The dinner at Liu's house was a little awkward because almost all Liu's mother was talking there. Lin Feng and Liu yanru didn't know what to say.

After all, they are not real boyfriend and girlfriend. Liu's mother thought they broke up because of some contradiction, so she kept trying to match Lin Feng and Liu yanru.

Liu yanru was afraid of her mother's sadness and dared not expose the truth. Like Lin Feng, she also dealt with her mother one by one.

Lin Feng really didn't feel the taste of dumplings, but he could feel it. Liu yanru, the nurse's sister, was worried.

He had a lot to say to Liu yanru, but now Liu's mother was present and it was difficult to speak, so he had to eat dumplings quietly.

"Xiao Lin! If you go back to Zhian city in the future, just come home and play! "

Liu's mother also knows that the atmosphere is a little wrong, but her duty and purpose is to bring Lin Feng and her daughter together. The enthusiasm on her face is spare no effort.

"Well! Aunt, I will... "

After eating, Lin Feng had to hurry home and left soon. Liu's mother also wanted to keep him at home and play more. She quickly asked Liu yanru to send Lin Feng. She also wanted to give them a space to be alone!

The alley outside the hospital is here. Lin Feng was forced to kiss by his sister Liu yanru many times. He still has a fresh memory. Now he walks here again. The heroine around him is still Liu yanru, but there is a feeling of time passing in his heart.

"All right! I'll take you here. Hurry home! "

Along the way, Liu yanru was very silent. She seemed to have something to say to Lin Feng, but she didn't say it.

"Yanru, come with me to the capital! Okay? I'm different from your father. Please believe me and I can give you happiness. "

Finally, Lin Feng couldn't help but speak out his heart.

"No! As I said, I hate the capital... "

Liu yanru turned around, but the tears on her face had emerged. She was thinking, maybe this turn might become a farewell in this life? Perhaps this refusal will not have the chance to meet again in the future?

However, when Liu yanru was so confused, Lin Feng took her hand without hesitation.

"Yanru, with me, you will like the capital."

He grabbed Liu yanru and forced her on the wall next to him. It was like the last time she pressed herself. Lin Feng kissed her overbearing and affectionately.

Thick lips, slightly salty.

Liu yanru widened her eyes. She didn't expect that Lin Feng would kiss herself at this time. There were still tears on her face. She thought Lin Feng wouldn't see it. But now, tears flowed directly down her cheeks. At the moment they kissed, the salty taste of tears made people feel sad and moved again.

"Come with me, will you?"

With an affectionate long kiss, Lin Feng tasted Liu yanru's small tongue. It was a familiar and strange feeling. He felt that Liu yanru was shrunk together. He was distressed and happy. He let go of her, stared at her eyes and asked very seriously.


At this moment, Liu yanru really couldn't find any reason to refuse Lin Feng, but there was always a stem in her heart. Do you want to go? Is this man in front of the you really what he has been waiting for?

Her heart was in a mess. Liu yanru bit her lips, but tears fell down one by one unconsciously, which startled Lin Feng.

"Sister nurse, what's the matter with you? I... I forced to kiss you. Are you unhappy? But you kissed me before! If you really don't want to go to the capital, I won't force you. I'll go back to Zhian to see you. But when you figure it out, come and tell me right away, okay? "

Seeing Liu yanru like this, Lin Feng could not help but give in and reflected in his heart. Why should he control other people's lives? Isn't it too selfish to force others to obey their wishes?

People are like this. Their nature is selfish and starts from their own needs. Moreover, often with "I'm also for her good" self comfort, Lin Feng, who realized this, suddenly felt that what's the difference between himself and Liu Demin?

Liu's father forced Liu yanru to go to the capital in order to introduce her to more rich children and cling to family relations. And I want to pick up Liu yanru to the capital, isn't it also for the convenience of seeing her often?

"I... I haven't thought about it yet, Lin Feng. Can I think about it again? Besides, my mother is used to it in Zhi'an City, and the people she knows are all the neighbors around her. If she suddenly wants to go to the capital, she doesn't even know anyone. "

As Liu yanru, who has shouldered the burden of her family since childhood, she has to consider her mother and a series of problems. This is the biggest difference between reality and Qiongyao's novels. In real life, material, rice, oil and salt are often the primary consideration. It is almost impossible and unrealistic that you can go with you regardless of the world with a sentence "I love you".

"Good! I'll wait for you... "

Forced twist is not sweet, and Lin Feng doesn't want to put too much pressure on Liu yanru.

He patted Liu yanru on the shoulder. Lin Feng comforted her, but he just sent Liu yanru back to the yard. Turning around, Lin Feng felt a strong and hot look in front of her, and the whole person was startled.

At the intersection in front, Luo Qingqing was wearing a beautiful stewardess uniform. Luo Qingqing just got out of the taxi and looked obliquely into the intersection. At a glance, she saw Lin Feng holding a beautiful girl in a nurse uniform. Naturally, she couldn't help widening her jealous eyes and staring at Lin Feng fiercely.

"I'll go! How bad my luck is today! I was caught by sister Qingqing... Look at her eyes, it's over! finished! She must have seen that scene just now... "

Meeting Luo Qingqing here was both reasonable and unexpected to Lin Feng. He smiled awkwardly, waved to Luo Qingqing, walked over and said, "ha ha! What, sister Qingqing, it's a coincidence! Are you off work? Tell me! I'll pick you up at the airport... "

"Qiao! What a coincidence! Smelly boy, I said, why did you suddenly run home again! It was to tease my sister! Even the little nurse at the door? "

Although I knew that Lin Feng had many confidants around, seeing that Lin Feng had a beautiful little nurse, Luo Qingqing's Vinegar jar was naturally overturned again.

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