At this time, it was obviously for his own boy to find his daughter-in-law!

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the Zhao family, all eyes gathered on the two boxes.

The combination of strong and strong is a very common thing in the cultivation world. Although Shu qiner's eyes are disabled, he looks like a country and a city. He has the posture of heaven and man, excellent talent and amazing cultivation. The external description of Shu qiner has long been beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The boy said by the ancestors of the Zhao family is naturally the successor of the Zhao family. His cultivation is very good. If the two families are married, it is also a good talk.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for loving my little granddaughter, but I'm also old. I won't participate in their young people's world. Let her decide what kind of Childe my girl likes. I won't intervene."

Shu Gexin smiled, waved his hand and said, "no matter when, the door of my Shu family is open to any young talent."

Shu Gexin's words were simple, but he broke this embarrassment. He neither embarrassed the Zhao family, but also threw olive branches to many people. Seeing the people below who were ready to move, Lin Feng shook his head.

The granddaughter of a Mahayana master, where is it so easy to marry home? Especially Shu qiner is a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks. Ordinary people can't match at all.

"Brother Shu, I'm sorry. I was going to take a picture of my grandson as a dowry. Whoever wants to marry my grandson, I decided to use this broken pill as a bride price."

Zhao laoguai smiled and his face was a little gloomy. This guy dared to offend him!

But a small casual repair, give face don't want face!

"Twelve million!" Shu Gexin opened his mouth, smiled and said, "in that case, the one with the highest price will get it."

"Fifteen million!"

"20 million!"

The people below didn't speak and watched the two people start to increase the price.

"Fifty million!" Zhao laoguai opened his mouth again, glanced at Shu Gexin's box and said:

"Brother Shu is just a casual repair. There are many people under the door who want to eat with brother Shu. Can brother Shu still give you this price?"

"Brother Zhao won. I'm convinced that I lost."

Shu Gexin smiled lightly and said.

"60 million!"

As soon as Shu Gexin's words fell, Lin Feng smiled and said, "I think it's possible for me to marry Miss Shu, and I'm willing to buy this broken false pill for Miss Shu."

Lin Feng said with a smile on his face.

Box No. 131, which had not opened for a long time, suddenly opened. Everyone was surprised and looked up at the box. Did the box come out as a demon again?

"Boy, don't think you just export to deal with two children. Now this move works for me." After hearing Lin Feng's voice, Zhao laoguai sneered and said.

"I know, but I bought it on purpose. Who doesn't know that Miss Shu is as beautiful as an immortal. I also look like a jade tree facing the wind. I deserve Miss Shu best." Lin Feng smiled and said, "this is an auction. It's the one with the highest price, isn't it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, he was stunned. Looking at Lin Feng, his face was gloomy and said:

"Seventy million!"

"100 million!" Lin Feng smiled and said directly.

"Boy, you!" Zhao laoguai stood up, his face uncertain, looking at Lin Feng's box No. 131, his words were a little more angry, "boy, you'd better know, don't fall into my hand!"

"In your hands, can you help me? Why not?" Hearing Zhao laoguai's voice, Lin Feng sneered and said, "if you have the courage, ask for a price, otherwise you'd better save it for your grandson to find your granddaughter-in-law!"

"200 million!"

"Three hundred million!"

"400 million!" Zhao laoguai's face became more and more gloomy. Looking at box 131, he wanted to see what else the box wanted!

"Five hundred million..." Lin Feng lengthened his voice. Zhao laoguai's body trembled over there. Five hundred million? Buy a broken delusion pill? This silly boy, 500 million top-grade spirit stones, don't know how many nine pill masters can be trained!

"You won!" Zhao laoguai sneered and said.

"Inferior spirit stone." Hearing the voice of Zhao laoguai, Lin Feng finally finished his words. With a smile, he said, "thank you, Mr. Zhao, for giving up your love. Miss ya'er, I'll give you 500 million lower grade spirit stones!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ya'er rolled her eyes and said:

"My little brother is teasing me. Isn't this a top-grade spirit stone?" Ya'er pursed her mouth and said with a smile.

"Really?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, smiled and said, "but I listen, why is it so different."

"Where is it?" Ya'er was stunned. Seeing Lin Feng's words like a little fox, she always felt that a bad premonition came to her mind.

"Ya'er girl, you see, when we bid, did you say it was a top-grade spirit stone?"

"No." Ya'er shook his head. No one really said that this was the bidding of top-grade Lingshi.

"Well... Did you say that we can't go low? If this auction item fails to reach the expected price, can it also reduce the price? However, look, miss ya'er, I didn't reduce the price. "

Lin Feng smiled and asked again.

"No." Ya'er still shook her head.

"In that case, my price is right."

"However, the auctions here started with top-grade Lingshi." Ya'er smiled and said, "little brother, I'm not a stupid monster! I still think clearly about this point. "

"Does the auction stipulate that inferior spirit stones cannot be used?" Lin Feng smiled and asked again.

"No." Hearing Lin Feng's words, ya'er shook her head again, frowned slightly, and looked at box 131. She had some trouble in her heart. She always felt that this boy seemed to be looking for something on purpose. Is it because of Shu qiner?

Ya'er frowned slightly, and her heart immediately began to want to open.

"Miss ya'er, is there a problem with my offer of 500 million inferior spirit stones?"


"Then, miss ya'er, is my offer reasonable?"

"Good! Such an offer is very reasonable. " Ya'er nodded and said with a smile, but his face was so heavy that he could wring water out, "but did the little brother forget that this is an auction house?"

"I think sister ya'er forgot that once one party quoted the price, everyone didn't make a quotation within the time of a cup of tea, even if they gave up automatically. Didn't miss ya'er find that the time of a cup of tea has passed."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ya'er stopped there for the whole moment. Looking at Lin Feng, she didn't know what to say for a moment. All the reasons were on Lin Feng's side.

Ya'er held the hammer in her hand and didn't know what to do for a while. But Lin Feng's words just came down, and no one had any problems at all.

"Miss ya'er, is it difficult to take back the items put up for auction by Miss ya'er?" Lin Feng smiled and said again.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ya'er's silver teeth bite.

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