Lin Feng smiled, looked at Shi Ningxue and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue stood there, looking colder and colder. In his eyes, this boy is really too much. To be exact, this boy is getting too much!

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue wanted to devour this boy alive. It's just that this boy's ability is too strong.

"OK, I promise you!" For a while, Shi Ningxue said with gnashing teeth. In her increasingly cold eyes, one day, if she let the boy fall into her hands, she would make the boy's life worse than death!

"Please." Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation. Yao Ziyi directly flew up and clasped Shi Ningxue's arm. Shi Ningxue wanted to resist, but Yao Ziyi was so strong that she pinched Shi Ningxue very uncomfortable.

Yao Ziyi seems not to have found it.

The green grass fell next to Shi Ningxue.

"You two, swear, a total of 1.5 billion top-grade spirit stones. There is no credit." Lin Feng stretched out his hand towards Shi Ningxue and said with a smile.

"Isn't it a billion top-grade spirit stones?" Shi Ningxue gnashed her teeth and looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face.

"Yes, Miss Shi Ningxue, you are a billion top-grade spirit stone, but miss Qinghe, there are still 500 million. Miss Qinghe is your right-hand assistant, isn't it? Miss Shi Ningxue thinks you're not worth it?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ning Xuedun was there. Lin Feng was worthless, so Shi Ning Xue couldn't answer. If she didn't give 1.5 billion top-grade spirit stones, she said that their two girls were worthless. If she gave 1.5 billion, Shi Ning Xue wanted to devour Lin Feng alive.

"Lin Feng, you'd better not fall into my hands." Shi Ningxue put a jade pendant on the table, looked at Lin Feng with gnashing teeth and said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't appreciate it, so Miss Shi, don't worry." Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a smile and said, "besides, even if it happens, if Miss Shi Ningxue likes it, I don't mind saying the money again."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a gentle smile at the corners of her mouth. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue's body trembled. After shaking for a while, Lin Feng was still smiling.

"Take the jade pendant and go to any cloud building. Someone will send the money!"

Shi Ningxue straightened up and swore with Qinghe. She looked down at Lin Feng and said fiercely.

"Well, that's the best. By the way, is there a Baiyun Building in Baiyu city? Just send it there. The elder Bai Xu ghost of Baiyu gate will collect the money. Don't embarrass our people. We are all businessmen. Business belongs to business. It's good to meet next time, don't you?"

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a smile and said, "maybe all my disciples of Baiyu sect can come to your cloud building for consumption. After all, the cloud building is a giant in yanxuan continent, and there are your branches everywhere!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue looked down at Lin Feng and said, "it's best not to come all your life!"

"Are you really willing to close the Baiyun Building?" Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile, "you should think about it. Once it is closed, you will lose a lot. Maybe I will open a Baiyu building on your Baiyun Building, and then go out. To be honest, I have nothing in Baiyu gate, but I eat a lot of goods!"

Lin Feng smiled at Shi Ningxue and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue just snorted coldly and said, "really? Congratulations, I hope you can eat more! "

"Thank you!" Lin Feng nodded with a smile, bent over and made a gesture. Instead, he pointed to a magic door not far away and said, "Miss Shi, please!"

Shi Ningxue snorted coldly and turned away with Qinghe. When she came to the door, Shi Ningxue suddenly turned her head. A black object flew directly towards Lin Feng. Feeling this, Lin Feng's body didn't move at all, and the black thing stopped in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningxue with a smile on his face. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue snorted coldly, turned and left directly.

Lin Feng grabbed the little black thing and threw it out gently. Shi Ningxue hurried away. The black thing stuck to a nearby building. The building was constantly corroded by black objects and soon disappeared, and the black thing also disappeared in the corroded building.

"How awesome!" Yao Ziyi whispered and said.

"It's just a little trick!" Lin Feng smiled, shook his head, looked up at the people in the sky and said, "everyone has thought about the deadline!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the originally quiet people immediately became angry. Look at me and me one by one. Finally, all of you raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng in the sky. Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile on his mouth and a calm look on his face.

"There's one last place. Who's going?"



"I have 500 million top-grade spirit stones on me. Let me go!" A young man stood there, looking at Lin Feng, biting his teeth, his eyes red and said.

"But I decided..." Lin Feng took a look at the group of scattered repairs, finally looked at an old man in the corner and said, "Qianlong, does this old man have the smell of dragon nationality?"


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's confused voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind. Then, Qianlong shuttle appeared next to Lin Feng. When he felt it carefully, he shook his head and said:

"It's the smell of that guy, but it's just contaminated with some. The old man should have been to that guy's cemetery!"

Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"Thick soil?"

Lin Feng frowned and whispered, "is it difficult? Has anyone been to the tomb of the dragon on the yanxuan continent?"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's heart trembled. He trembled a little more. For a time, he didn't know what to say. This should be the result he didn't want to face.

"Master, don't worry. The twelve dragon tombs exist for specific people. Only people with Dragon Emperor blood can open the door of the cemetery. Therefore, this guy should only have a breath around the Dragon tomb and didn't go in."

Hearing what Qianlong said, Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyebrows were still frowned and he was not sure.

It's better to go and solve this matter as soon as possible.

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