"What? Elder song, it was the Japanese forbearance who hurt you? Isn't it the other side? "

Elder yuan asked strangely, "but what you found in your body is clearly a Gu insect!"

"It's Japan! Japan... I don't have much time. China... I'll leave it to you... "

Song Changlao, who thought he was going to die, looked pathetic and spoke intermittently, but at this time, Lin Feng came forward and pulled elder song up and slapped elder song on the back.


All the dirty blood remaining in elder song's body was immediately forced out. Elder song was stunned for a while. He came back to his senses for a long time and said in surprise: "I... what's the matter with me? Just now I thought I was going to die! "

"Elder song, this is elder Lin Fenglin we told you before. Thanks to elder Lin Feng, you can walk around the gate of hell this time. " Elder Wang came forward and said.

"Lin Feng? Don't you have only about the cultivation of late congenital? How... The internal power of that palm is incomparably deep? "

Elder song was also surprised. He looked at Lin Feng, who was only eighteen or nine years old, but showed more profound skills than him.

"Elder song, isn't it important to tell the whole process of your murder? What's the matter with Japan's tolerance? Aren't they less than five Tianren? When did you have six or seven Tianren? " Lin Feng smiled and asked strangely.

"Yes! Lao song, what the hell is going on? I know you've been monitoring some movements in Japan recently, but it's a bit exaggerated to say that there are six or seven Tianren in Japan. " Elder yuan also said incredulously.

Several other elders also stood aside, waiting to listen to elder song's answer. The old man of the Xiao family, who has just joined the dragon group, has the lowest status. He has always stood aside and didn't talk much.

Of course, when he looked at Lin Feng, he was even more envious and surprised. Obviously, Lin Feng joined the dragon group a little later than himself, but now Lin Feng has independently completed an S-level task and has become an official elder, not to mention Lin Feng's great achievement in pulling elder song back from the ghost gate just now.

"Recently, I found some changes in Japan, so I went deep into Japan and conducted some investigation. It turned out that they were carrying out terrible sacrificial activities, using the souls of many boys and girls to make evil sacrifices... "

When it comes to this experience, the elder of the Song Dynasty turned pale and said, "through sacrifice, they have obtained some incredible magical treasures, so that some of their disciples who practice Ninja can be quickly promoted to Tianren."

"What? Is there such a magic? How is that possible? Isn't it only in legend that sacrifice trades for strength? "

Hearing the speech, elder yuan immediately changed his face. "According to this method, doesn't it mean... Now the Japanese have created a batch of Tianren? Then how can we still be their opponents! Tianren is equivalent to our innate level master! "

"Yes! This is too bad! It is estimated that there will be no more than 20 congenital warriors in the whole Chinese country. Each congenital warrior can break through the success only after more than half of his life's accumulation and adverse luck. But now those dwarfs in Japan have... Found such an evil way. "

Elder Wang was also worried, and his heart was very unbalanced. After all, everyone who practices martial arts can deeply experience the difficulty and depression of cultivation. Of course, I feel very depressed when I find that there are other ways to explain that can quickly improve my cultivation.

"You don't have to worry too much. Their sacrificial method is not as powerful as we think. After many times of sneak exploration, I found that they offered sacrifices to evil gods with 100 boys and 100 girls, and finally got a drop of evil god's blood. "

Elder Song said slowly, "a drop of evil god's blood can promote a Shangren to Tianren. However, there is also the possibility of failure. Moreover, it seems that their method of offering sacrifices to evil gods has just been mastered and has not been promoted to many Tianren. "

"That's terrible enough! Japan is a famous pervert and inhuman country. It sacrificed 200 lives in exchange for a chance to promote Shangren to Tianren. It's over! It's over... Now they must want to convert all the upper tolerance in China into heaven tolerance. " Elder yuan sighed.

"Lao yuan, don't be too pessimistic. In fact, this method is also a dry track and fish. I found that all Tianren promoted through the blood of evil gods only have the strength at the early stage of congenital, and the strength is permanently fixed and cannot be improved. That is to say, every Tianren promoted through the blood of evil gods has lost the strength to continue cultivation and progress. When I escaped back this time, I killed them all the way for almost 20 early days of Tianren and destroyed their altars. I believe they can't sacrifice evil gods in this way in a short time... "

Speaking of this, song Changlao took another deep breath and said, "however, as far as I know, there are still six or seven Tianren. It is said that they have sneaked into our country of China."

"One person killed twenty Tianren? And... Destroyed the altar of evil gods in Japan? This song Changlao is really fierce enough! "

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Without saying anything else, elder song went deep behind the enemy and decisively destroyed the courage of the altar of evil gods in Japan. It's not too good.

"So what? Lao song, these Tianren sneaked into China. Isn't that going to do great damage? Should we open the first level alert and mobilize national forces to remove these malignant tumors? " Elder yuan frowned and said, this is six or seven Japanese Tianren! Strength can not be underestimated.

"It's not necessary. Japanese Tianren is indeed a threat, but it seems that they have some conspiracy to launch in our Huaxia country. In addition, ninjas are good at camouflage. I'm afraid if they want to hide, it's difficult to recognize them even if they appear in front of us."

After pondering for a moment, elder Song said again, "I think it's still like this! There is a cloud in the art of war. If it is empty, it will be real. If it is real, it will be empty. My existence is a great threat to those Tianren in Japan. If they knew that I was not dead and brought the news back, they would certainly make these Tianren dormant and act carefully. In that case, it will be difficult for us to find them. Why don't you find a way to divulge the news of my serious injury and death... "

(third watch! Today we celebrate anti piracy, and we will add one watch at about 8 p.m

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