Qingling stood there, but his arm shook slightly. A huge loess mountain directly hit the disciples of Black Hawk sect. Although these disciples had good cultivation, they were not Qingling's opponents at all. Qingling went down the mountain and went down in a big crash, but his face was pale, but he couldn't say anything.

This is their nightmare!

The body of a group of people trembled, looked up at Qingling and kept retreating.

They can see that the aunt in front of them is the owner they can't provoke.

The disciples of black eagle sect felt this and kept retreating one by one.


At this time, a click came from the distance.

Lin Feng's whole mind recovered in an instant and turned to look over there.

"Click, click, click!" The voice over there went out several times in a row. Lin Feng and Qingling stood together and looked ahead.

"He's an old man. His accomplishments in the middle of Mahayana." Qingling's voice was very weak. Lin Feng nodded and looked at the front with a slight frown. He wanted to see which bastard it was. He was ready to trouble him!

Lin Feng put away Feng Tong's sword and looked forward with some curiosity.

"Who killed my son!" A middle-aged man stood in front of Lin Feng, looked left and right, took a look at the pair of dark things transformed by Qin Zheng on the ground, and the color changed in an instant. He turned his head and looked at it. The flames in his eyes kept growing.

Who dares to attack the people of his black hawk sect? That's enough courage!

Thinking of this, Qin Sheng raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. The momentum of his whole body was raised in an instant and rolled over directly towards Lin Feng.

Feeling the crush of Qin Sheng's breath, Lin Feng just smiled, waved his hand, directly pressed down the breath, and said, "tut Tut, is this the old successor? I said, "you old body and bones, are you sure you can?"

Lin Feng stood there, looked up and down at Qin Sheng, and said with a smile.

"Boy arrogant!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Sheng's face changed instantly. With a wave of his hand, a Black Mist rushed directly towards Lin Feng,

If Lin Feng could not see through the previous attack, Lin Feng finally found the great difference between the two in Qin Sheng's attack.

Although Qin Zheng's aura was somewhat fierce, cold and killing, that kind of oppression was very small in Lin Feng's view.

Obviously, the oppression in their aura was imposed by themselves.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Qin Sheng in front, he shook his hand. The sea god beads dripped around in his body, and a faint brilliance enveloped Lin Feng's God body,

Because of the protection painted by Qin Yanran, but when using dinghaishen beads, Lin Feng still inevitably brought out the breath in dinghaishen beads. Qin Zheng's cultivation is high, but Qin Zheng's cultivation is basically watered the day after tomorrow, which is superficial. Therefore, Lin Feng solved the trouble there with a little action.

But Qin Sheng is different.

Qin Sheng's accomplishments were real, so Lin Feng caught the breath hidden in the aura in an instant.

i see!

Lin Feng knew clearly. Looking at the figure of Qin Sheng rushing over, a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Boy, kill for your life. Since you dare to fight my son, you must do a good job of being killed now!" Qin Sheng's eyes were gloomy. He raised his head and looked at it. His hands shook and an attack rushed directly towards him.

Feeling this attack, Lin Feng's face first changed, and then a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth. With a wave of his hand, a water spirit rushed directly towards Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's footsteps paused for a moment. He felt that the air around him seemed to pause. At the next auricle, an attack directly rushed towards Qin Sheng. Qin Sheng had not responded yet. Lin Feng's attack had come in front of Qin Sheng. Lin Feng smiled and looked down at Qin Sheng, saying:

"Tut Tut, I don't think the attack strength is good. Do you still need to study well?" With that, Fengtong sword appeared behind Lin Feng, and the field of the sword spread under his feet. The sword Qi ran around Qin Sheng's body, but he didn't mean to rush to Qin Sheng,

Qin Sheng was overwhelmed by Lin Feng's attack. He didn't know what medicine Lin Feng was selling in the gourd. Those attacks just entangled him, but he didn't mean to fight at all.,

"Boy, do you think I'm afraid if you play with a fancy gun like this?" Qin Sheng sneered and shook his hand. The black eagle on his arm emerged and wrapped Qin Sheng's whole arm with white light. The next moment, the black eagle made a sharp cry.

A huge black spiritual power training rushed directly towards Lin Feng. Seeing this spiritual power training, Lin Feng's eyes coagulated together and his face was solemn.

"Boy, the ability of my black eagle sect is not understandable by a boy like you. Zheng Er is still young and has joined the black eagle sect for a short time, so I don't know how to borrow my black eagle adult's ability, but boy, since you fall into my hands..."

With a wave of Qin Sheng's hand, the black soul power training was like rolling water flowing east and rushed directly towards Lin Feng. These black soul power training gathered together, constantly changed and rushed towards Lin Feng.

The speed of these black Lingli's sprint was very fast. They greeted Lin Feng directly.

Feeling this, Lin Feng's look changed a little. In turn, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. With a wave of his hand, Qianlong shuttle rushed directly towards the black Lingli.,

"Oh, my God!" Qianlong was thrown out by Lin Feng and shouted, "old man, I'm young and can't bear such a thing!"

Lin Feng didn't take care of Qianlong's roar. Looking at Qin Sheng, the potential energy position bloomed at his feet. Before Qin Sheng could see clearly, Lin Feng's Fengtong sword had reached Qin Sheng. The long sword crossed Qin Sheng's neck. Lin Feng smiled and said:

"I'm sorry, I admit your means are good, but it's almost like your son. Don't take over the old succession. Tut Tut, it's nice that your father and son can get together in the yellow spring and be father and son in the next life!"

Lin Feng's smile on his face was very poor. He stood there, his mind moved, no less than Qin Sheng's divine sense attack, and directly greeted Qin Sheng's body.

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