Out of the restaurant, Lin Feng went straight back to the old man's shop.

The old man was basking in the sun at the door. When he saw Lin Feng coming, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

He knew that Lin Feng would not come to buy things.

"Boy, if you came to inquire about the woman, I wouldn't tell you." The old man's voice was very soft. Looking at Lin Feng, he said faintly.

"If I have something on me, can I suppress the evil spirit in you? What can you do to clean the residue in your body? "

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Feng smiled, looked at the old man and said, "you can even clean those karma obstacles in your soul. Are you willing to talk to me?"

Lin Feng took a stool and sat opposite the old man, crossed his legs and said with a smile.

The old gentleman, who was originally indifferent, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Lin Feng's words. His sharp eyes directly locked Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng, his fingers trembled slightly. He shook a little and said:

"What did you mean, boy?"

"That's what I mean on the surface." Lin Feng smiled and said, "the old man should have heard of Shenghua pill, which can wash everything. In addition, the old man has prepared a lot of medicinal materials for Shenghua pill, but he can't refine Shenghua pill now because of the lack of main medicine, right?"

Lin Feng tapped his fingers gently, looked at the old man and said with a smile.

The old man looked up at Lin Feng and saw the smile on Lin Feng's mouth. The old man's body trembled slightly and said, "what do you want to explain?"

"Just right, I have a kind of spiritual water. Although this spiritual water is not as good as the main medicine of Shenghua pill, it is in a large number. After refining, it is enough to support a Shenghua pill."

Lin Feng paused for a moment and said again. Looking at the old gentleman, the corners of his mouth slightly stirred up and his eyes flashed brightly. He looked like a fox.

"I won't tell you the news you want, but boy, I advise you to hand over your things and don't force me. Although I don't drink human blood now, it doesn't mean I won't kill anyone!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man's whole body momentum was raised for a moment, and the strong pressure washed directly towards Lin Feng.

If it is an ordinary person, the old man has basically knelt down on the ground after being rolled by the old man during his high riding period, but Lin Feng still sits there with a gentle smile on his mouth and looks at the old man with a bit of banter in his eyes.

For a while, the old man just restrained his spirit, looked at Lin Feng and snorted coldly.

"Don't be so stingy. You see, since we're all standing here now, we'll go on well, won't we?" Lin Feng stood up, patted the dust that was not on his body, and sat there in a different position. "You can see that this is the best of both worlds. In fact, you know better than anyone, don't you?"

The old man looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng sat there with a magnanimous face and let the old man look at him.

For a while, the old man's momentum faded down, sighed and said, "the woman's news is in exchange for Lingshui, isn't it?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded with affirmation in his eyes.

"I don't know her name, but I know her surname is Li. I came out of the bone burial place. At that time, I was the head of the hunter regiment. When I met her, she was pure Yin. This woman's blood was very clean. I moved my heart and chased her for three days and nights. Finally, I fought in the bone burial place..."

The old man paused and tactfully told the story. Lin Feng sat there and listened to the old man. He didn't let go of every detail. Finally, Lin Feng was basically sure that this person must be another beloved woman he was looking for, Yutong.

I've heard from you for so long.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in his heart.

"Then she left and said she wanted to find her husband. Her husband has come to find her. I haven't seen her for many years now." The old man sighed and said, "maybe she has found the person she wants."

"Here you are." Lin Feng nodded, took out a small bottle, handed it to the old man and said, "I hope you can fulfill your long cherished wish, but you should also know that sometimes it is not so simple to fulfill your long cherished wish."

"It's enough. As for whether it can be completed or not, it's all in the future."

The old man took the bottle and put it on the tip of his nose. His eyes lit up immediately. He carefully took the bottle into his arms, took a look at his shop, and then closed the door directly.

"I wish you can refine your own pill and wash away all sins." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Xiao huang'er, follow you now. The child is actually kind-hearted, but he is too jumping off." The old man paused, looked at Lin Feng and said, "I heard that he went back to inherit his family property safely. Now he's doing well."

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "don't worry about him. He's glib and doesn't have a lower limit at all. The old man is doing well."

The old man smiled, shook his head, turned to wave his hand and said, "goodbye, boy. If one day I can really fly up, I will fly up on the buried bone."

With that, the old man's body gradually disappeared into the street. An attack flashed in the distance. A man chased another man and flew over the street. A long sword pierced into the heart of the man behind him.

"Jie Jie, you man, let's find it!" The three men came out of the crowd and directly detained the man. Whether they were in the street, they directly began to suck blood.

Lin Feng passed by the party. A man sucked blood, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His eyes glittered, and his whole body was ready to move.

"Die!" Lin Feng whispered, and the spirit consciousness directly attacked the past.

"Ouch!" The man held his head and wailed. The next moment, his body fell directly to the ground and rolled on the ground.


A man rushed out of the crowd, cut off the man's neck, held the man and disappeared into the crowd.

"Chase!" When the others saw this scene, they all chased after it with excitement.

Lin Feng stood there, looking at the instantly quiet street and shaking his head. These people obviously went to pursue their food.

Such a thing seems to be happening all the time in the streets of the buried bone city.

These people are like crazy people. No matter men or women, if they are careless, they will become other people's food.

"Boy, your skill is good. Do you want to cooperate with us?" A voice sounded from behind Lin Feng, and Lin Feng turned away.

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