When Alice was away, Lin Feng didn't see it at all. They strolled the whole villa with Li Yutong. They almost turned it upside down with their spiritual knowledge, and didn't find any other spiritual spring.

"Forget it! Lin Feng, it's very good to find such a natural Lingquan on the current earth. We're very lucky, but the Lingquan is... Alice's... "Said Li Yutong.

"Now even Alice is mine. Isn't her spirit spring ours?"

Lin Feng said impolitely, but although he said so, there was still some uneasiness in his heart. He really didn't know how Alice, a blonde, looked at herself at this time?

Is it a Charming handsome man from the east?

Or a terrible and domineering Oriental color devil?

This is beyond Lin Feng's control. Lin Feng admitted that his way last night seemed too rough, but he was also in a mood. Who let Alice dare to take the initiative to seduce his woman?

"It's almost time. In the afternoon, the Nobel prize awarding ceremony will officially begin. Let's go to town now. We should almost catch up. "

After staying in Alice's villa until noon, Li Yutong reminded Lin Feng that he had made a delicious lunch with the food in the villa.

"No problem! Let's ride the flying sword... "


Feng Tong's sword came out of its scabbard, and Lin Feng stepped on it. Li Yutong also skillfully hugged Lin Feng, and then added an invisibility technique to quickly rush to the award hall.

At this time, hundreds of staff are making final preparations in the Nobel prize awarding auditorium.

The gathering of scientists, writers and artists from all over the world can be said to be a grand gathering of representatives of the peak of human civilization.

Some people are nominated and invited, some are invited by the organizers to give awards, and some come uninvited to join the fun, but one thing is certain. None of them can appear here without being a big figure in a certain field around the world.

And these top dignitaries are very familiar with each other. They get together, say hello and chat.

"Hey! Miller, man, how's it going? It is said that you have been embarrassed by that hateful Oriental boy recently! "

As soon as Dr. Miller entered the auditorium, a strong German scientist came forward with a smile and said hello.

"Engel, don't talk about this kind of embarrassment. It's too unlucky recently. I don't know what's going on? There is such a young evil spirit in the country of China, which makes me look pale. Now even the consortia behind me have been impacted a lot... "

Despite the fact that Dr. mimil was still holding a winning ticket in an interview, he was not affected at all. But in fact, during this period of time, Lin Feng's great saint group has brought him great impact, which has made him completely disheartened, and the consortium behind him has lost confidence in him.

This time, the Nobel Prize can be said to be his last means of turning over. If we can stand out and win this Nobel Prize, it will be equivalent to completely defeating Lin Feng, and all the face lost before can be found back.

But can Miller win the prize?

It's still hard to say. Originally confident, he has become particularly nervous now, because Aiqing soup has a great reputation all over the world. Now almost women all over the world know this magical soup from the East.

"Relax! Brother Miller, besides, don't you still have a big card? " Engel said with a smile.

"Cards! What cards? Where do I have any cards? " Miller said with a wry smile, "you don't know those old men on the jury. There are only a few who have a good relationship with me. Although I believe they will try their best to help me, but... Things are unpredictable. Who can say everything accurately?"

However, Engel shook his head, pointed to the blonde with a glass of red wine not far away and said, "no, no, no... I'm talking about her... Alice, your own daughter!"

"Illegitimate daughter!"

Miller corrected, then hissed, "Engel, keep your voice down. Do you want the world to know?"

"What does that matter? Isn't that your card? Just disclose your father daughter relationship with Alice. Oh, my God! Father and daughter won the nomination of the same Nobel Prize together, which is rare in a century! It will certainly attract the attention of the media all over the world... "

Engel said with a smile, "even if you don't win the Nobel Prize, the world will have a good reputation for your father and daughter."

"But... Alice doesn't recognize me as a father. Moreover, she is an illegitimate daughter. My relationship with her mother, ah! You know, the mistakes I made when I was young... "

Referring to this problem, Miller felt even more uncomfortable as if he had been stabbed by a needle. "Don't say it! If an unqualified father like me still wants to hype his daughter's honor, is it too mean? "

"How can this be called despicable? It's just the rational use of resources. "

Engel shook his head and said, "besides, do you know? Your baby daughter, because of you, is the most famous lesbian in the circle! Only like beautiful women, and put an end to contact with all men... "

"What? How did Alice become like this? She can't do this, my God! Is this God's punishment for me? Make my daughter gay? "

Miller received strict ethical education on family concept since childhood. Even today, when the gender concept is open, he still can't tolerate homosexual behavior. But now he knows that his daughter will be gay, which is the greatest irony and punishment for him.

"Calm down! Man Miller, isn't that a bad thing? Nowadays, many celebrities are gay. You are also a scientist. You should know that this is normal. " Engel didn't think it was a big deal.

However, Miller was very angry and couldn't accept the fact. Leaving aside Engel, he angrily walked towards Alice and muttered, "no! Absolutely not! I won't watch Alice fall like this... "

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