"I'll go and see brother Lin."

Qianqian also ran out with Lin Feng. For a time, only Ouyang Bai and baixu old ghost were left in the cabin.

"Don't worry about me."

Ouyang Bai muttered, but let alone, he really didn't dare to run, especially after learning Lin Feng's identity, he didn't have time to curry favor with Lin Feng now. How could he escape?


As soon as the white beard old ghost opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Ouyang Bai: "I don't know many specific details. Maybe you human beings are ungrateful."

After saying that, ouyangbai changed into a man again, then ran to the corner to sit down and began to recover from his injury.

The white beard old ghost frowned and vaguely felt that there was something unusual in it, but Lin Feng didn't say, and he didn't know the truth of the matter, so he had to throw ouyangbai here and follow him out.

Over the ice sheet island.

Lin Feng takes the current position of Qianlong shuttle as an array eye and radiates to the whole ice sheet island in all directions. They are currently in the center of the ice sheet island. Looking down, they can have a panoramic view of the outline of the whole island.

Lin Feng's face looked better and was explaining to Qian Qian.

"The Tianyuan blockade array is a very domineering array among the level 6 arrays. Once it is successfully arranged, when the ice sheet Island collapses, even a drop of water and a piece of rubble can't get out of the array except for the living creatures."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qian Qian could not help but flash a flash of surprise: "brother Lin, do you mean that this level 6 array is not aimed at creatures? In other words, it won't target people and monsters? "

"That's right."

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "it sounds really strange, doesn't it? But it's true. The function of Tianyuan blockade array is that as long as the supply of vitality is sufficient, it can completely block the vitality within a certain range. However, it won't target people and monsters. In fact, it's not the case. From the characteristics of its array, the blockade of Tianyuan blockade array on living things also exists. It can go out but can't go in. "

"I see."

Qian Qian suddenly said, "doesn't that mean this array is the most effective and best used array to compete for cultivation resources?"

"That's true. As long as we block the whole ice sheet Island, when the ice sheet Island completely breaks out, neither ice raw stone nor concentrated ore vein can gush out of the range of the array, and all monsters who jump out in advance will no longer be qualified to enter the array to seize and mine raw ore."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng's mouth rose slightly: "however, when the ice sheet Island completely broke out, basically those shark tooth families would choose to run for their lives, and their cultivation could not withstand the impact of the cold current in the ice sheet mine."

"Brother Lin, you are so clever."

Small stars appeared in Qianqian's eyes.

You know, before they came here, they didn't know there was an ice sheet mining Island here.

But Lin Feng was able to think of such a perfect plan to seize the ice sheet mine in such a short time.

The thoughtfulness of his mind amazed Qianqian.

"Well, don't praise me. Get ready to work."

After Lin Feng finished, he just found that the old ghost of white beard was flying here.

"Lao Bai, I suddenly thought of something before. I'm sorry."

Lin Feng said apologetically.

Anyway, the white beard old ghost was careless. He didn't know what had happened before.

"No, no, no, Lin Daoyou, my life is yours. Why apologize to me, but I really don't know what happened."

The white beard old ghost said with a wry smile.

Lin Feng was about to speak, but suddenly heard Qianqian's startled voice: "brother Lin, look!"


Lin Feng looked in the direction Qian Qian pointed out, but his eyebrows were twisted.

I saw that many humans came to the residence of the shark tooth family below, among which the first few were the youth, his father and uncle.

There are many familiar faces in the back. At the moment, they are groveling to negotiate with some strong sharks of the shark tooth family.

So far away, if you don't use your spiritual consciousness, you can't hear what both sides say.

"Listen to it."

Lin Feng doesn't want to hear these people at all now. He feels sick.

"Oh, oh."

The white beard old ghost answered and immediately radiated his spiritual consciousness downward.

However, before long, the white beard old ghost's face began to look ugly, and finally became a little blue.

"These people... Damn! Fortunately, I wanted to save them before! "

The facial muscles of the old ghost with white beard trembled.

Lin Feng smiled. Although he didn't listen, he could see from the actions of the shark teeth below that these people were going to report.

We can't escape, and you don't want to escape.

In order to get Ji ruoli back, he went directly to the shark teeth to report that he could do such a despicable thing. Lin Feng really didn't regret it at all.

"Qianqian, go to find ouyangbai and ask him to send a message to his people. Don't reveal the truth."

Lin Feng turned and said.

At present, several shark tooth clansmen are walking towards ouyangbai's former residence. They shouldn't break in directly, but if they stand outside the door for too long and don't respond, they are bound to find abnormalities.

"OK, brother Lin."

Qianqian nodded and then snatched to Qianlong shuttle.

The white beard old ghost's face was a little ugly and said, "Lin Daoyou, what do you want to do with these people?"


Lin Feng said with a smile: "of course not."

The white beard old ghost was confused, but he heard Lin Feng continue: "I don't think they can run out of the island before being affected by the flood when the ice sheet mining Island really erupts."

The old ghost with white beard finally realized it.

Lin Feng lost his hands to his back, looked indifferent and looked at the people below.

Lin Feng won't do it himself because he is afraid of dirty his hands.

Speaking of, he didn't give this group of people a chance, even more than once.

When these people bowed their heads and confessed after hearing Ji ruoli's talk, Lin Feng had a plan to take them with him after taking Ji ruoli.

But what they did later made Lin Feng cold all over, and immediately gave up the idea of saving them.

Anyway, according to the normal situation, after three days, these people will find their destination, either frozen into ice slag by the cold current, or smashed into a pool of meat mud by the falling ice sheet.

In other words, Lin Feng did nothing but took Ji ruoli away.

"I'm going to start the array now, Lao Bai. You protect the Dharma beside me."

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Lin Feng said faintly.

"OK, no problem."

The white beard old ghost nodded.

With that, Lin Feng sat cross legged and waved his big hand. There were hundreds of millions of inferior spirit stones floating in the air, turning into a milky way and rotating around Lin Feng.

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