It's like a long dry land meets showers. Lin Feng's whole body can't wait to absorb these forces. Although the surrounding aura is not strong enough, it washes towards Lin Feng like a madman.

Lin Feng can feel that these auras are constantly nourishing his body. At this time, the power of the cloud carp, which was still running around in his body, also found a breakthrough and washed directly towards Lin Feng's body.

Cool, too NIMA, cool!

Lin Feng only felt that his hair stood up all over his body. The feeling that his cultivation was filled again made Lin Feng of the assassin unable to stop.

Qianlong was outside. He only saw that Lin Feng's whole body was wrapped by aura, his flesh was absorbing aura, and the look on his face began to change slowly.

Too much change!

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong's eyes were surprised. Unconsciously, Reiki shaped Lin Feng's body bit by bit. At the same time, it also changed Lin Feng's temperament. Even Lin Feng's appearance looked a lot more handsome.

"The fairyland is the fairyland. It will never be the place that can change people!" Qianlong murmured and circled around Lin Feng. He couldn't help but envy more.

This boy's physique is far fetched, but now it seems that his cultivation is getting higher and higher.

"God is jealous of talents. It's just that such a boy should get such a rebellious baby. It seems that the geniuses in the fairy world will be severely hit!" Qianlong's body trembled. Trembled, but how did he feel that his whole body was trembling. Trembling, a feeling of joy completely occupied his heart!

Qianlong surrounds Lin Feng and accompanies Lin Feng.

Gas refining period.

Gas refining period layer 1

Second floor in gas refining period


Foundation period

Jindan period

First floor of Jindan period

Second floor of Jindan phase

The third floor of Jindan phase

The rebuilt road was much harder than before. After reaching the third floor of Jindan period, Lin Feng felt that his strength could no longer go up.

Obviously, their own strength has reached a critical point by this time.

Feeling this, Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but it was still a little worse.

"The aura here is still a little thin." Lin Feng looked at his hands. The feeling that his strength was comfortable made Lin Feng very uncomfortable. In particular, everything around him seemed to have changed.

"Master, you are satisfied. The cultivation accomplishments of the little masters and ladies can be recovered even lower. Although the concentration of aura here is not enough, it is a real fairy world. Feel it. The concentration of aura is thousands of times higher than that of the lower world!"

Qianlong surrounded Lin Feng and said with a smile, "after returning to the fairyland, the master often let us out for a walk. I feel that we all come out for a walk. In this way, the recovery of cultivation can be more rapid!"

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled, nodded, looked at Qianlong and said, "what do I want you to look for?"

"What the master wants, Qianlong naturally doesn't hesitate. Master, you see, this is what I searched from the mountain. Although I don't know a lot of herbs and materials, this mountain is really a little poor. The only baby that can come out is this grade!"

Qianlong sighed and said to Lin Feng.

In his heyday, these little things could not have caught his eye, but now they have become very good things. The changes in the world are really not ordinary.

Thinking of this, Qianlong's mood became depressed.

"Enough. If these materials are placed in the lower boundary, they can be treasures that can make one character argue." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong felt that his heart seemed to be a little better.

"What are you going to do now, master?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong asked carefully.

"I'll prepare something. Go and explore around me to see how the cultivation of those monsters are. Some of them are higher than me, and then their flesh is also good. There are many precious monsters to guard. Let's go and say hello."

Lin Feng said to Qianlong with a smile.

The mountain is sparsely populated. Although its aura is thin, it can not stop the growth of Tiancai and Dibao. His intuition tells Lin Feng that there should be many babies here, but he doesn't know where those babies are hidden now.

It seems that this is also a good place.

Lin Feng's spirit is very good. He glanced around and was very satisfied with the environment here.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong's body trembled. After shaking for a while, he felt that Lin Feng was going to pull out his hair. It seems that the monsters here are going to be pitiful.

Qianlong silently pinched a sweat for the monster. As one of the twelve first dragons who used to be the monster, Qianlong felt that his flesh and blood began to tremble after seeing Lin Feng's expectation to stop vomiting.

Excited, so excited!

"What are you shaking about there?" Lin Feng turned his head and saw that Qianlong's whole body was shaking. Shaking, turned his eyes and said, "hurry up. We have enough time now. Let's go out first."

Qianlong's shuttle body was still shaking. After hearing what he said, he stopped shaking immediately.

"Qianlong, I doubt in my eyes that you used to be a wretched man!" Lin Feng looked up and down at Qianlong and said.

"It's not. I think Qianlong, once a beautiful man who was popular with countless girls, doesn't go with obscenity!" Qianlong immediately refuted Lin Feng's words and said loudly.

"Really?" Lin Feng looked up and down at Qianlong. He didn't trust Qianlong at all. The guy in front of him didn't look like a... Beautiful man who was popular with thousands of girls.

Seeing Lin Feng's suspicious eyes, Qianlong hissed and walked in front of Lin Feng and said, "although you are my master, your life is too short. At the beginning, I was an indomitable existence in the three realms of human, demon and devil!"

Lin Feng has gone downstairs. He feels the women and feels that they are practicing. Lin Feng breathes a sigh of relief and opens the door.

There is already a star in the sky. It's about dawn.

"Master, what do you say to leave? Wait for me, wait for me!" Qianlong returned to Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Let's go. The weather is fine now. Let's go out and have a look at the outside world. It's a little time to come to this place." Lin Feng shook his body and said with a smile.

"Yes, master, master, I have inspected the surroundings before. From here, there is a duanyun beast nearest to us. This guy is the king of this area. His cultivation is good, and his body is full of treasure. He can also be used to make protective soft armor worn by ladies."

Qianlong followed Lin Feng and said with a smile.

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