This feeling is good. These earth giants do not fight alone, but there is a small serial array under their feet to drive them to fight.

No wonder these local giants cooperate so well and siege so fast. Everything has a reason.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng paused. While observing these guys, he kept retreating, and the Feng Tong sword in his hand attacked the earth giants at their feet.

Several attacks of the earth giant hit Lin Feng, but Lin Feng obviously felt that as he continued to attack the array at the feet of these guys, the speed of these guys began to slow down. Even if he shot, he also slowed down a lot.

Feeling this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

What he wants is such an effect. As the array is constantly destroyed by him, the five earth giants above all look clumsy.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile.

"I knew this guy was definitely not a good man." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, old man Huang rolled his eyes and said, "he can even attack people's footwall. This boy is more wretched than me!"

Old man Huang's words were not polite at all. He rolled his eyes, looked at Lin Feng, looked calm and said.

"What attacks the footwall? Don't you see that Lin Feng is attacking the array at the feet of these earth giants?" Qin Yanran rolled her eyes and said.

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, old man Huang smiled, stood there, touched his nose, looked embarrassed and said, "that... I didn't look at it, it looks a little like..."

The three women's chilly eyes were on old man Huang. Old man Huang smiled embarrassed, stepped back, and stood with Deng Jiajia with some embarrassment on her face.

"Drink!" At this time, Lin Feng gave a low cry. The light under his feet was full, and Feng Tong's sword was flying in the light of the sword.

Entanglement. The five earth giants around Lin Feng raised their hands and attacked Lin Feng at the same time. Lin Feng's whole body was wrapped by the five earth giants. The smell of the earth giant was not weaker than Lin Feng. The light of earth yellow and color was put on them and corrected with the light of Lin Feng. Entangled together, the whole small square became bright!

"This madman!" Seeing this scene, Yao Ziyi's mouth opened slightly, her eyes widened, and her face looked at Lin Feng wrapped by the earth giant.

This madman should use such a move. What if he doesn't succeed?

Yao Ziyi swallowed her mouth. For a moment, she didn't know how to talk about it. She turned her head and looked at Qin Yanran and Qianqian. The two people also looked incredible. Qin Yanran held the emperor's pen. The picture of mountains and rivers was shining on her head. It was very beautiful.

"Broken!" Lin Feng's voice rang out in the center of the venue. The light under his feet was full and completely wrapped the five earth giants. The three women's applications moved. Looking ahead, they were anxious.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Lin Feng's voice came out of the five earth giants. With a bang, the five earth giants exploded directly, and the Loess fell to the ground. Everyone was relieved.

Looking at Lin Feng, everyone's look has changed a little. Sometimes this boy is like this, which makes them worry too much

Qin Yanran took a step forward, holding a handkerchief to wipe the loess from Lin Feng's face. It hasn't passed yet. There was a rumble here. Five earth giants appeared between the two, and the five earth giants attacked Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng's mouth was stained with blood, and there were more green and purple marks on his body. Looking at the earth giant in front of him, Lin Feng smiled and said, "come on, come on, since they are all here, let Grandpa entertain you!"

With that, Lin Feng, holding Feng Tong's sword, rushed directly towards these earth giants.


"Pa Pa!"



The sound of fighting came from the center of the venue. Lin Feng's body shuttled among the earth giants. He had more and more wounds and looked more and more embarrassed.

Lin Feng's clothes were broken, and his blue and purple wounds were greeted by the fist of the earth giant. His whole body looked bloated.

"Drink!" Lin Feng shouted, Feng Tong sword directly into the sky, and the attack of the five earth giants instantly quieted down.


The five earth giants became broken earth again. Lin Feng gasped and looked at the front. His whole body was undulating. A pair of eyes looked at the front. The war intention was more and more obvious in his blood red eyes!

Since you're coming, stop to the end!


Lin Feng's body, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, trembled Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian Qian, but the seriousness between his looks was still there. Since he had chosen this road, there was absolutely no reason to regret it!

"Boom!" The five earth giants attacked Lin Feng again. Lin Feng did not retreat but moved forward and directly attacked these earth giants.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the five people behind swallowed their saliva, and finally took all the words back.

This is the real madman!

It's probably only Lin Feng who can do such a thing.

Thinking of this, all the people turned their heads silently, especially the three women did not look at Lin Feng.

Look, it hurts. Don't look. It doesn't seem to hurt so much!

Thinking so, the three women turned around and whispered about jewelry.

Old man Huang smashed his mouth. He didn't see this scene. He turned around and pretended not to see it.

The battle in the small square continued. After mastering the law, he had to deal with these earth giants much faster. Lin Feng looked serious and thought about his own affairs while fighting with these earth giants.

Suddenly, there were earthy yellow lights around.

The light of earthy yellow flickered, and Lin Feng drank loudly. The last earth giant in the integration stage fell under Lin Feng's sword, and his whole body was divided, and a thick layer of loess was accumulated on the ground.

Lin Feng's whole body fell and sat on the ground. He kept panting. He looked up and saw the appearance of three women. Lin Feng smashed the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

These three girls are really

Lin Feng had some difficulty in controlling his body, sat cross legged, and then began to recover.

Next, I have to face more powerful roles, so I must not be depressed!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng controlled his body and began to practice hard.

When Zhenqi passed through, Lin Feng's body and hair began to ache. Every inch of muscle and bone seemed to have been run over thousands of times. Lin Feng took a breath of cold air.

These guys are so merciless.

Lin Feng whispered silently in his heart, felt the pain on his body, and smiled bitterly.


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