In fact, Qin Miao also noticed that Tang Cong was clear at this time, Yingwei next to him was also a lord who was unforgiving, and the two of them stood together, making it clear that they wanted to find trouble.

Although Sheng Xia said that if someone provokes trouble, then he will definitely help Qin Miao, but it is just a verbal statement, after all, Qin Miao and his identity are there, and in this appraisal meeting, you need to be cautious in your words and actions, otherwise you may be caught by others.

Therefore, Qin Miao did not intend to trouble Midsummer, he wanted to use his knowledge to shut up those two people.

Seeing the faces of the two of them, Qin Miao was also a little crying and laughing at this time, he felt that in this appraisal meeting, everyone could express their own opinions, there was no need to personally attack, that was indeed inappropriate behavior.

But looking at the faces of those two guys, Qin Miao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and he was ready to hit those two guys in the face at this time.

So Qin Miao then said the basis of his judgment, causing the people present to applaud one after another, and opened his mouth to praise Qin Miao, this is not his deliberate show, mainly some people disobey him, so he has to teach a lesson and let him find his position.

The customs of that time and the wishes of the ancients were the real basis for Qin Miao's judgment.

Originally, Qin Miao wanted to say it simply, but when he thought of Tang Congming and Yingwei's faces, he was not ready to hide it, and saw Qin Miao say the next few words in a loud voice.

"The ancients are different from our modern people's ideas, their average life expectancy is very short, almost only thirty or forty years, in the case of an average life expectancy of only thirty or forty years, some people look forward to immortality, presumably you all know this matter, right?"

Qin Miao first said a very simple example, and everyone present nodded, which is indeed a well-known thing.

After all, the ancient medical skills were poor, and if they were sick, if they were not treated in time, they would soon die, but everyone didn't know what Qin Miao meant when he said this.

"I speculate that the princess must have died of illness, or suddenly suffered a disaster, and it is estimated that the bones at that time were curled up in a ball, so I put the jade butterfly on the top of the belly button of the tomb owner, hoping to turn into a butterfly."

Qin Miao said this has a historical basis, the ancients thought that they would become a cocoon after death, that is, the cocoon that cocooned themselves, of course, just some people think so, there are still some people with clear heads in ancient times.

The meaning of the jade butterfly is obvious, that is, turning the cocoon into a butterfly, pinning on the tomb owner's strong will to be happy in the next life, after all, the butterfly after breaking the cocoon can already fly freely, which is a symbol of freedom in the minds of the ancients.

"The reason why it is the position of the belly button eye is because the cocoon into a butterfly needs to be brewed, if it is only in the mouth, I am afraid it will be less meaningful, and the bottom of the belly button happens to be the position of the dantian."

Qin Miao finally said a strong evidence, everyone present was stunned, they did not expect that a small jade butterfly had such a context, even the seller was a little unable to sit still at this time, he felt that he should be considered a treasure.

After all, it is a thing of the Qin Dynasty, and there are so many allusions, if you sell it, you will definitely be able to sell it for a sky-high price, but if it is Qin Miao, it is estimated that he will collect it, after all, the collection value of that jade butterfly is very large.

"The wish of the tomb owner before death was to turn into a butterfly after death, so she put the jade butterfly directly above the belly button, thinking that the jade butterfly would automatically enter the dantian after she died, so the position of the funeral object was indeed placed above the belly button, without any accident."

After saying this, Qin Miao sat down, his expression looked very calm, but his heart was turbulent, what he said just now he also risked to say, if there are one or two more bar spirits at this time, he is still more troublesome, after all, not everyone can understand him.

Tang Congming and Yingwei stopped talking at this time, after all, Qin Miao had already come up with strong evidence, as long as he was not a fool, he knew that this time was not a good time to be a bar spirit, sometimes he needed to observe, and he also needed to look at the faces of others to act.

If the two of them still want to refute, it's not impossible, it's not impossible, the main thing is that the two of them have exhausted their donkey skills, and Tang Congming can't shout at Qin Miao anymore, but other things are okay.

No matter who wanted to refute Qin Miao, they had to come up with more powerful evidence, and they had to convince most of the people present that if Tang Congming and Yingwei did this, the two of them could wrestle with Qin Miao.

But at the moment, most of the people accepted Qin Miao's judgment, and the two of them wanted to say something, but it was too late.

But at this time, Tang Congming still feels that Qin Miao is stealing his limelight, and such thoughts have become more and more vigorous, he thinks that Qin Miao is humiliating himself, but he doesn't know that the other party actually has no such thoughts, everything is just his imagination.

"I didn't expect that the tomb owner actually wanted to be reborn, haha, I finally saw it today, I didn't expect that this little appraisal would really be a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, some people dare to question, some people are keen to answer, this is indeed very good."

Mr. Lan and his brother are still respectable, it is reasonable for the two of them to say this, everyone around nodded, except for Tang Congming and Yingwei, the two of them yawned and did not say anything, but looking at the eyes, you can understand that the two of them are still unconvinced, with a look of indignation.

"You're really amazing, and don't hide from you, the answer I just thought of is this, but if I say it." It's a bit of a hustle and bustle, and I don't really trust my own judgment, hehe. Midsummer

suddenly came over at this time, and said a lot of things to Qin Miao, but the joy in his words was not fake, and he felt more and more that Qin Miao was simply a talent.

Hearing that Midsummer was also such an answer, Qin Miao took a long breath, since this is the case, then there is no problem with his previous judgment, this is indeed a long-cherished wish of the tomb owner who wants to turn into a butterfly and longs for the next life.

"But she didn't expect that the obsession that she had not let go before she died was now exposed to the sun, and everyone knew in their hearts that people could not be resurrected after death, and she hoped that people thousands of years ago could be at ease."

Gu Qianxun clasped his hands and muttered.

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