"What? Sister Qingqing, what do you call this insect? "

Hearing Luo Qingqing's exclamation, Lin Feng was also surprised.

"Spirit eater! Lin Feng, this... This is the top ten super spirit bug devouring the spirit bug in the spirit bug formula! Oh, my God! How can you have such a spirit bug? Even in ancient times, this super spirit bug is very rare, and each one has different abilities... "

Staring at the spirit eater curled up into a small black ball, Luo Qingqing widened her eyes and said.

"Top ten spirit bugs? Is that impossible? So it's great? But when I subdued it, it didn't take much effort! I almost crushed it! "

Seeing Luo Qingqing's so many reactions, Lin Feng recalled the situation when he forced the little bug out of elder song Hong a few days ago. At that time, he just thought that the insect could eat people's innate Qi, which was very strange, but he didn't think it was powerful.

However, now Luo Qingqing tells him that this is a spirit bug, but a super spirit bug that can still rank in the top ten, which makes Lin Feng a little suspicious of Luo Qingqing's judgment.

After all, Luo Qingqing had told him before that there were not many spirit insects in ancient times, and later they were almost extinct. Those who raise poisonous insects find no spirit insects to find another way to cultivate ordinary insects by using the method of spirit insects, and then all kinds of poisonous insects are born.

According to such a collection, this little bug is a very powerful super spirit bug, which is not a bit higher than the Gu bug, but Lin Feng didn't feel it at all before.

But when he caught the little bug into the divine water space, after the evolution of divine water and stagnant water, the little bug had the ability to compete with the huge King corpse.

Based on this point, Lin Feng is a little convinced that this little bug has a big origin.


However, just after Lin Feng released the spirit eater from Shenshui space, it slowly stretched out, then suddenly opened its wings and fanned a few times, trying to escape from the window.

"Want to run? Come back. "

Seeing this, Lin Feng quickly summoned Feng Tong's sword, and then directly slapped it with his sword back, and patted the Tianling insect who was going to escape on the ground.


The spirit eater was dizzy and swollen. Its speed is not low now, but who wants Lin Feng's speed to be faster.

"Oh! Lin Feng, what are you doing? This spirit eater is still in its infancy. You are not afraid to shoot it to death! "

Luo Qingqing knew the power of Lin Fengtong's sword and immediately worried.

"What are you afraid of! Sister Qingqing, you don't know. I've seen the power of this little thing. The king's corpse can't kill it with a slap, let alone my flying sword. "

Lin Feng smiled, then came forward, caught the stunned spirit eater and asked, "sister Qingqing, can you tell me the origin of this little thing, and then tell me how to accept it now? It stole a lot of sacred water and dead water from me... "

"Lin Feng, if you listen to the name of this spirit eating insect, you should know its origin is not small. Why is it called phagocytosis? Because it is said that this insect can eat anything, even the sky. Do you say it's terrible? "

Luo Qingqing carefully observed the spirit eater in Lin Feng's hand and said, "however, in ancient times, this spirit eater was very rare. I don't know where you got this one. According to your previous description, I think it should be that this spirit eater was mistakenly raised as a Gu insect. As a result, it has a strong phagocytic ability and eats all other insects, becoming the strongest Gu insect. "

Speaking of this, Luo Qingqing couldn't help laughing, "the person who raised this spirit eating insect is really stupid. It's clear that this is a very powerful spirit insect, but he had to raise it as a Gu insect. As a result, he not only didn't recognize the Lord, but even suppressed its ability."

"Eh? ha-ha! There are really such stupid people! I guess it should be Japanese! They should also know some yin-yang or Gu Shu. Hey, hey... This time they even used the spirit bug to devour elder song's innate Qi. It's just overqualified. Now I've got it again. They've lost their wife and lost their soldiers... "

Knowing that the plot behind elder song was the Tianren force of the Japanese state, Lin Feng was happy to take advantage of them.

"Don't be busy and happy, Lin Feng. It's not easy for this spirit eater to recognize the Lord. But fortunately, now it is in its infancy, and the requirements are not so strict. As long as you drop a drop of your own blood essence to it every day for 77, 49 consecutive days, it should be able to succeed. " Luo Qingqing said with a smile.

"What? Forty nine days? Doesn't that mean that this little guy is going to suck 49 drops of my blood? "

Lin Feng was stunned. He really didn't expect that insect Xiu would have such a disgusting rule of recognizing the Lord and feed insects with his own blood.

"The situation recorded in my book is like this. It takes a whole process to make the spirit eater familiar with your breath and taste as much as possible before he can recognize the Lord. But, eh? "

At this point, Luo Qingqing was surprised again and said, "Lin Feng, what did you do to this spirit eater? Why is 99% of its breath yours? "

"What ninety-nine percent smell? Sister Qingqing, I haven't done anything yet! As soon as I found it, I came to you. " Lin Feng has some inexplicable tunnel.

"That's what I just said about blood recognizing the Lord! If you drip for seventy-nine days, the breath on the spirit eater will be 60-100% the same as you according to the degree of fit, but now the breath on the spirit eater is 99.9 similar to you... "Luo Qingqing explained.

"Eh? Doesn't that mean that I can skip the seventy-seven forty-nine days directly? " Lin Feng was surprised.

"Theoretically, it should be like this, but I'm still very strange. What is the way to make you fit so well with the spirit eater..." Luo Qingqing asked puzzled.

"High fit? By the way, sister Qingqing, is it related to the divine water and dead water in my divine water space? It's all my breath, and the spirit eater is completely lurking in it these days, * * * * either drinking divine water or dead water every night, purring like drinking... It seems to have retreated several times during this period... "Lin Feng suddenly remembered and added.

"So it's true. That won't be wrong. Lin Feng, your Divine water and dead water are actually equivalent to your blood essence. No wonder the degree of fit is so high. It's easy to do now. Lin Feng, hold the spirit eating insect in your hand and operate the skill according to the formula I passed to your mind. Let the spirit eating insect recognize the Lord! "

(fourth change! I still owe one more. I can't hold it. I'm sleeping! Everyone brush the activity of the book review area! How can I get a thousand? Brother Huo tries to update it... Finally, I recommend my friend's new book "the ultimate little farmer". There are so many farmers recently! But it should be very good-looking. Here is a brief introduction: a golden finger changes fate, and the mountain village youth wants to fight with God! Rich daughter, widow's sister-in-law, enchanting landlady, cold-blooded female thief. Another wave of policewoman flowers came one after another... Don't fool around, I, I'm a serious teenager...)

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