"Jie Jie, boy, can you lock the whole mountain?" Seeing Lin Feng's practice, the purple emperor laughed and said.

"It's enough to lock the whole mountain for a hundred miles. I'm still confident that I can do it!" Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. There began to be traces of array in some places.

Small arrays are cleverly connected together. In turn, the points linked by these arrays fall on other ground, connecting everything around.

With the continuous upgrading of the array, everything around is connected together.

"How about this array?" Lin Feng smiled and stood in the sky and asked loudly.

There was silence and didn't answer Lin Feng's words. Lin Feng's speed was very fast. The array went out one after another. The spirit stone poured over there without money.

"Boy, you have seed." For a while, the purple Emperor just opened his mouth, gnashing his teeth on his face and said.

"I'm flattered. I don't have any other skills, that is, there are many Lingshi. It's nothing to arrange one or two arrays." Lin Feng said with a smile.

When he killed the disciples of the purple gate, Lin Feng found that the elders of the purple gate had few storage bags. Even the ordinary disciples of the white feather gate had those things, which showed that the purple gate was very poor, especially poor.

There are so many things in such a poor Purple Door!

That's why the purple emperor hid to heal his wounds, and they hid in the mountains and dared not go out.

"Lin Feng, if you arrange the array, will they escape?" Li Yutong asked softly.

"Certainly not. There are monsters around to help me check. If I really want to leave, the monsters will attack long ago." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a positive face.

After summoning the monsters in the mountain, Lin Feng gave orders to the monsters to guard this area and never let any human leave. These monsters received Lin Feng's favor and got benefits. Naturally, they wanted to get more benefits. One by one, they hid themselves in the dark according to Lin Feng's orders.

Lin Feng got a lot cheaper in this way. Lin Feng knew all the trouble of the purple gate disciples.

Pity these purple disciples. They are still thinking about the occupation of the magpie's nest by the dove, but they don't know that what they have done has long been thoroughly touched by Lin Feng. Now they can't appear around Lin Feng, or cause any attack on Lin Feng.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mood became happy.

This is the effect he wants.

"Lin Feng, you are so bad!" Xiao nishang smiled and hammered Lin Feng's chest and said, "I like you!"

"When shall we start?" When Qianqian's whip was thrown, a yellowish and colored spiritual power trembled. It trembled and fell into the mountain forest. A big tree fell down, and the surrounding trees trembled.

"There are so many elders in the early stage of Mahayana in the purple gate. There must be the middle and late stage. At least, the purple emperor who talked to Lin Feng is the level of Mahayana. We'd better be careful. In this way, we can ensure our safety to the greatest extent."

Qin Yanran said softly. Looking ahead, the emperor's pen hid the strokes into the sky and covered everyone's breath a little. Although he can't deceive the purple emperor, at least he can deceive other disciples.

"Yan Ran is right. Let's be careful. The purple emperor is so greedy and afraid of death. He is definitely protected by the middle and late Mahayana period. Therefore, we must not let the old man take advantage of the loophole and face our disadvantage."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, they nodded, bit their lips and stood beside Lin Feng with serious eyes.

To deal with the purple emperor, first set up an array and then catch people.

"The purple emperor is also very upset. Lin Feng is so calm when he arranges the array. He really thinks he is great and can handle us?" Li Yutong chuckled, pursed his mouth and said.

"There are so many experts around the old man. The previous white feather sect is the most powerful, but it's just the flow of white robes. Naturally, he didn't pay attention to it. Even if there is one more Lin Feng, the purple emperor thinks he has many experts around him. He doesn't need to worry about it. To put it bluntly, he is arrogant and thinks he is a flower!"

Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"The purple sect must be one of the best in their world." Bai Shuangshuang said faintly, "otherwise it's impossible to cut through the space and appear here."


Zixia nodded in agreement.

Once they were one of the best big sects in the east Yellow Kingdom, but after Lin Feng began to merge with the Baiyu sect in the yanxuan continent, they found that they were not the only big sect. Most of the disciples who came over crushed them.

Their former pride is gone.

The purple gate is also the same. In that world, it is high above the world, so it is impossible to accept such an outcome at this time, just because it was too powerful, and it is difficult to accept it now.

"Modesty makes people progress and pride makes people retreat. Do you know why our white feather gate can be so powerful?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "because they have such a style as me. The leader of a handsome and modest gentleman."

"Smelly beauty, you!"


Several women rolled their eyes one after another. Lin Feng silently raised his nose and clapped his hands at one go. The surrounding moments quieted down. Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Well, now that the array is arranged, we'll go out."

"Boy, talk." The voice of the purple emperor was still high and said to Lin Feng.

"I never negotiate with small insects hiding in the dark. If you want to negotiate, you can come out and negotiate with me in person." Lin Feng sat there and retorted without hesitation.

"Don't go too far." The purple emperor only felt a stem in his heart and said again.

"What's too much? Is it too much? I'm just seeking truth from facts, okay? I said, do you promise or not? If you promise, come out quickly. If you don't promise, we'll do it. You're such a trouble at my door. Do you think I can entertain you as gently as the sunshine in March and the rain in April? "

Lin Feng sneered and said loudly.

There was silence again. Obviously, the purple Emperor didn't want to come out.

The old man really regarded himself as something. Lin Feng laughed again and shook his head with disdain in his eyes.

"Did we do it?" Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"Now that the prey is ready, we hunters are going to kill." Lin Feng licked his lips and looked at the depths of the mountain. He smiled and said.

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