The black eagle stood there, biting his teeth and looking at Lin Feng, and the whole virtual shadow began to fade slowly.

Unable to see the black eagle, Lin Fengxiang smiled and said, "since you are going to invade my territory, do you think I will let you go?" Lin Feng sneered and sped up the speed of his shot. The shadow kept turning over in Lin Feng's small one-third of an mu, and the shadow became lighter and lighter.

Felt Lin Feng's hand, the surrounding began to fade.

At this time, a dark shadow cut through the sky, and black flames began to appear everywhere outside.

"Lin Feng, all the villages outside are burning!" Qingling stood beside Lin Feng and said loudly.

Lin Feng's body trembled and shook for a moment, and the breath of Dinghai Shenzhu directly shrouded the black eagle. The black eagle was caught off guard by Lin Feng's sudden move, and his whole body was very embarrassed,


Suddenly, the black eagle felt a gap!

A touch of joy flashed in the black eagle's eyes. From this gap, it can escape!

Seeing that the black eagle went towards the gap, Lin Feng smiled. With a wave of his hand, the crack was blocked directly.

"Boy, you and I are at odds!" In the turbulent flow of space, there came the sharp cry of the black eagle. Lin Feng opened his eyes and breathed.

Qingling stood there and saw Lin Feng wake up. He breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his hanging heart. However, he couldn't help turning his eyes. This guy really didn't know to give a notice before doing such a dangerous thing.

"I'll go and have a look!" Lin Feng flew directly in the direction of Li Yutong and Qin Yanran.

"Ah!" Qingling wants to hold Lin Feng, but Lin Feng's speed is too fast and Qingling doesn't catch it.

Son of a bitch!

Qingling clenched his teeth, moved and turned into a yellow light around Lin Feng.

"Wait for me, wait for me!" Qianlong followed Qingling and said, "Oh, my aunt, can't you slow down?"

Qingling's eyes paused on Qianlong. Qianlong immediately shut up, hehe smiled and said, "you're busy, you're busy!"

Qingling turned and walked towards the front. Qianlong breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Qingling's appearance, he felt a drum in his heart. This guy is much more difficult to deal with than thick soil!

"Lin Feng!" At this time, Li Yutong appeared in front of Lin Feng, relieved and said: "don't worry, we have almost handled the things in front, just the villagers..."

With that, Li Yutong's eyes turned red. He stood there with his head down, slightly biting his lips and frost in his eyes. Lin Feng knew that Li Yutong was angry.

This is the unique appearance of sister Tongtong when she is angry.

Feeling Li Yutong's appearance, Lin Feng's look became serious.

"We're still late. By the time we get there, those damn Black Hawk disciples have dealt with all the villagers. It's so damn!" Li Yutong's whole body was shaking. Thinking of what those black hawk disciples had done, Li Yutong's anger couldn't stop at all!

These are unarmed villagers!

"Let's go and have a look over there. There are many villages over there!" Lin Feng's mind moved, glanced around and said to Li Yutong.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong paused for a moment and then followed Lin Feng towards the village over there. Qin Yanran was dealing with the Black Hawk disciples here. When she saw Lin Feng passing over his head, she frowned. As soon as the emperor's pen was thrown away, a golden spiritual practice appeared in the air.

"Go!" Qin Yanran whispered and waved her hand. The emperor's pen circled the whole space. In turn, Qin Yanran's body quickly followed Lin Feng. Behind Qin Yanran, a huge explosion remembered that all the disciples of the Black Hawk sect died in the hands of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.

It's very useful to bring more of this stuff around!

Although the atomic bomb was a little bigger, with the space ring, there was no problem to put some on her. With her own genuine Qi and the help of the emperor's pen, Qin Yanran gave full play to the power of these bombs.

This hill was ground to the ground by the power of the atomic bomb. All the Black Hawk disciples were directly greeted by the atomic bomb. Before they came and howled, they buried their lives there.

"Lin Feng!" Qin Yanran appeared beside Lin Feng, and the three stood in front of the small fishing village that had landed before.

The small fishing village, which was originally quiet and lively, was silent at this time. The village was still there. Then, the villagers' bodies lay there in disorder.

"Team leader, uncle!" A painful voice sounded in the village, and the voice was somewhat familiar.

"Lin Feng, there's someone inside!" Li Yutong walked directly to the front.

"Sister Tongtong, wait!" Lin Feng frowned, pulled Li Yutong, looked ahead, paused and said, "there is the young man who met me before. I feel that this young man seems to be different."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong paused. Qin Yanran was also surprised, but the two women stood there according to their words.

"After all, we are ordinary people. Isn't it bad for us to sit like this? Let's go and get the people out. " For a while, Li Yutong turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly. Li Yutong frowned slightly and his face was full of worry.

"Have you ever seen an ordinary man who can save his life under these heavyweight flames?" Lin Feng frowned, took Li Yutong's hand and said softly, "sister Tongtong, don't worry, maybe this boy's luck is here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Yutong nodded and knew clearly that her relationship was chaotic just now. Now when Lin Feng said this, she immediately understood that the boy in there could survive at this time. It was no accident!

At this time, a huge light suddenly rose in the sky. These lights shrouded everything around them. Lin Feng frowned when he felt these lights.

"Village butchers, there is no amnesty for killing!" With a low roar, a powerful breath directly cut through the sky.

Lin Feng pulled Qin Yanran and Li Yutong back, raised his head and looked at the sky. His face changed. Even if it was him, he had to avoid the edge at this time!

The strength of the boy was somewhat beyond his expectation!

"Let's go to the other side and solve it. Just leave it to him." For a while, Lin Feng paused, took a look at the body without inches in the sky, coughed, and took the second daughter and flew away directly.

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