"Mr. Lin, is that your little girlfriend? Earlier, Qinghe said to me, "this girl has been waiting for you!" Shi Ningxue's mouth with a gentle smile looked at Wei Yunshu not far away.

Wei Yunshu is standing in the group with her mouth, beside her, Ying's mother-in-law is talking to the people around her, with a kind face.

"Just a lively little girl!" Lin Feng just smiled faintly, waved his hand and walked directly to the front. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue was stunned. At this time, Wei Yunshu appeared in front of Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng with his mouth and said:

"Why didn't you say hello to me just now?"

"You see, your master is still here. Go quickly and don't get lost. Otherwise, there will be trouble again." Seeing Wei Yunshu coming, Lin Feng sighed, looked at Wei Yunshu and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu snorted coldly and said, "hum, villain!"

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng couldn't cry or laugh and said, "it's unsafe for you to run around at this time. I've nodded my head and greeted you."

Lin Feng put his hand behind him, gently knocked and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu was stunned, turned to his mouth and said, "I know! Are you afraid to face my master because you killed grandma Tao? "

Wei Yunshu looked up at Lin Feng and said as if she had found something.

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng couldn't cry or laugh, shook his head and said, "whatever you think."

After all, the four sects have made vows. Moreover, the fighting between these sects has always been like this. No one is right or wrong. Lin Feng is also honest when facing mother-in-law Tao. However, Lin Feng is unwilling to have unnecessary trouble with the four sects at this time, His top priority is a quarter of the map of the Dragon tomb.

Lin Feng went directly to Kyushu city. The streets of Kyushu city were empty. For this auction, the whole Kyushu city was deliberately emptied, and most foreign monks were cleaned out. Therefore, the whole Kyushu city seemed empty at this time.

"Auction list, auction list, a piece of Chinese spirit stone, know the contents of the auction in advance and start in advance!"

Some people who walk in the city with smiles on their faces and lists in their hands constantly swim. As they walk, they shout loudly and go to some monks and start pushing,

Most of the monks bought one with a look I needed. Lin Feng walked slowly down the street. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped. A girl in purple was standing there not far away, holding an ice sword. In front of her were several disciples of the nebula holy land.

The disciples of the nebula holy land had good accomplishments. Standing in front of Yao Ziyi, they looked arrogant and proud and said, "Yo, isn't this the former Saint of our Nebula holy land? Tut Tut, they are reduced to being the wind here. Dust girl? "

It was a male monk who looked up and down at Yao Ziyi, gave a sneer, and said, "it's really pathetic. The dignified saint of the nebula holy land doesn't do it. Come and do such shameful things. How short of men are you? Is it difficult that many of my disciples can't satisfy you? "

"Hee hee, sister Yao, I didn't expect you to be like this?" When the men of the nebula holy land were playing Yao Ziyi, a girl in pink came up to Yao Ziyi, sneered, looked up and down at Yao Ziyi, with some pride in her eyes.

Lin Feng stood there, paused for a moment, and still walked over there. This girl is always easy to be bullied.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart. Yao Ziyi didn't mean to speak. He just stood there quietly, looking cold and indifferent. Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Lin Feng sighed, stood in front of Yao Ziyi, looked at the three people in front and said:

"Are you going too far?"

"Yes, which tenant is this? Tut Tut, it seems that it looks good. Someone has come out for you!" The disciple of the first Nebula Holy Land saw Lin Feng, pointed to Lin Feng, turned to look at Yao Ziyi, snorted coldly, and said in a sharp voice.

"Don't go too far." Yao Ziyi stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at the disciples of these Nebula holy places and said faintly.

Yao Ziyi turned to look at Lin Feng. What Yao Ziyi didn't expect was that Lin Feng would be seen here and let Lin Feng see such an embarrassing scene. Yao Ziyi's face was a little red, slightly bit her lips, looked at the disciple of Xingyun Holy Land in front, and a sharp flash flashed in her eyes.

She can accept these disciples' ugly words, but only between her and these disciples, there should be some people who Yao Ziyi can't stand.

After all, she was the saint of the former Nebula holy land. Although Yao Ziyi didn't go back to the nebula holy land, she still had great prestige in the nebula holy land. As soon as Yao Ziyi's eyes cooled down, the disciples behind her couldn't help but be afraid. The girl in pink looked up at the disciples of the nebula holy land and said, "what are you afraid of, Don't forget that this woman has withdrawn from our Nebula holy land, and this woman has participated in that battle before. If this woman hadn't defected, would our Nebula holy land fall into that situation? "

The girl in pink slightly raised her head and looked at Yao Ziyi with a proud face.

"Yes, this woman is a traitor!" The disciples of Xingyun Holy Land echoed behind. Hearing these disciples' words, Yao Ziyi's face suddenly cooled down, and a powerful force spread around. After these disciples felt this force, their faces changed, retreated one by one, with fine light in their eyes. Looking at the scene in front of them, their steps retreated towards the back, and their faces were incredible.

"What else?" Yao Ziyi's face became colder and colder. Looking at these people, she sneered, and the frost sword in her hand made a sharp cry.

"You... Don't mess around. I tell you, I'm the candidate for the virgin of nebula holy land. If you dare to fight me, nebula holy land won't let you go!" The girl in pink looked at Yao Ziyi and saw that Yao Ziyi wanted to fight. She hid behind other disciples in Xingyun holy land and said loudly.


The frost sword came out of its sheath and shuttled among the disciples of Xingyun holy land. The next moment, it was directly put on the neck of the girl in pink. Yao Ziyi's face was cold and her whole body was cold, saying:

"You are not qualified to be a saint of the nebula Holy Land!"

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