"Brave, domineering and responsible!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng gave Chu Qianxing a thumbs up. Chu Qianxing's body glittered with thunder. His whole body was blackened by the thunder. After hearing Lin Feng's words, a mouthful of blood spit out directly.

Seeing Chu Qianxing's anger, Lin Feng's smile became more and more beautiful.

"I've been wise all my life. I didn't expect to be defeated by you. Boy, this time, I miscalculated." Chu Qianxing raised his head. There was gloom in his words and said.

Hearing Chu Qianxing's words, Lin Feng just smiled and said, "you're joking. If you didn't kill yourself, you wouldn't have such a thing. However, since you have made clear the reason for your death, I believe you have really awakened."

Lin Feng said with a smile, waved to Chu Qianxing and said, "I won't play with you today. Bye!"

With that, Lin Feng turned directly and offered a sacrifice to Bo xunzuo. Looking at Yao Ziyi standing not far away, he said, "why don't you go?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi returned to her senses, quickly flew to Lin Feng and said, "don't you need to rob thunder?"

"Are you dying or robbing thunder?" Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng said, "let's go, the nine families have come around!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi was stunned. Bo xunsuo took two people into the river and went straight outside along the river.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the sky over Kyushu city. The second thunder came down directly. Chu Qianxing's body went up against the thunder and made a painful cry in the thunder light, but he was still able to stand up in the thunder.

One after another, Chu Qianxing, who had suffered more than a dozen mines, began to lose his breath gradually under the repeated bombing of so many mines.

Finally, a stronger thunder hit Chu Qianxing directly. Chu Qianxing could no longer bear the thunder. His whole body fell into the ground and made a loud bang.

Nevertheless, rob Lei still didn't stop and continued to blast towards Chu Qianxing's body.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Chu Qianxing's whole body exploded in the thunder, and his flesh and blood kept flying in the thunder. It was at the top of a generation of Mahayana. The strong peak was defeated in the flying robbery.

"Did you have a plan long ago?" Yao Ziyi turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head with an honest face. He knew it was impossible to kill Chu Qianxing. Therefore, his original intention was to let those scattered repairs deal with Chu Qianxing. How could he also seriously hurt Chu Qianxing and pick up a ready-made bargain by himself, but what he didn't expect was that Chu Qianxing touched his soaring robbery.

Flying up and robbing together, all the friars who were originally in the array were included in the thunder robbing. These friars made wedding clothes for Chu Qianxing, but Chu Qianxing didn't expect that Lin Feng had the means to take all the friars out, and Chu Qianxing had to face the thunder robbing of nearly 100 people.

Chu Qianxing has been the peak master of Mahayana for many years. It was time to soar long ago, but each one suppressed his cultivation. He wanted to find the best opportunity to soar, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Lin Feng in the end.


Countless lights rose in the whole Kyushu City, and the array of the whole Kyushu city collapsed in an instant and sank into the lake.

Seeing this scene, Yao Ziyi shook her head. This time, the whole Kyushu city was completely abolished.

"Kyushu city has traversed the yanxuan continent for thousands of years. We certainly didn't expect such a result." Yao Ziyi sighed, looked at the scene in the sky, shook her head and said helplessly.

"Even so, what?"

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng just smiled and looked at the sky with his back. He smiled and said, "if it collapses, it will collapse. Let's go. The nine families are expected to surround us in all directions of Kyushu city!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded and said, "are we going to kill a way?"

"Girls, don't shout about killing. We are all civilized people now. We don't have to kill." Lin Feng knocked Yao Ziyi's head with his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, we can go out unimpeded. At that time, the nine families will certainly look at us with new eyes!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Lin Feng. However, she saw that Bo xunzuo directly drew a beautiful arc on the water. The whole color was the same as that of the water. If she hadn't stood in Bo xunzuo herself, Yao Ziyi couldn't even imagine that they were moving in the water now.

What the hell is this, baby?

Yao Ziyi looked down at Bo xunsuo with a bit of surprise in her eyes. Lin Feng's magic weapons are the same as Lin Feng. It's really incredible.

Lin Feng stood at the end of the shuttle and looked ahead. There was a big ship in front of Lin Feng's way.

"Tut Tut, awesome!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "the speed of the nine families is very fast."

"Master, the surrounding area is full of no air arrays. Shall we go directly? The underwater anti air array is not very powerful. We can rush over directly. "

Boqi's voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind and reported the situation to Lin Feng.

"Yes, let's go straight." Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi gave a sound, rushed directly to the bottom of the river with Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi, broke out, flew into the air and into the clouds.

The people of the nine families are still lurking below, and some casual practitioners have joined the camp. These casual practitioners follow the principals of the nine families and say:

"Chu Qianxing launched his mine robbery, and the boy is in the array. Therefore, unless the boy dies, the boy will never come out."

"You'd better make sure that the boy is still there. Otherwise, the benefits promised by our master will not be available." A principal looked seriously at the person in front of him and said.

"Don't worry, we're telling the truth. The boy is still in there. We won't lie to you. Don't worry."

"I hope so. The master said that as long as you can kill this boy, there will be 10 million top-grade spirit stone reward. This is unprecedented in our family. If you want to be really the same as you said, you can enjoy it."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." All the people on the ship were making wishful thinking, smiling and very happy. At this time, Lin Feng's ship had broken through many arrays and flew directly towards the Baiyu gate.

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