One second!

Just one second apart, Fu Yangxu, who was about to run to the end, was so ruthlessly overtaken by Lin Feng.


This is the real second kill!

After running to the finish line, Fu Yangxu was stunned and kept talking about the impossibility. When he started, Lin Feng had not handed over the baton. How could he catch up so quickly?

"Sleeping trough! Won, Lin Feng really won! "

"How wonderful! In the case of half a lap behind, he was able to connect more than a dozen people, and finally won the game by one second. "

"Counter attack! The startling counter attack. Lin Feng ran so fast just now! Is it faster than the black people in the international 100 meter sprint? "


The students in the audience, whose eyes were also bright, looked at Lin Feng and rushed up like a rocket, killing Lin Feng! Congratulations, you were really great. "

Qin Yanran also came forward, holding a clean white towel and shyly wiped Lin Feng's sweat, "are you tired? Come and have a rest... "

The most difficult to accept beauty's kindness!

On the left is Qin Yanran and on the right is Xiao nishang.

The existence of beautiful women who can be rated as freshman school flowers naturally makes the boys around envy them one by one, and makes the girls who also love them feel inferior.

"Damn it! Lin Feng, don't be arrogant. In the last 5000 meters, I will win you squarely. Let you really lose to me, pay Yangxu... "

Seeing Lin Feng's winner's scene of "holding left and right", Fu Yangxu squeezed his fist and swore.

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