Lin Feng gritted his teeth and kept retreating. His eyes were gloomy and looked at the front.

"Lin Feng, be careful!" Li Yutong shouted. Behind Lin Feng, a robbery thunder appeared out of thin air and greeted Lin Feng.

"NIMA, you still have a way to fight, don't you?" Feeling the thunder in the back, Lin Feng stepped back, gritted his teeth and looked at the thunder in front, sneered and said.


The third lightning appeared on Lin Feng's left.

The fourth lightning appeared on Lin Feng's right.

The fifth way

The sixth way

The seventh way

The eighth way

A series of robbing thunder appeared around Lin Feng. These robbing thunder were only the thickness of his thumb, but the breath above was becoming stronger and stronger. Each robbing thunder appeared, and the breath would be superimposed for several minutes. Even if Lin Feng didn't care at all, Lin Feng's body couldn't help trembling and shaking in the face of these breath.

When a robbery thunder appeared around Lin Feng, Lin Feng stepped back. After feeling the increasingly fierce breath of these robbery thunder, he bit his lips and looked gloomy. These guys are really a trouble!

Lin Feng looked at the thunder, his eyes were cold.

He intended to deal with these thunder robbers, but Lin Feng really couldn't bear so many thunder robbers coming together. It happened that these thunder robbers seemed to have made an appointment and greeted Lin Feng at the same time.

"Your sister's thief, my God!" Lin Feng shouted, and his body penetrated through the thunder, with a strong meat smell on his body. Lin Feng's body shook, and the real Qi kept running in his body.

This thief, my God!

If you do this again, sprinkle cumin and salt on him and you can eat it directly!

Lin Feng glared at the robbed thunder in front of him. The robbed thunder seemed to have a sharp heart. They rushed towards Lin Feng again, and there were more and more.






One hundred and eight robbing thunder tangled around Lin Feng and wrapped Lin Feng's whole body in it; Lin Feng's forehead had huge beads of sweat falling down, and his whole body was on alert. He felt the smell of robbing thunder, and Lin Feng swallowed his mouth.

It was the first time he saw a robbery thunder, like a soul, around him.

"Lin Feng, come on!" Li Yutong and Qin Yanran's shouting came from a distance. Lin Feng's spirit was shocked. He straightened up, put on a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, and said, "NIMA, since you're here, how can you fail?"

Lin Feng's body trembled, and the whole mood flew up.

"NIMA, Grandpa, I don't believe it. I can't solve such a small problem as you!" Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the big guy in front of him. He he smiled and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Feng held the white feather sword in his hand. The field of the sword opened at his feet and rushed directly to rob the thunder.

"Ah!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the two women all turned their heads and couldn't bear to look directly at Lin Feng among the lightning robbers. These lightning robbers are so powerful. How can Lin Feng fight these guys?

"Nothing!" The green spirit shouted, and the two women just relaxed and looked ahead.

In the thunder light, Lin Feng looked very embarrassed. Dao Dao robbed thunder and kept burning on Lin Feng with fire light. Layers of dragon scales on Lin Feng flickered golden light in the sun, enveloping all this.

The second daughter breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Feng for fear that something might happen to Lin Feng.

The second daughter stood there. She knew that they should have listened to Lin Feng and left first. Now she is more and more worried when she sees Lin Feng. Her true Qi has been mentioned to the highest. She is ready at any time. As long as Lin Feng has something bad, they will rush over directly!

Lin Feng's body shuttled through the lightning. 108 lightning waves revolved around Lin Feng, like dense raindrops, hitting him. The pain was unbearable. Although it was protected by dragon scales, the pain reached the bottom of Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng clenched his teeth, and the potential energy position and the field of sword opened at the same time. His momentum was superimposed layer by layer. With the change of breath, everything around him became thin.

Lin Feng's spirit is tight and he always pays attention to the changes of these lightning robbers. The role of spiritual consciousness is played by Lin Feng to the greatest extent. Lin Feng's eyes are serious. After feeling the surrounding breath, he pursed his mouth and his eyes are serious.

These damn guys!

Lin Feng's body kept shuttling through the thunder. Bai Yu sword took up sword Qi and fell into the thunder. Although it weakened the breath of thunder, the thunder was still entangled. Around Lin Feng, he didn't mean to let go.

These guys, this is a complete greeting to him!

Feeling this, Lin Feng stood still, wrapped his body slowly, and rushed towards a robbery thunder.

The mind slowly wrapped up the robbery thunder. The robbery thunder suddenly trembled and shook the spirit stone of Lin Feng into pieces.

The thunder wrapped Lin Feng's body, and kept leaving marks on Lin Feng's body.

"Go!" With a low roar, the smell of the demon smelting pot wrapped Lin Feng in it. The thunder robbed the demon smelting pot, and Lin Feng's body eased temporarily.

Lin Feng sat there cross legged, and the spirit consciousness rushed to rob the thunder again.

The spirit consciousness was entangled in the thunder. It circled for a while before it was broken by the thunder.


Although it was very slow, Lin Feng felt that the time of spiritual consciousness staying in robbing thunder had increased. As long as he had enough time, he was sure to bring robbing thunder into his body!

Even if it's a powerful mine robbery, if he wants to absorb it, then absorb it!

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile, and Lingzhi once again greeted the thunder. This time, he stayed longer.

Although the spiritual consciousness was shattered at one time, Lin Feng's smile at the corners of his mouth became deeper and deeper. He could obviously feel that his spiritual consciousness had built a robbery thunder coming here.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time..." Lin Feng constantly warned himself in his heart. Seeing that this spiritual knowledge would be robbed and wiped away by thunder again, Lin Feng didn't have much fear. Instead, he had a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, and his mood was better.

Lin Feng knew that as long as he had enough time, he could bring the thunder into his body.

As long as it entered his mind and mixed with the previous thunder robbers, these thunder robbers were docile and clever kittens.

Thinking so, Lin Feng's spirit was shocked and once again greeted those looting mines.

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