The origin of elder Kang is extraordinary. He is more than 1500 years old this year. At the end of the period of turning into God, he is the martial uncle of the leader Bai Pao and the supreme elder with the highest seniority in Baiyu sect.

The other supreme elders are of the same generation as the leader Bai Pao, so they are polite to Bai Pao. However, elder Kang didn't mean to be polite at all. He scolded the leader Bai first.

"Grandpa Kang..."

Seeing this, Bai Shuangshuang hurriedly stood up and spoke for his father, "Grandpa Kang, my father will admit his mistake to Lin Daoyou. All this is a misunderstanding. My father just wants to test Lin Daoyou."

At this moment, Bai Shuangshuang really wants to cry without tears. Originally, everything was safe. Lin Feng was the life-saving benefactor of his white feather sect. His father was just nervous about himself, so he tested him in advance, but there was such a misunderstanding.

Almost razed the Baiyu gate to the ground. This joke... It's a big joke!

Now, it's even worse to end up provoking all five supreme elders.

However, Bai Shuang knew that his father had gone too far, so he went to his father and said, "father! You hurt Lin Daoyou and them by mistake, so... Apologize and admit your mistake... It's also... It's normal... "

"Shuangshuang! Even you told me to apologize? impossible! The disciples of the sect are still watching? If my leader bowed his head to an outsider like this, our Baiyu sect... What about the face of Baiyu sect? "

Some stubborn white leaders never admit their mistakes and never change.

However, those other supreme elders are still thinking about the big explosion just now.

Because they were anxious to dissolve the power of the explosion just now, they didn't have time to think and study too much.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, they are even more shocked after analyzing the power and source of the explosion.

"This... Impossible! There is no aura fluctuation at all. What magic weapon is this? How can there be no aura fluctuation with such a huge explosion power? "

"Be careful! Senior brothers, although the explosion is over, it seems... The power continues! You scan the flowers and plants around with your spiritual consciousness... "

Another supreme elder found the radiation and immediately screamed with palpitation.

"Look at the flowers over there? What's up? You look good! "

"Yes! And power? No way! There is no sign of fire or explosion! "


At the beginning, these supreme elders didn't feel anything strange, but they were stunned when they talked about spiritual consciousness and tentatively scanned around.

"Impossible! How is this possible? The vitality of these flowers and plants is passing quickly... There are no attacks around! Is it really the aftershock of the explosion just now? "

"This... This explosion is so powerful and has such aftereffects! You must get such a magic weapon, but... It doesn't even consume aura. I'm too curious. How can you achieve such great power? "


These supreme elders are human spirits one by one. As long as they feel the huge explosion just now, they will know the value of this nuclear bomb.

Not to mention, now the follow-up power of the nuclear bomb has come out, and this continuity and destructive power makes these supreme elders' eyes shine.

If you throw such a nuclear bomb when you are fighting or being chased, you will kill one second directly.

However, this kind of attack is completely indiscriminate. If you don't hurry up and run away, I'm afraid you'll even get in.

As the saying goes, nuclear weapons are risky and should be used with caution.

"Come on, white robe! Where on earth is Lin Feng? Take us there as soon as possible. Then, you can admit a mistake. This talented young man must be pulled into our Baiyu gate, no matter what the cost... "

Kang Changlao, the oldest with a bad temper, said to leader Bai with great certainty.

"Martial uncle Kang, I... Invite him to join our white feather sect. I agree with him with both hands. But let me admit my mistake to him, no! Determined not...... "Bai zhangmen still insisted on his own face.

After all, now all the disciples of Baiyu sect are paying attention to this matter. If the leader really apologizes to Lin Feng, I'm afraid... His leader has no face to sit down again.

However, at this time, Bai Shuangshuang and Wang pofeng saw Lin Feng and others flying over with flying swords, so they quickly shouted: "senior elders, Lin Feng... That's Lin Feng, he flew back..."



Lin Feng, Zixia fairy and others flew out of the white feather hall.

"Lin Daoyou, I'm sorry! Please forgive my father. He actually meant no harm to you... "

As soon as he saw Lin Feng appear, Bai Shuangshuang immediately began to explain to his father and felt sorry for what had just happened.

However, Lin Feng didn't appreciate it at all, but said coldly, "Oh? No malice? If there was no malice, would you die like this? "

"No! Lin Daoyou, my father is actually testing you... "

"Is there such a test?"

Lin Feng no longer paid attention to Bai Shuangshuang, but turned his head, looked at the five supreme elders, smiled and said, "yo! Five old guys came out. Just now, six people had a sky bombing show together. The performance was very good. I give you 99 points, and I don't give you the rest. I'm afraid you're proud... "

When these words were said, Xiao nishang next to Lin Feng laughed, but the supreme elders of Baiyu gate looked very ugly and couldn't laugh at all.

Lin Feng's cheapest is not ordinary.

What you say can make people angry.

Each of these supreme elders is a cultivator in the period of transforming God. It can be said that they are the existence of top accomplishments. Each of them is highly respected. They can walk sideways in all schools and enjoy the polite predecessors of others.

However, in Lin Feng's mouth, he became old guys.

If any cultivator were so disrespectful to them, I'm afraid there would be no bones left.

However, this person is Lin Feng, a genius demon with a powerful nuclear bomb in his hand.

Therefore, the supreme elders held back their breath, and then the elder Kang forced out a smile and said, "little brother! All this is a misunderstanding. We baiyumen are sorry for you. Therefore, despite your request, we will meet it as compensation for you... "

In order to get closer to Lin Feng, elder Kang can only promise to win Lin Feng's favor.

However, Lin Feng gave a bad smile and asked, "Oh? This feeling is good! Is everything ok? "

"Yes! No matter what precious materials you want or the cultivation skills, as long as we Baiyu sect have, what we can do can meet your needs. " Hearing Lin Feng's words, Kang Changlao also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Lin Feng was asking for conditions and should be able to let go.

However, after hearing this, Lin Feng said something that made everyone want rabbit blood: "OK! In that case, I'm welcome. My condition is that I want to be the leader! "

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