"Bah! A group of villains, if you didn't have the array left by Lin Feng, you wouldn't know how many times you were killed by the people of the corpse Yin sect! Now have the face to shout here? Did you invite you to baiyumen crying? It was you who cried and begged us to take you in... "

Hearing these ungrateful guys' complaints, Xiao nishang couldn't help but fight back immediately.

"You... You are a baby girl! If you dare to speak wildly, are you not afraid that I will teach you a lesson? "

An elder of other sects in the period of turning God was flushed by Xiao nishang's words and warned her.

"Oh! Lesson? I know it's horizontal in the nest, right? You have the ability to kill the disciples of the corpse Yin sect outside! What can you do here? "

Xiao nishang was not afraid at all. In the face of the cultivation atmosphere of the old man at the beginning of turning God, her later cultivation of Yuanying didn't fall into the disadvantage at all. Even, Xiao nishang saw the right time and directly pushed the old man with his spiritual knowledge.

"This... How is this possible? You are clearly the cultivation of Yuan Ying in his later period. How can your spiritual awareness be so powerful? "

Feeling that Xiao nishang's spiritual knowledge was not only safe, but also capable of counterattack, the old man was stunned. Because this is not in line with the common sense of the cultivation world he knows!

In the cultivation world, the yuan infant period must be weaker than the God transformation period. No matter how powerful you are, there is no room for resistance in front of the incarnation period.

However, the old man himself is the one who feels that there is no room for resistance today. He even believes that as long as Xiao nishang is really starting to compete with him in the challenge arena, he may lose miserably.

"What do you care about me? old man! If you don't want to die, talk less and work more. If you want to die, I'll teach you a good way, fast and convenient, which is to jump out of this array. See... Those air fortresses of corpse Yin sect in front of you, rush over there. Ensure that you die quickly and brilliantly, and hundreds of attacks will hit you at the same time... "

If you want to be rude, no one can play Xiao nishang. As soon as she said this, there was no sound below.

However, Xiao nishang also knew that these people were not satisfied. As long as they had a chance, these people might leave Baiyu gate at any time.

Now, more than half of the disciples of Baiyu sect are dead and injured. Most of them have to be dispersed to operate the array, and the other part can be used to fight the enemy outside.

Fortunately, the disciples and elders of other sects came here to supplement their combat effectiveness. If they really leave suddenly, the defense of the whole white feather gate will be in jeopardy.

It's better to rely on people than on yourself.

At this moment, Xiao nishang understood this very clearly. Now she is looking forward to Lin Feng's smelly boy coming back quickly, cleaning up the corpse Yin sect and proving it to these cowards with blood and facts.


Boom! Boom

It's an explosion!

Many spells attacked the sect protection array of Baiyu sect, making the whole sect shake.

"No! How could the attack of the corpse Yin sect be so fierce? "

Feeling this, the white robe suddenly turned pale.

According to the previous attack intensity, under the condition of patching, the array can last about ten days.

But now, with such an attack intensity, I'm afraid I can't withstand it for two or three days.

"What should I do? Daddy! Do you want to strengthen the array strength again? "

Over the years, he also learned a lot of arrays with Zixia fairy, so Bai Shuangshuang immediately said.

"No! What should come will come eventually, Shuangshuang. Dad has only such a daughter as you in his life. I'm sorry for your mother. So, Dad can die here, but you can't...... "

Then Bai Pao turned to Xiao nishang and said, "nishang girl, I know you are a good man. So, please, as long as you have a chance, try to send them out safely... "

"Put... Don't worry!"

Hearing these words, Xiao nishang suddenly burst into tears, because she remembered her parents when she was on earth. Aren't all parents the same? Leave better things to children and spend every penny on children

I haven't seen my parents since I left the earth for so long. Xiao nishang doesn't know what's going on with her parents. Is there any truth on earth? What has become the form of the earth?

However, Xiao nishang had no time to think about the mess, because the opposite attack became more violent.

"Kill me!"

At the command of the old monster in the fit period, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the corpse Yin sect had high and low accomplishments, but they all performed the most powerful moves in a neat and uniform manner and smashed them hard towards the Mountain Gate of the Baiyu gate, in order to break the whole array by force.

After many attempts before, it was so close.

It can be regarded as dangerous!

However, this time, it was not the case. The move of hundreds of thousands of disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Qi Shubi, brought the already fragile protectionist array to the verge of destruction.

"Good job! Look at me

At this time, the fit old monster of the team leader immediately rushed forward to Ding, took out a commodity magic weapon, chanted words in his mouth, and then suddenly shot a strong eye shaking beam into the sky and blew up towards the array of Baiyu gate“



The already fragile array, at this most critical moment, the move of the old monster in the fit period turned out to be the last straw to crush the camel.

The sect protection array that has guarded Baiyu sect for more than ten years has really been broken.

"Great! The array is broken... "

"Kill! These guys have been hiding in there for more than ten years! Kill me this time... "

"Usually, if they want to come out and kill us, they will come out and hide in. We can't do anything about them. Today, brothers have resentment and revenge..."

"I heard that there are countless treasures and spirit stones in the treasure house of Baiyu gate. All of them will be robbed in a moment! "


Seeing that the array was broken, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were most excited. They were all full of energy.

The white feather gate was completely frightened. The disciples of Baiyu sect are OK, but those of other sects are scared and immediately turn around to break the road

"Run! The corpse Yin sect has come in! "

"Hurry... Run to the Xilu country next door! There is a sword God in the period of robbery. The corpse Yin sect dare not touch...... "

"I can't hold it! I'll go first... "


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