"What's going on?" The disciples of the Mountain Gate moved in an instant and rushed out one by one.

"Who's thundering inside our door? Is it dead?" A disciple shouted, raised his head, and saw countless disciples standing there. These disciples had some curiosity in their eyes.

In the East HuangGuo area, it is unimaginable for them to put thunder on the territory of Baiyu gate!

This is clearly the hair plucking on the tiger's mouth!

The disciples of Baiyu sect looked at a flash of thunder in the sky with some curiosity, and their eyes were a little surprised.

"What's going on?" Xiao nishang rushed out in a rage, his eyebrows picked, and his words were angry.

Originally, she and Lin Feng were still in love. As a result, there was a sudden flash of thunder in the sky, which completely destroyed the atmosphere.

Xiao nishang was wearing shoes. Her clothes were a little sloppy. Her hair was in a mess. Her face was red and her forehead was covered with sweat. She stood there with a very bad tone.

Everyone's eyes looked at Xiao nishang.

After seeing Xiao nishang's appearance, some disciples were shocked, and there was a little more light in their eyes.

Xiao nishang looked at the disciples inexplicably and turned to the sky. A purple figure appeared over the Baiyu gate, looking at the disciples below with a kind of look in her eyes.

The disciples of Baiyu sect saw the man who suddenly appeared. Look at me. I look at you. They are very ignorant one by one. Who is this?

I have no impression at all!

"Who is the white robe?" Ziyun looked down at these guys in front of him, snorted coldly and said.

"Who are you?" Xiao nishang raised her eyebrows, flew up, stood there, looked at Xiao nishang, his eyes were cold, sneered and said:

"Who let you make trouble here."

Ziyun turned on Xiao nishang, swept around all the disciples of Baiyu sect and said, "give you three breath and give me an answer. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today, Baiyu sect will be removed from the east Yellow kingdom!"

"Tut Tut, it's very loud!" Xiao nishang's temper was raised in an instant. She raised her eyebrows and said, "you really think of yourself as a great person, don't you? If my aunt doesn't get angry, you really think of me as Hello Kitty! "

Xiao nishang flew up and stood in the same position as Ziyun. He raised his eyebrows and said, "come on, how do you want Baiyu gate to be removed from the east Yellow kingdom? How about I accompany you?"

Xiao nishang's fingers shook, and her whole body suddenly lifted up.

Ziyun, who was still arrogant, hummed, stepped back and looked down at Xiao nishang.

Xiao nishang was dressed in a mess and couldn't catch up with the disciples of Baiyu sect.

"You are not from the white feather gate!" Ziyun said softly.

"Yes, I really don't belong to Bai Yumen." Xiao nishang nodded and said seriously.

"Girl, Ziyun and I have no grudges recently and no grudges in the future. It's purely personal to come here. Please don't participate in the affairs of Baiyu gate."

Ziyun arched his hand at Xiao nishang and said.

Xiao nishang can't feel his cultivation. Obviously, he is not Xiao nishang's opponent at all!

He came to Baiyu gate to find trouble. Naturally, he can't offend such an expert again!

Bai Yumen didn't know when he met such an expert. He was caught off guard!

Thinking of this, Ziyun overstated the staff of Baiyu gate in his mind. One by one, there was no task of Xiao nishang. It seems that he thought too much.

Thinking of this, Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were a little more serious.

As long as we solve Xiao nishang and let Xiao nishang leave, their people and horses will be able to solve this place today. The white feather gate is also a little capable. It has taken down the whole East yellow country and is still marching towards other countries. Although this land is small, it is enough for them to develop!

"Tut Tut, where did you come from? Even I don't know?" Xiao nishang chuckled, and her eyes were full of jokes.

Ziyun was stunned and looked at Xiao nishang.

"Don't you know that I'm the wife of the leader of Baiyu sect? Naturally, I am not a disciple of Baiyu sect, because Baiyu sect is mine! " Xiao nishang said with a frank face.


"Ha ha!"

"I'm laughing to death. Who is this? I'm so stupid and come to trouble!"

"I've never seen such a fool before!"

"It's stupid to fly out. We don't even know the headmaster's wife!"

The disciples below laughed with banter on their faces. They looked at the Ziyun above. The laughter made the look on Ziyun's face no longer hang.

This woman

Ziyun looked down at Xiao nishang and took a step back.

His accomplishments are only in the middle of the fit. He can't check too many accomplishments with Bai Pao, which is a little higher than Bai Pao. However, according to their understanding of Bai Yu sect, they are enough to solve the whole Bai Yu sect. However, why is there such a vicious leader's wife in Bai Yu sect suddenly?

Does the leader of Baiyu sect depend on women for food?

Ziyun looked at Xiao nishang.

When Ziyun was looking at Xiao nishang, Xiao nishang naturally saw a large number of Ziyun. He looked up and down at Ziyun and said, "come on, let's discuss how to remove the white feather gate, shall we?"

Seeing Xiao nishang smiling, Ziyun coughed awkwardly and said:

"Madam, all misunderstandings are misunderstandings!"

Ziyun had a smile on his face. He bent over and looked at Xiao nishang. He smiled and said, "I'm just kidding. Please don't care, madam. Don't worry. I'll never say anything like this again in the future!"

"Hehe, do you think there will be another time?" Xiao nishang gave a sneer, shook her hand, and tied Ziyun directly with a spirit training, saying:

"My favorite thing is to make trouble. Come on, come on, since we're all here, let's make trouble together!" With that, Lin Feng attacked Ziyun Kung Fu directly.

Xiao nishang's attack was not heavy. Ziyun stood there and didn't dare to hide. He just stood there carefully and let Xiao nishang's attack hit his pain point.

It hurts!

Ziyun grinned. Xiao nishang's attack was just right. He couldn't bear the pain!

This woman is crazy!

"Hehe, do it!" Xiao nishang took out the long sword in her hand, pointed to Ziyun and said, "don't you want me to get rid of Baiyu gate? Today, let's go through aunt and grandma's level first. After this level, aunt and grandma will award you a flower. How about it? "

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