"Yes!" Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. He turned to look at Qin Yanran and said, "I suddenly remembered that someone once said."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran's eyes immediately lit up, looked at Lin Feng and said, "do you have a way?"

"I said how the woman was so willing to send out the place. It turned out that she had some secrets." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "Yan Ran, I'll go to yanxuan continent."

"I'll accompany you!" Qin Yanran immediately followed Lin Feng.

"You stay and contact Xiao Dan. It's best to determine the position of Yang Yang. In this way, maybe between the two positions, we can construct a large array to connect directly. In this way, we don't need to find a channel to enter the fairyland."

Lin Feng organized Qin Yanran and said.

"Good." Qin Yanran hesitated, nodded and said.

Lin Feng's arrangement is obviously very good.

In a few years, the passage between the yanxuan continent and the earth has been basically constructed. I don't know whether it is the connection between the two or a special reason. The difference between the time of the earth and the time of the yanxuan continent has become smaller and smaller. The disciples of the Baiyu sect and the practitioners who threw the ball here have begun to integrate preliminarily, and some high-tech civilizations on the earth have begun to enter the yanxuan continent, The cultivation resources of yanxuan continent are also inclined towards the earth.

The two planets blend with each other, and the integration of the two civilizations makes the two planets begin to evolve continuously.

"Headmaster!" As soon as Lin Feng entered the east Yellow Kingdom, Bai Pao was waiting with his disciples.

"Elder Bai Pao, please arrange someone to find the whereabouts of Shi's children." Lin Feng looked at Bai Pao and said, "inform all Bai Yu sect disciples. Once there is the whereabouts of the Shi family, inform me immediately. I have something urgent."

Lin Feng stood there and said with a serious face.

"Yes!" Bai Pao nodded and looked solemn when he saw Lin Feng's serious appearance. He turned and walked outside. Lin Feng stood there, frowning and serious in his eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's small watch shook.

Lin Feng's finger clicked, the holographic image stood in front of Lin Feng, and Qin Yanran sat in the front.

"Lin Feng, there's news here. Zhao Dan is looking for coordinates and finds that the coordinates are hidden. This is a repeated and complex coordinate. We can't determine the coordinates 100%. However, the level of the planet's plane over there is far away from us and is more advanced than ours."

"Not sure at all?"

"Yes, not at all. There are layers of things on the surface of the planet over there that we can't analyze now. However, by scanning some ideologies floating around the body over there, we can basically determine that there should be the fairyland called by Yang Yang, or it may be the fairyland where monks soared during the Mahayana."

Qin Yanran definitely said to Lin Feng.


Every cultivator, the way of cultivation, is to achieve the great fullness of Mahayana, enter the fairyland and live forever!

"I see. Don't ask Zhao Ji first. I should be able to find a little clue here. Although there are few clues, I should gain something." Lin Feng paused and whispered to Qin Yanran.

"I'm waiting for your news." Qin Yan nodded, her eyes soft.

"By the way, there is another thing. Zhao Dan found a piece of information transmitted by Yangyang space at the beginning. Although there is not enough information, he can roughly restore the channel of Yangyang after the original array was damaged."

Qin Yanran paused and said again.

"Well, I see. It's hard." Lin Feng nodded. His heart was hanging. After hearing Qin Yanran's last news, he felt a little more comfortable.

As long as it is news and useful, Lin Feng doesn't want to miss even a word now.

Here, the news Lin Feng needed was soon passed on, and Lin Feng also found the person he needed.

Shi Ningxue was drinking tea in Yunlou. When she saw Lin Feng coming, her eyes were full of meaning and said, "I thought it was impossible for us to meet in yanxuan mainland. I didn't expect that the opportunities to meet were one after another. I didn't expect that we still had so many opportunities to meet before!"

With a gentle smile on the corners of Shi Ningxue's mouth, she raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. With a bit of cunning in her eyes, she shuttled back and forth on Lin Feng.

"I've come to see you for something." Shi Ningxue's eyes made Lin Feng very uncomfortable. Lin Feng sat opposite Shi Ningxue and directly said his purpose this time.

"Looking for me?"

Shi Ningxue pointed to himself, his eyes widened, and his face was a little gloating. "You should know, I don't like to punish people who tell other people's stories." With that, Shi Ningxue chuckled and turned his eyes around Lin Feng.

"If you find me to understand things, you have to pay a price!"

"You open the conditions, but wait, I need to know the information, you must say everything." Lin Feng nodded and said.

"I think all the hero restaurants you have opened in yanxuan mainland these years have exceeded my cloud building. Otherwise, there are no other requirements. How about 50 hero restaurants?" Shi Ningxue spread her hand towards Lin Feng with a smile.

At first, Lin Feng took away hundreds of cloud buildings from her!

Now most of the hero restaurant is located in the original cloud building, which occupies the best position. Lin Feng has earned a basin full of bowls over the years. Half of the spirit stones in yanxuan mainland have basically entered Lin Feng's pocket!

"Then I'd better find someone else!" Lin Feng stood up and wanted to leave.

"Twenty seats!" Seeing Lin Feng leaving, Shi Ningxue panicked and finally found a chance to kill Lin Feng. As a result, the boy could get information from other places.

Son of a bitch!

Shi Ningxue gritted his teeth.


Lin Feng remained unmoved.


Lin Feng stood there, the corners of his mouth lifted up, and the expression on his face looked like a smile, which made Shi Ningxue unable to touch at all.

"Three seats, I won't give in." Shi Ningxue snorted coldly and said.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, smiled and sat back.

"Swear!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Ningxue gritted his teeth. This boy is very, and he'd better be ready!

"Accept!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile. Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand to Shi Ningxue and established an oath with Lin Feng.

"You ask." Got three hero restaurants. Shi Ningxue stood there and asked with a smile.

"I want to know the passage to the fairyland." Lin Feng smiled at Shi Ningxue and said.

Shi Ningxue, who was still smiling, looked gloomy after hearing Lin Feng's words.

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