
Everyone was startled. Even Wang Dadong, firefighters and armed police soldiers, did not expect that people could make such a terrible voice.

Bang Bang

In the iron cage, the workers crowded together and banged against this side of the cage.

Bang bang!

Each time, the firefighters and armed police soldiers gave a cry of surprise. They always felt that if they did it again, these workers could knock the iron cage open.

After all, these cages are also temporarily transported and assembled from the foot of the mountain. They are not very strong at all, and the big locks on them don't seem to last long.

"Cover it! Cover them quickly... Don't let them see people... "

Seeing this, Wang Dadong immediately ordered his men to cover the iron cage on the tent top with hoisting. Because only in this way can these mutant workers be a little quiet.

"See! Mayor Chen, we have reached the limit. It is very rare to be able to lock up these workers together. I really can't imagine how to make them recover from these monsters... I think the best result is... Give them a good time! "

After the tent was covered again, Wang Dadong wiped his cold sweat and still said with some panic. In his eyes, the workers after these mutations have long been out of the scope of human beings, and the best result is only one, that is, the destruction of all humanity.

"Yes! Captain Wang, we have a general understanding of the situation. You must let your people, together with the armed police soldiers, take good care of these workers. At present, the people sent from above should still be on the road, and I have no authority to destroy them humanely. And, after all, they... At least once were living people, so they ended their lives. I think it's murder! "

Chen Luping nodded, but she didn't want to do so. There are nearly 100 workers here! Behind them, they represent more than 100 families! If they are so hastily destroyed to humanity, the pain brought to these 100 families will be permanent.

"Yes! Aunt Ping, I don't agree to do so. Moreover, in fact, these workers are not hopeless. They can still be saved. "

Lin Feng, who had never spoken but was observing carefully, finally said, "I've found out the general situation. In fact, it's not so terrible. It's a little worse than the legendary zombie. Because this is not a viral invasion. In fact, their mind still exists and they have not lost their humanity. "

"That's great! Lin Feng, but... What's the reason? When I first came here, these rescued workers had not reached this level. There was nothing unusual except that their faces were a little bad! Who knows, suddenly, it's like this. "

After all, Li Yutong's time to repair the truth is still short, and he doesn't have as much memory inheritance as Lin Feng, so unlike Lin Feng, he can see the crux of the problem.

"Sister Tongtong, you carefully sweep the bodies of these workers with spiritual knowledge to see what you find?"

When it comes to the terms and contents of truth cultivation, Lin Feng uses voice transmission to communicate with Li Yutong, and others can't hear the dialogue between them.

"The health of these workers? Eh? It's Yin! What a strong Yin Qi, my God! Lin Feng, it turns out that not only the Yin gas leaked from the mine below is everywhere, but also the Yin gas has invaded the bodies of these workers? " Li Yutong checked it and was immediately startled.

"Yes! Sister Tong Tong, you are a pure Yin body. Your body is basically composed of pure Yin Qi. But look at the bodies of these workers, they are even worse than you. " Lin Feng nodded and said.

"Moreover, the Yin Qi in their bodies is completely different from mine. My body is pure, tame and controllable Yin Qi, which nourishes my body all the time. But their bodies are all manic Yin Qi, mottled and mixed, which is particularly harmful to the human body... "Li Yutong also realized.

"Yes! Therefore, Yin Qi completely occupied their bodies, so they urgently need to eat and absorb the Yang Qi in living people to neutralize the Yin Qi in their bodies, so as to become like zombies. The living people who are bitten by them and absorb the Yang Qi will gradually be absorbed by the Yin Qi they pass into the body and become like them.

However, the overall leakage of Yin Qi is certain. Therefore, even if we let it go, it is absolutely impossible to infect the whole country and even all mankind. As long as the Yin Qi in each human body reaches a normal level, it will return to normal. Therefore, the way to save them is also very simple... "

Lin Feng said here. With Li Yutong's intelligence, he also understood: "it is to extract the Yin Qi from their bodies. As long as there is no violent Yin Qi, they will naturally heal without treatment."

"Fortunately, sister Tong Tong, you are pure Yin. As long as I take you as the eye of the array, I can quickly arrange the next five elements gathering Yin array! With this array, we can quickly peel off the Yin Qi in these workers. "

After finding the crux of the problem, Lin Feng began to arrange the five elements gathering Yin array. He listed a series of array items to be prepared and asked Wang Dadong to take people around to find them.

"Century old dead wood? Living spring? And the most authentic red clay of Tianmu peak... What and what are these? Mayor Chen, isn't the most important thing for us now to find the ten lost workers and help the workers still trapped at the bottom? What's the use of these things Lin Feng asked us to find? Isn't this the same as the feudal superstitious jumping God? "

However, when Wang Dadong heard what Lin Feng was looking for, he frowned and said reluctantly.

"Captain Wang, do whatever Lin Feng asks you to do! Now that this kind of thing has happened, what else can't you believe? You should follow Lin Feng's instructions immediately so as not to delay time. " Chen Luping believed Lin Feng 100 percent. She stared at Wang Dadong and asked him to take someone to find him quickly.

In fact, the five elements items Lin Feng asked Wang Dadong to find are relatively common and simple. The most important and key thing is the array eye. It is either the most Yin thing or a monk with pure Yin body, so that he can give full play to the power of the five elements gathering Yin array.

Fortunately, Li Yutong is pure Yin, which saves Lin Feng a lot of effort. After arranging the five elements gathering Yin array, Lin Feng asked Li Yutong to sit at the position of the array eye, and began to prepare to activate the whole array.

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