
The purple emperor vomited out his old blood and looked at Lin Feng.

This time, he was bleeding from Lin Feng's words. This little bastard dared to turn a corner and scold him for his low IQ!

It's lawless!

Lin Feng stood there and sneered at the purple emperor.

The old man looks tough, but he can't deal with it.

"When you reincarnate in your next life, you should still remember to be a good man and don't occupy the territory of others, you know?" Lin Feng stood beside the purple emperor, looked down at the purple emperor, sighed, like teaching a younger generation.

The purple emperor stared at Lin Feng with round eyes. When Lin Feng was talking, his hand turned over and a spirit training directly attacked Lin Feng.

"Ow!" This old man!

Lin Feng covered his wound. There was a small hole in his chest, which pierced through his heart.

The dragon's blood quickly returned to Lin Feng's chest. A golden light twinkled on Lin Feng's chest. The purple emperor stood there and stared round when he saw the golden light from the hole.

On Lin Feng's chest, chains firmly locked Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng's eyes turned golden in an instant. A golden five clawed Golden Dragon seemed to occupy Lin Feng's eyes.

"You... You're not human?" The purple emperor looked at Lin Feng with an incredible face.

"Old man, you know too much." Lin Feng's hands turned into dragon claws and grabbed the head of the purple emperor.

"Click!" The head of the purple emperor was directly broken by Lin Feng, and his whole body fell down. Lin Feng grabbed the soul of the purple emperor, and Jie sneered and said:

"Want to run?"

"Let me go, I won't trouble Baiyu door again." The purple emperor turned his head very quickly, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Don't pay Baiyu door, deal with me?" Lin Feng smiled, "Purple emperor, you know too much."

"No, no, no, I can swear, I won't say anything today, I will never say it!" The purple emperor shook his head and hurriedly explained.

He can feel that his little life is in Lin Feng's hands. This boy is a big trouble!

"Really?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and the golden light in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

The purple emperor nodded madly and looked at Lin Feng with regret in his eyes.

He should have thought of it for a long time. How can an ordinary human boy have a congenital treasure? Even if he can have a congenital treasure, the breath of the congenital treasure will escape. How can this boy live so natural and unrestrained!

The fact is, this boy has a very natural and unrestrained life!

"Don't worry, I will... I won't tell you today. I can swear, really!" The purple emperor looked at Lin Feng and said again.

"I said, is your purple door rich in soft bones like you?"

While Lin Feng was talking, the purple emperor seized a gap in Lin Feng and prepared to attack.

This old guy really doesn't miss a chance to escape!

Lin Feng's speed was very fast. When the purple emperor was about to escape, he grabbed the purple emperor, gave a sneer and said, "want to run?"

"Let me go, I will never say anything about your dragon..."


The words behind the word "dragon" haven't been said yet. Lin Feng directly crushed the soul of the purple emperor and looked up at the sky. The breath of the whole body began to fade with the death of the purple emperor.

"Lin Feng!" Li Yutong reacted the fastest and hugged Lin Feng.

"Hehe, I pretend to be attacked by thunder. The purple emperor, an old man, really has some skills." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

It's probably that the time of cultivation is too long. With the growth of time, each cultivator spends more and more time on Cultivation and becomes more and more silent. Often, when fighting, there are few battles, but he talks a lot. Lin Feng is also so careless that he will let the old guy purple emperor catch a current one.

This old guy is really... Cruel and cruel.

Feeling the pain deep into the bone marrow, Lin Feng didn't even have the strength to lift his hand at this time.

"Are you okay?" Li Yutong carefully checked Lin Feng's body. Except for the wound on his chest, other places were skin injuries, which was not a serious wound, but the wound on Lin Feng was shocking and looked very terrible.

"Can't you be more careful?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Li Yutong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with some Jiao Chen.

"Don't cry, you see, your chest is healing itself. It's okay!" Lin Feng smiled and said.

The other five women also fell beside Lin Feng and surrounded Lin Feng one after another. Their eyes were worried and said:

"Lin Feng, are you okay?"

"Woo woo, you scared me to death!"

"If something happens to you, what shall I do?"

"You son of a bitch, you promised me to stay with me all my life. If you dare to leave like this, I'll take your children to remarry! Anyway, this smelly doll has been in my stomach for so long. If he doesn't grow up and marry others, others won't think it's your child! "

Xiao nishang was the most popular. He stood beside Lin Feng and said angrily.

"I said..." Lin Feng frowned.

Several women gathered in front of me. It was really noisy.

Lin Feng just wanted to say a few words. Several women immediately chirped again and were discussing the issue of resettlement.

Lin Feng only felt his head was abnormal. Every woman was his heart. But when these women came together, Lin Feng wanted to get up and hide.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Li Yutong turned his eyes, leaned close to Lin Feng's ear, bit his lips and said, "it's painful to know that one sister brought back one sister!"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. After hearing Li Yutong's words, he was speechless.

"Well, stop arguing!" Lin Feng shouted, and the women calmed down and looked down at Lin Feng.

"My heart hurts very much. You can send me back first. As for the care, you can solve it privately." Lin Feng sighed and said.

"I carry you with my flying magic weapon!"

"I'll come. My baby is good. You can lie down more comfortably!"

"I'd better come. I can draw a cloud. You're very comfortable lying inside..."

The girls quarreled again.


At this moment, Lin Feng had no choice but to turn around silently and swallow his tears into his stomach.

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