"Dad! Look... Everyone is welcoming us! "

"No wonder! Dad is the hero of our whole earth... "

Lin Sifeng and Lin Bian have been proud of their great saint father since childhood.

Now we have returned to the Dasheng City, which has been away for almost ten years. The situation inside is similar, but the Dasheng City, which has multiplied to millions of people, has summoned everyone near the square in such a short time.

Especially when so many people shouted the name of "great saint", it made Lin Feng's two sons feel great glory on their faces.

"Qing Qing! It's Lin Feng. They're back. Let's hurry up! "

Seeing this, Xu Minjing said immediately.

"OK! Sister Minjing, sister Zhou Yun, sister lingsu, sister Zijin, sister Zixuan... Let's go to meet Lin Feng? "

Luo Qingan endured the excitement in her heart. After all, she had not seen Lin Feng for so many years. Not long after we met, we were separated for ten years again.

In addition, now the satellites on the earth are hung up, and no one maintains all kinds of base stations, so the earth's communication means are completely. You can't use your mobile phone to deliver messages quickly. You can only use the spell of the cultivator.

Other girls are almost the same. The thoughts of Lin Feng are accumulated day by day. On weekdays, they were all fine and didn't show much, but when they really saw Lin Feng coming back, they couldn't restrain themselves one by one. They ran to Lin Feng with Luo Qingqing. The smaller people threw themselves into Lin Feng's arms, and the others just grabbed Lin Feng's arm and complained.

"Lin Feng, nothing happened all the way?"

It was Chen Luping, who had always had a positive expression. Seeing Lin Feng embracing left and right, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and then asked with concern.

"No! Aunt Ping, when we came out, they had just come. At least they should be familiar with the environment and the designated scheme. So, we still have... "

Then Lin Feng looked at his mechanical watch and said, "we still have one or two days to prepare for defense and counterattack."

"Two days? Is that too little? "

Chen Luping became more worried when she heard the speech.

After all, for a city like Dasheng, which is just a patchwork City, with different population structure and different quality, can you really be ready in two days?

"Normal preparation! Aunt Ping, the citizens will leave it to you. Sister Qingqing and I went inside to study the specific battle plan... "

With that, Lin Feng waved to everyone in the square and took so many women with him to the mayor's office.

As for his two children, as soon as they fell, they went elsewhere very wisely, which did not hinder the good deeds of his father Lin Feng.


In the mayor's office.

Lin Feng looked at the women around him and was also moved... Bah! It's full of excitement. I've never sat with so many beautiful women, and I haven't been safe with the women I love.

"I believe everyone knows the current situation? The other side is too strong. Only when we continue to grow stronger can we hold our lives and guard our earth home... "

Lin Feng's words were very light, but the content was sonorous and powerful, which shocked every woman present.

"Me! Lin Feng, can't I make you stronger and break through the bottleneck? Anyway... Anyway, I'm your person all my life. I don't care about those at all. Otherwise... You should borrow my strength and break through first and then talk about it! "

At this time, Zhou Yun, who had always been brave, spoke out the words hidden in her heart.

"No! Lin Feng, I'm a cultivation in my infancy. Please absorb my special constitution! The effect should be better than that of sister Yun... "

Luo Zijin, who had always been silent, suddenly inserted such a sentence, and then stood behind Lin Feng smartly.

"My voice voice, is it effective?"

When Su Zixuan, who was worried, heard these words, she took the initiative to stand up and looked at Lin Feng affectionately.

It's like an ancient emperor spoiling a concubine at night. It's completely according to the sign.

However, Lin Feng did not hesitate. He waved directly and said to Zhou Yun, who was so shy that he was about to bury his neck on the ground: "sister Yun, why don't you? The strength of your wood attribute and my water attribute also complement each other. Although it will drain my water attribute to a certain extent, I have too much accumulation in my body now. I just need to relax and straighten out the vitality and strength in my body... "

After choosing Zhou Yun, the others seemed a little sad.

But there's no way! Lin Feng's breakthrough is imminent, but he can't be disturbed by anyone.

Therefore, Chen Luping gave Lin Feng the key to the reception room on the top floor of the office building.

The others consciously stepped aside and asked Lin Feng to take Zhou Yun's hand and go to the top floor.

"Sister Yun!"

On the top floor, Lin Feng took her hand and said with a smile, "when you wanted to investigate the black heart meat factory, it seemed that I took your hand like this."

"Yes! Lin Feng, that was many years ago. At that time, who could have imagined that the earth would become such a ghost twenty years later? "

With a sigh, Zhou Yun, who always had a strong sense of justice, said sadly, "I want to save people! I wanted to save many people, but... Lin Feng, I could hardly save myself at that time. Over the past 15 years, I have been blaming myself for not saving my parents... "

"Sister Yun! These extraterrestrial demons who invade our earth will die hard. I promise you that I will uproot them, help your parents and thousands of people on earth. "

Lin Feng sympathizes with Zhou Yun's sadness, which is also his concern when he just returned to the earth. As a cultivator, if his parents and loved ones can't protect him, what kind of cultivator is that?

"Thank you! Lin Feng, you have been helping me all the time. Even in those years when you disappeared, they said you might be dead, but I still firmly believe that you will come back to us... "

While talking, in the room, Zhou Yun took off her gauze and thin skirt.

The graceful figure, the exquisite curve, and the affectionate eyes, as a man, can't be unmoved. At this time, Lin Feng didn't need to resist and tolerate at all. He was both public and private. Since he brought Zhou Yun home, Lin Feng came forward and hugged Zhou Yun with his hands from behind

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