sins, but when he saw Xing Jikang's gaze, the girl immediately put away her face. His anger bowed his head shyly.

Facts speak louder than words. Xing Jikang saw Yang Peier's performance. He really believed in Su Ke's words. Who knew that he had been pursuing for four or five years and had been struggling since he was in college.

But Yang Peier assigned work for less than a year, how did things turn out like this, did she stay in Yanjing in the first place to be a trick? However, the arrangements for entering the Supreme Court were made at home, and I didn't have the ability to confront the family like Yang Peier.

The arrangements in Xing Jikang's home were organized step by step. After the Supreme Law exercise, it was slowly decentralized. It is estimated that the seat of director and director of the Provincial High Court can be assumed.

Then I became the president of the court in the county, slowly rising from the grassroots level, and finally returned to the Supreme Law again. At that time, I was not a small cadre. From top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, I did n’t need ten. Years, you can become ministerial cadres, but this is the level that ordinary people have to struggle for 20 or even 30 years.

And if he and Yang Peier really become a couple, I am afraid that they can save a lot of time in the middle of the political and legal system of the Yang family, they will always have a successful day.

This idea has been told to his old father and has been recognized. Although his family is considered as a behemoth in the court system, it is higher than the Yang family who had a member of the Politburo Standing Committee.

Even if Yang Peier ran to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, she often called her and texted her, for fear of feeling rusty, and Yang Peier would normally communicate with her except that she would n’t send back text messages when something happened. How did she become this now? What does it look like?

Xing Jikang felt that there was a circle of people in his mind who were continually meeting and discussing. One after another thoughts came out, to stay or go. Would you like to beat the man in front of you, it seems that this kid is definitely not his opponent, but If he hits him, then Yang Pei'er will really be impossible!

Xing Jikang struggled and squeezed out a smile: "Peier, the inspection team will go to the following counties for inspection tomorrow, I have to go back and prepare, I must go first!"

Xing Jikang was good. At least he even greeted Su Ke when he left. It seems that the life-and-death enemies of wife-hate hatred have not risen, but the back is very sad. Xiao Suo's people can hear that every step he takes, his heart is broken. the sound of.

Su Ke was standing at the door, still talking carefully on the road. He didn't hear any meaning of gloating. He had been talking nonsense, and he knew it was a joke, but he just couldn't laugh next second.

The thin meat around his waist seemed to be twisted into twists. Su Ke only took air-conditioning, and his teeth grinned for mercy: "Do n’t screw it, do n’t screw it, it will kill you!"

"Death? Su Ke, I tell you, today is not the end of this matter, you don't want to walk out of this door alive!" Yang Peier first slammed the door to death and directly sealed Su Ke's retreat. Su Ke really didn't do it: "I said, I'm sorry you were invited, we can't treat guests like that!"

When Su Ke talked, while Yang Pei'er's strength was slightly weakened, he suddenly wiped the oil on the soles of his feet. The door was not to go out. It was a thankfulness to be able to get rid of Yang Pei's fingers, but Yang Pei'er was also a policeman and a policeman. At the Public Security University, his skill was considered the highest ranking. Seeing Su Ke going to run, he suddenly made a stride.

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