Lin Feng took Qin Yanran and Qian Qian to quickly keep up with the frost sword. Old man Huang took Deng Jiajia and followed him. The speed of several people was very fast. They met many ghosts along the way. Lin Feng shot directly.

"Boy, don't do this!" Old man Huang followed Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, he was so anxious that he stamped his feet. However, Lin Feng didn't listen at all, but he killed him all the way.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, old man Huang was worried. He followed behind Lin Feng and looked back. Countless ghosts behind him shouted and followed, and even countless bones and corpses followed.

Seeing this scene, old man Huang's liver trembled. Shaking, his whole body almost stuck to Lin Feng, and his whole body trembled. Shaking, he said:

"Boy, I know you are very capable, but you estimate that we, my disciples and I will be eaten by these things. This sword is a pit goods. If you find the master, you will not come back. If you kill me, you will not go back!"

Old man Huang said with a bitter look on his face.

Since he followed Lin Feng, old man Huang found out. This guy is a wonderful flower. He can do anything!

"Three more keep up!"

"There are three more!"

"Oh, there are two mothers over there!"

Deng Jiajia was dragged away by old man Huang, almost floating up, looking at the Yin Ling behind, oh, said.

"Go!" Qin Yanran whispered and shouted with the emperor's pen in her hand. A purple lightning appeared from the emperor's pen and directly cleaved towards the ghosts.


"Woo woo!"

As soon as they felt the lightning, these ghosts howled and scattered around, but they soon followed.

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng, who was still cutting a path of blood in front of him, and his body trembled. He trembled. It was clear that this guy was pulling hatred. Most importantly, this guy's hatred was fast and ruthless, which made old man Huang feel helpless.

I really can't understand what this guy is doing now.

"Frost sword stopped!" Qianqian shouted with a smile on his face. All the people stopped. The frost sword stood in the air, and the whole sword body trembled slightly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this scene, Qin Yanran stood beside Lin Feng and looked around. There was boundless yellow sand everywhere. This place didn't even have white bones. Why did the frost sword stop?

"This should be the territory of the three ghost King Hu Zhi!" Old man Huang followed breathlessly, looked at all the ghosts outside the fixed circle and said, "what we are stepping on now must be the tomb of Hu Zhi, the three ghost king."

When old man Huang finished, he stopped there, kept retreating, looked back at some ghosts, returned to Lin Feng, held Lin Feng's arm, looked sad and said:

"Boy, don't you know that the fart of the monster can't be touched?"

"What happens if you touch it?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at old man Huang, smiled and asked.

"Touch... Touch, touch will cause an accident. You're wilting. I can't stand it!" Old man Huang turned around and said with a sad face.

"When you come, don't think about what you have or don't have. Our top priority now is to solve this problem." Lin Feng smiled and said, "do you know how to get in this guy's territory?"

Lin Feng looked at old man Huang and asked.

"The way in and out of each ghost King's territory is different. Hu Zhi is a wind and flow guy. Let's not say how many ghost generals are around. He has captured a lot of human women alone. Of course, the final solution of those women is not much better, but many have become ghosts. Those ghosts are entangled around them. Around, we just need to find those ghosts, You can know where to go. "

Old man Huang looked left and right and walked towards the front. From time to time, he stood down and looked. He was holding something like a compass in his hand and studied left and right.

"It's really a bit like that fortune teller." Seeing old man Huang's appearance, Qin Yanran chuckled and said.

"It's really similar." Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said softly with a smile, "but the old man has some real skills. It's a lot easier for us to follow him now."

Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Yes, with the old man here, we will have a great chance to find Ziyi. At least, we should be familiar with the place where we bury bones now." Qin Yanran smiled and nodded. The three men followed old man Huang and walked forward with old man Huang.

"Yes!" Suddenly, old man Huang straightened up, looked to the West and said, "let's go there. There's something we're looking for there."

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng threw his head. As old man Huang walked towards that side, the footsteps of the party were not very fast. The wind and sand in the yellow sand was too strong. The party held hands for fear that they might lose each other.

"Brother Lin, there's something over there!" Qianqian pointed to a direction and said, "I feel it!"

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded and walked quickly towards the other side. Sure enough, he saw several ghosts floating in the dark, completely without his own sense of autonomy.

"This should be a newly formed ghost. We don't need to care. Since she lingers here, it means that the place where she died is not far away. The territory of the ghost King Hu Zhi should be not far away."

Then old man Huang put away his compass, pointed to the front and said, "the wind and sand is the biggest over there. Let's go over there and have a look."

"Now that you've found it, there's no hurry!" Lin Feng smiled. He had a few more arrays in his hand. He turned to look at several people and said, "wait first. I asked Qianlong to send them out and bury them. The aura here is too thin. It takes a lot of time to start the array."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, he watched Lin Feng put all the array plates, and then put the spirit stone.

Old man Huang looked at the bags of spirit stones taken out by Lin Feng and drew a little. There were too many spirit stones around the boy. It seemed that he didn't want to find a way to get them!

For a while, Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said, "well, I'm ready. We can leave now."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go." Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang waved his hand in disgust and walked quickly towards the front.

"What an interesting old man!" Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Qin Yan shook her head and said, "I've never seen such a greedy leader of the school. It's really embarrassing."

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, old man Huang just grunted. He seemed to fully enjoy Qin Yanran's comments. He smiled, shook his head and walked towards the front.

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