When he came to Zixia Valley, Lin Feng's mood was actually very complicated.

Before, he also thought about what to do if the Zixia fairy was not Li Yutong.

But I never thought that there would be such a specious result.

Isn't that embarrassing?

Facing a beautiful woman as like as two peas Li Yutong, but she has to make such a strange feeling, it really makes Lin Feng feel uncomfortable.

"Lin Feng, you don't have to be so formal. How you treated Li Yutong in the past, you can treat me as well. "

Zixia fairy, like Li Yutong, almost took a look and knew what kind of psychology Lin Feng was now. She couldn't help laughing and said.

"Is this... Really OK? Zixia fairy, I don't care. As like as two peas, you are too afraid of my behavior to be too abrupt.

Swallowing his saliva, Lin Feng looked at the charming smile on Zixia fairy's face and had a completely different taste.

It's as like as two peas who married a twin wife and saw the same sisters as their wife. The familiar and strange feeling will arouse the desire for conquest in the hearts of men.

"Not abrupt! On the contrary, I feel very good and familiar with you. Although I don't have the memory of being with you, my body seems to remember the feeling of being with you, such as... Holding your hand like this... "

With that, Zixia fairy took the initiative to hold Lin Feng's big hand and whirled gently, "this feeling is very good! Holding your hand makes me feel secure and secure. "

"Your body, remember how you feel about me?"

Since Zixia fairy so actively leaned over, Lin Feng couldn't help taking her in his arms, and then gently patted her on the back.

Really, everything is still familiar.

Even as like as two peas, Li Yutong's body fragrance is just the same.

"Sister Tongtong! Anyway, I think you are my sister Tongtong... "

More certain, Lin Feng tightly held the little hand of Zixia fairy, and gently kissed the most sensitive place in her ear with his thick lips.


A little wet!

Zixia fairy's whole body trembled. She had never had such close contact with a man. If it were normal, any man who dared to be so close to himself would have been photographed by her.

However, in the face of Lin Feng, Zixia fairy didn't resist at all. It seemed that no matter what Lin Feng did to her, she would gladly accept it without any resistance.

"Yes, I'm your sister Tongtong. Lin Feng, will you take me back to earth? I want to see the houses we used to live together, the streets we walked together... "

Closing her eyes, Zixia fairy felt Lin Feng's breath and his strong masculine breath, which made her heart incomparably calm and more fascinated by the earth.

"Earth? Yes! I also want to find a way back. But before that, two more things must be done. "

After Zixia fairy mentioned this, Lin Feng sighed, "Yan Ran's life and death are uncertain. She was involved in the array. However, through the analysis of the space breath of the transmission array that day, I'm sure Yanran must have entered the real world of this interface. So... We must find Yanran, otherwise, how can I tell Aunt Ping? "


With a cry, Zixia fairy nodded, "I will help you find it with Yanran."

"There's the second thing, which is also the first thing to do at present. I need soul returning grass to refine nine turn soul returning pill to save the frozen crazy girl."

After Xiao nishang resisted Lin Feng's deadly move at that time, Lin Feng could not save her even with divine water, so she could only be temporarily sealed in the divine water space and freeze all her life state at that time, but she must refine jiuzhuan reincarnation pill earlier, otherwise... Xiao nishang's body can't be saved, The soul will become weak and even dissipate.

"Soul returning grass?"

Hearing this, Zixia fairy frowned slightly.

"What? Zixia fairy, can you say... It is said that there is soul reviving grass in Zixia Valley? Is it a rumor? "

Seeing the appearance of Zixia fairy, Lin Feng also clicked in his heart. Because he can be sure that if there is a soul returning grass, Zixia fairy can't help him, but she is so embarrassed, it may be that there is no soul returning grass in Zixia valley.


Zixia fairy nodded and said, "I really don't have soul reviving grass in Zixia valley."

"What? Well... What should I do? If there is no soul returning grass, I can't refine jiuzhuan soul returning pill. Moreover, the soul returning grass is such a precious spirit grass that it may not produce a single plant for thousands of years... "

The greatest effect of soul returning grass is to bring the dead back to life, which is valuable and life-saving for any cultivator!

Therefore, the value of soul returning grass is self-evident. The same precious spirit grass represents that its growth environment and quantity can not be satisfactory.

If not in Zixia Valley, Lin Feng really doesn't know that the world is so big. Where can I find a soul returning grass?

"However, Lin Feng, I know there is a place where there is soul reviving grass, which is near our Zixia valley. Therefore, some people mistakenly say that there is soul reviving grass in Zixia Valley... "

Speaking of this, Zixia fairy hesitated again and said, "but although there is a soul reviving grass in that place, it... Is too dangerous. It is basically impossible to collect it. Those who go there have never succeeded except in death. "

"Dangerous? I am not afraid! Zixia fairy, where on earth is that place? Take me to see it right away. As long as there is soul reviving grass in that place, I will find a way to collect it. "

As soon as he heard Zixia fairy talking about the whereabouts of the soul returning grass, Lin Feng felt a long sigh of relief. He was not afraid as long as there was. As for the dangerous problem, Lin Feng had no mind to consider for the time being. Even if there was a real possibility of death, he must fight to save Xiao nishang.

Crazy girl! Wait, I Lin Feng said I would save you, I will save you. You are my Lin Feng's woman. I didn't let you die, you are not allowed to die

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