Lin Feng walked towards the front again. Familiar pictures passed around Lin Feng. Lin Feng's mind slowly became firm with the changes of these pictures. This firmness made Lin Feng's whole mind quiet for a moment.

Feeling Lin Feng's tranquility, the enlightenment tower suddenly began to bloom countless milk and white lights. Those white lights were constantly tangled around Lin Feng, wrapping Lin Feng's whole body in it.

"What is Tao?"

A voice with some confusion sounded in Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng's footsteps stopped there. His eyes were confused in an instant, and there was a bit of impenetrable taste in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Feng looked more serious.

Countless breath passed by Lin Feng, and the white fog wrapped Lin Feng's body more and more tightly.

What is Tao?

Lin Feng's eyes are confused. Looking at the front, he has a little more exploration in his eyes. He looks at the front. There seems to be no end in front. Qingshiban road goes up like this, step by step, step by step, scenery, step by step memories. In those memories, there are his best memories.

"What is Tao?"

Lin Feng whispered again, looked ahead and turned his eyes a little more firm.

The Tao is

Tao is the person he wants to protect, the hometown he wants to protect, everything he wants to protect. Tao is his way forward and the way he wants to adhere to!

"The Tao is me, I am the Tao!"

Lin Feng's words were firm. Looking ahead, he said loudly, "I am the Tao!"


A place in Lin Feng's mind opened in an instant, and everything that had been confused became clear in an instant. Lin Feng looked ahead, the whole brain was clear, and an illusory shadow appeared around him, smiling foolishly at Lin Feng.

"Hello!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand towards the figure, and the figure disappeared in his body little by little. Lin Feng's mind was shocked, and a powerful soul force was released in an instant. Then, these soul forces began to solidify little by little.

Lin Feng felt his mind.

The breath in my mind began to become clearer and clearer.

Yes, that's the feeling!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked ahead and stepped out. The scenery in front of him began to change.

The ladder no longer exists. He appears in the small tower again. Beside him, Wei Yunshu is standing there with a confused face, eating and reading in her eyes.

Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, Lin Feng didn't bother. This is Wei Yunshu's own creation.

Lin Feng walked towards the front and smoothly pushed open the door on the second floor of the tower. The world inside the door was full of puppets. These puppets stood there quietly. After feeling Lin Feng's breath, countless puppets all looked at it.

Walking through the enlightenment tower, I only walked through the first floor of the small tower.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Looking at these guys who suddenly appeared, his eyes were more serious. Since these things came, he definitely didn't mean to give up.

"Come on, let's fight three hundred rounds of blood!" Lin Feng's whole body breath was constantly stirring. All his momentum was raised and rushed directly towards the puppets.

The puppet's cultivation was equivalent to that of Lin Feng. He stood there and let Lin Feng rush over.

"Fuck you!" One of the puppets rushed directly towards one of them. The puppet hadn't reacted yet. Lin Feng's attack was in front of him. He rushed directly in front of him and detained the man.

Lin Feng's body turned over and broke free of the puppet's clasp. His whole body appeared behind the puppet and attacked the puppet's back.

The puppet's body kept retreating. Feeling this, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile.

Lin Feng's Fengtong sword looked at another puppet. The puppet fell directly to the ground and was cut to pieces by Lin Feng.

"Come on!" Lin Feng looked at the puppet at the next moment and rushed directly. The three puppets rushed towards Lin Feng and blocked the three directions of progress. Lin Feng was full of energy and directly fought with the three puppets with Fengtong sword in his hand.

The puppet's attacks are very simple, with some spiritual power, but they are not very powerful. Lin Feng can be said to be handy.

However, with Lin Feng's attack, more and more puppets rushed towards Lin Feng.





Although the accomplishments of these puppets were the same, Lin Feng began to struggle with the increase. The field of sword opened at Lin Feng's feet. Looking at a puppet rushing forward, Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

This small tower is really not an ordinary change of state

There are more and more puppets. It must be very difficult for any disciple to deal with them. However, such difficulties are much stronger than those who only know how to practice every day.

Lin Feng's mind moved. If Baiyu sect could have one, the disciples of Baiyu sect would have time to go out and exercise!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. Looking ahead, the stars twinkled in his eyes.

The next step is to deal with these guys.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The light in his eyes became more and more brilliant. Looking ahead, he looked more serious.

"Hey, wait for me!" At this time, Wei Yunshu's figure appeared on the second floor. When she saw Lin Feng in the battlefield, Wei Yunshu shouted.

"You deal with these puppets first. I tell you, these puppets are aimed at individuals!" Lin Feng laughed and said that it would be a puppet killed at his feet. Then, thirteen puppets came towards Lin Feng.

The thirteen puppets directly surrounded Lin Feng. Lin Feng had no time to escape. He could only mobilize all his energy to fight with the thirteen puppets. With the increase of time, all kinds of green wounds began to appear on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's flesh and body are strong, but Lin Feng doesn't have much to do in the face of these puppets.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Feng still hopes to exercise himself well.




Puppets are increasing, and Lin Feng looks more and more embarrassed. At this time, an eye suddenly appears in the small tower and looks in the direction of Lin Feng.

Someone opened 19 puppets?

How many years has it been?

The red eyes of the small tower stared at Lin Feng. After seeing the layers of dragon scales on Lin Feng, the eyes of the small tower suddenly stared round. Lin Feng seemed to feel something. He raised his head and hurriedly closed his eyes.

Lin Feng frowned. The potential energy position opened at his feet, directly wrapped up 21 puppets, and directly killed them at his feet.

His grandmother!

Lin Feng looked at the front and didn't see the puppet. Only then did he gently breathe a sigh of relief.

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